Found 346 total hits in 208 results.
Marion Parrent, Samuel G. Pettigrew, W. L. Patterson, H. Wm. Patterson, Cyrus Patterson, Nimrod Patterson, David Pultz, Wesley Paxton, Abner Paxton, John A. Paxton, Brenard Pinkerton, Fay Pinkerton, Harvey Payne, Chris. Palmer, W. W. Runnels, James Runnels, Samuel T. Rhea, James A. Strain, Samuel P. Strain, William A. Sandridge, Jacob H. Shaner, John N. Stoner, D. H. Stoner, William M. Sale, Robert Sale, Samuel W. Short, John Sheridan, John N. Snider, James H. Snider, Thomas Sensabaugh, James Smiley, Andrew Smiley, Robert Sterrett, Daniel Swisher, James Swisher, Wm. W. Smallwood, Alexander Stuart, S. W. Stuart, J. G. Stuart, William M. Sterrett, Samuel W. Sterrett, H. L. Terrill, James Terrill, F. H. Templeton, Arch.
Taylor, William Taylor, Howard H. Thompson, John F. Tribbett, William Vines, A. H. Weir, William N. Wilson, Thomas M. Wilson, M. D. Wilson, Samuel N. Wilson, John Edgar Wilson, John W. Wheat, James Withers, H. A. Withers, John H. Whitmore, William Wright, John R. Wright
is, David Dice, George W. Dice, John Dice, Archibald Davis, Andrew Ervin, James B. Firebaugh, James W. Firebaugh, Henry Firebaugh, Taylor Ford, Alexander Ford, Isaac Friend, Robert Fulwiler, Henry A. Green, C. P. Green, John H. Greiner, C. C. Greiner, Granville Greiner, James L. Glendy, J. W. Gibson, John A. Gibson, J. Samuel Gibson, Howard Houston, N. B. Hull, James M. Huffman, John Huffman, Lorenzo Hill, John Hanger, Charles W. Irvine, John Johnston, John M. Kirkpatrick, Joseph Kennedy, Hugh Kennedy, David Kennedy, Joseph Kinnear,W. B. F. Leech, James Lindsay, H. T. Lindsay, John Lowman, James A. Lyle, William A. Lyle, John H. Lyle, James Lockridge, Isaac Lotts, Jacob Ludwick, W. R. Lackey, H. A. Lackey, A. B. Mackey, John W. Mackey, Gideon Marks, H. Rudd Morrison, John R. McNutt, Josiah McNutt, J. J. McBride, Samuel C. McMaster, Samuel Mines, John McKinsey, B. F. McClung, D. B. McClung, James A. McClung, John T. McClung, A. A. McClung, Henry (Little) Mackey, John Henry Mackey, A. A.
es Breedlove, Thomas Chittum, John Chittum, Z. J. Culton, Joseph Culton, John Campbell, William Davis, L. P. Davis, David Dice, George W. Dice, John Dice, Archibald Davis, Andrew Ervin, James B. Firebaugh, James W. Firebaugh, Henry Firebaugh, Taylor Ford, Alexander Ford, Isaac Friend, Robert Fulwiler, Henry A. Green, C. P. Green, John H. Greiner, C. C. Greiner, Granville Greiner, James L. Glendy, J. W. Gibson, John A. Gibson, J. Samuel Gibson, Howard Houston, N. B. Hull, James M. Huffman, John Huffman, Lorenzo Hill, John Hanger, Charles W. Irvine, John Johnston, John M. Kirkpatrick, Joseph Kennedy, Hugh Kennedy, David Kennedy, Joseph Kinnear,W. B. F. Leech, James Lindsay, H. T. Lindsay, John Lowman, James A. Lyle, William A. Lyle, John H. Lyle, James Lockridge, Isaac Lotts, Jacob Ludwick, W. R. Lackey, H. A. Lackey, A. B. Mackey, John W. Mackey, Gideon Marks, H. Rudd Morrison, John R. McNutt, Josiah McNutt, J. J. McBride, Samuel C. McMaster, Samuel Mines, John McKinsey, B. F. McClung,
s A. McClung, John T. McClung, A. A. McClung, Henry (Little) Mackey, John Henry Mackey, A. A. Moore, Jas. McChesney, Robert McChesney, John K. Moore, William A. McCutchan, N. B. McCluer, Ananias J. Miller, John L. Morter, A. H. Moore, David H. McCray, Thomas Norcross, W. A. Norcross, Chas. Newton, James W. Ott, Frank Ott, William H. Parrent, Marion Parrent, Samuel G. Pettigrew, W. L. Patterson, H. Wm. Patterson, Cyrus Patterson, Nimrod Patterson, David Pultz, Wesley Paxton, Abner Paxton, John A. Paxton, Brenard Pinkerton, Fay Pinkerton, Harvey Payne, Chris. Palmer, W. W. Runnels, James Runnels, Samuel T. Rhea, James A. Strain, Samuel P. Strain, William A. Sandridge, Jacob H. Shaner, John N. Stoner, D. H. Stoner, William M. Sale, Robert Sale, Samuel W. Short, John Sheridan, John N. Snider, James H. Snider, Thomas Sensabaugh, James Smiley, Andrew Smiley, Robert Sterrett, Daniel Swisher, James Swisher, Wm. W. Smallwood, Alexander Stuart, S. W. Stuart, J. G. Stuart, William M. Sterrett, S
gh, James W. Firebaugh, Henry Firebaugh, Taylor Ford, Alexander Ford, Isaac Friend, Robert Fulwiler, Henry A. Green, C. P. Green, John H. Greiner, C. C. Greiner, Granville Greiner, James L. Glendy, J. W. Gibson, John A. Gibson, J. Samuel Gibson, Howard Houston, N. B. Hull, James M. Huffman, John Huffman, Lorenzo Hill, John Hanger, Charles W. Irvine, John Johnston, John M. Kirkpatrick, Joseph Kennedy, Hugh Kennedy, David Kennedy, Joseph Kinnear,W. B. F. Leech, James Lindsay, H. T. Lindsay, John Lowman, James A. Lyle, William A. Lyle, John H. Lyle, James Lockridge, Isaac Lotts, Jacob Ludwick, W. R. Lackey, H. A. Lackey, A. B. Mackey, John W. Mackey, Gideon Marks, H. Rudd Morrison, John R. McNutt, Josiah McNutt, J. J. McBride, Samuel C. McMaster, Samuel Mines, John McKinsey, B. F. McClung, D. B. McClung, James A. McClung, John T. McClung, A. A. McClung, Henry (Little) Mackey, John Henry Mackey, A. A. Moore, Jas. McChesney, Robert McChesney, John K. Moore, William A. McCutchan, N. B. McCl
George W. Dice, John Dice, Archibald Davis, Andrew Ervin, James B. Firebaugh, James W. Firebaugh, Henry Firebaugh, Taylor Ford, Alexander Ford, Isaac Friend, Robert Fulwiler, Henry A. Green, C. P. Green, John H. Greiner, C. C. Greiner, Granville Greiner, James L. Glendy, J. W. Gibson, John A. Gibson, J. Samuel Gibson, Howard Houston, N. B. Hull, James M. Huffman, John Huffman, Lorenzo Hill, John Hanger, Charles W. Irvine, John Johnston, John M. Kirkpatrick, Joseph Kennedy, Hugh Kennedy, David Kennedy, Joseph Kinnear,W. B. F. Leech, James Lindsay, H. T. Lindsay, John Lowman, James A. Lyle, William A. Lyle, John H. Lyle, James Lockridge, Isaac Lotts, Jacob Ludwick, W. R. Lackey, H. A. Lackey, A. B. Mackey, John W. Mackey, Gideon Marks, H. Rudd Morrison, John R. McNutt, Josiah McNutt, J. J. McBride, Samuel C. McMaster, Samuel Mines, John McKinsey, B. F. McClung, D. B. McClung, James A. McClung, John T. McClung, A. A. McClung, Henry (Little) Mackey, John Henry Mackey, A. A. Moore, Jas. M
ral hours after the terms of capitulation had been signed by Generals Lee and Grant.
The following is a list of the dead and living who at any time during the war served in the company: William Adams, James Y. Anderson, John Y. Anderson, Samuel B. Anderson, Jacob H. Anderson, Robert Anderson, H. W. Bagley, D. S. Black, William Black, A. M. Brown, Charles B. Buchanan, William Brownlee, Jno. Brownlee, S. Balser, James Breedlove, Thomas Chittum, John Chittum, Z. J. Culton, Joseph Culton, John Campbell, William Davis, L. P. Davis, David Dice, George W. Dice, John Dice, Archibald Davis, Andrew Ervin, James B. Firebaugh, James W. Firebaugh, Henry Firebaugh, Taylor Ford, Alexander Ford, Isaac Friend, Robert Fulwiler, Henry A. Green, C. P. Green, John H. Greiner, C. C. Greiner, Granville Greiner, James L. Glendy, J. W. Gibson, John A. Gibson, J. Samuel Gibson, Howard Houston, N. B. Hull, James M. Huffman, John Huffman, Lorenzo Hill, John Hanger, Charles W. Irvine, John Johnston, John M. Ki