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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2, I. List of officers from Massachusetts in United States Navy, 1861 to 1865. (search)
antic.July 14, 1865.Deceased.Actg. Ensign. Sept. 1, 1863.Actg. Ensign. Morley, Gideon M., Sick.Mass.Mass.Mass.June 6, 1864.Actg. 2d Asst. Engr.Glide.Gulf.Aug. 24, 1864.Appointment revoked.Actg. 2d Asst. Engr. Morrill, Ferdinand G.,Mass.Mass.Mass.Oct. 1, 1864.Actg. Ensign.Sagamore; Chimo. Estrella.East Gulf. Gulf.Aug. 2, 1ctg. Master's Mate. Peakes, Thomas M., Credit, Warren.Mass.Mass.Mass.July 16, 1862.Actg. Ensign.Daylight; Massasoit. Ethan Allen.North Atlantic. East Gulf.Aug. 24, 1864.Appointment revoked.Actg. Ensign. Pearson, George F., In service prior to 1861. See Navy Register.N. H.Mass.Mass.—--, 1861.Captain.Navy Yard.Portsmouth, Nit, Ipswich.Mass.Mass.Mass.—--1861.3d Asst. Engr.Nahant; Unadilla; Shawmut.North Atlantic.Oct. 24, 1868.Resigned.1st Asst. Engr. Aug. 26, 1862.2d Asst. Engr. Aug. 24, 1864.1st Asst. Engr. Talbot, Zepaniah,Mass.Mass.Mass.—--1861.3d Asst. Engr.Chocura; losco.North Atlantic.Dec. 16, 1865.Resigned.1st Asst. Engr. May 13, 1861.2d As<
Weymouth, Mass., Nov. 11, 1875. Baxter, Dewitt Clinton. Born at Dorchester, Mass., Mar. 9, 1829. Lieut. Colonel, 19th Penn. Infantry, Apr. 27, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. 9, 1861. Colonel, 72d Penn. Infantry, Aug. 10, 1861. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1864. Brevet Brig. General U. S. Volunteers, Mar. 13, 1865. Died, May 9, 1881. Beecher, James Chaplin. Born at Boston, Mass., Jan. 8, 1828. Chaplain, 67th N. Y. Infantry, Aug. 31, 1861. Resigned, Sept. 8, 1862. Lieut. Colonel, 141st N. Y.July to Oct., 1862, and of the department of the Northwest, Oct., 1862, to Mar. 20, 1863. Colonel, staff, Additional Aide-de-Camp, July 5, 1862, to May 3, 1866. Assistant in the Q. M. General's office at Washington, D. C., Mar. 20, 1863, to Aug. 24, 1864; and in charge of the Memphis depot, Tenn., Sept., 1864, to July 14, 1866. Lieut. Colonel, staff, Deputy Q. M. General, Apr. 15, 1864. Brevet Colonel and Brig. General, U. S. Army, Mar. 13, 1865. Colonel, staff, Assistant Q. M. General, July
r, Charles E. Second Lieutenant, 5th Infantry, M. V. M., in service of the U. S., July 27, 1864. First Lieutenant, Aug. 24, 1864. Mustered out, Nov. 16, 1864. Fuller, George E. Second Lieutenant, 42d Infantry, M. V. M., in service of the Uantry, Aug. 21, 1861. Resigned, Jan. 8, 1862. Morrill, Charles A. First Lieutenant, 4th Mass. Heavy Artillery, Aug. 24, 1864. Mustered out, June 17, 1865. Morrill, Charles H. Second Lieutenant, 34th Mass. Infantry, Nov. 9, 1864. First , 1861. See U. S. Army. Seely, Montresser. Second Lieutenant, 5th Infantry, M. V. M., in service of the U. S., Aug. 24, 1864. Mustered out, Nov. 16, 1864. Severance, Franklin C. Second Lieutenant, 52d Infantry, M. V. M., in service of 64. Wyer, Edwin F. First Lieutenant, 5th Infantry, M. V. M., in service of the U. S., July 27, 1864. Adjutant, Aug. 24, 1864. Mustered out, Nov. 16, 1864. Wyman, Archelaus C. First Lieutenant, 1st Mass. Heavy Artillery, July 6, 1861.
ssachusetts. Private, Artificer, Corporal and Sergeant, U. S. Engineers, June 4, 1846, to June 4, 1851. Sergeant, U. S. Engineers, June 11, 1851, to June 11, 1861. First Lieutenant, 17th U. S. Infantry, May 14, 1861; accepted, July 9, 1861. Captain, May 25, 1863. Major, 1st U. S. Infantry, June 26, 1882. Lieut. Colonel, 7th U. S. Infantry, Feb. 1, 1887. Retired, Jan. 1, 1888. Collins, Gamaliel. Born in Massachusetts. Chaplain, 72d Penn. Infantry, Aug. 10, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. 24, 1864. Post Chaplain, U. S. Army, Oct. 10, 1867. Retired, Oct. 3, 1879. Colman, William Dean. Born in Massachusetts. Captain, Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Volunteers, Aug. 21, 1861. Honorably discharged, Nov. 12, 1861. Captain, Assistant Adj. General, U. S. Volunteers, June 11, 1862. Killed at the battle of Corinth, Miss , Oct. 6, 1862. Colt, Thomas G. Born in Massachusetts. First Lieutenant, 37th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 5, 1862. Captain, Sept. 23, 1864. Captain, Assistant A
y 24, 1861. Mustered out, July 31, 1861. First Lieutenant, Adjutant, 10th Conn. Infantry, Sept. 22, 1861; mustered, Oct. 26, 1861. Captain, Jan. 2, 1862; not mustered. Resigned, Aug. 12, 1862, as First Lieutenant. Colburn, Elisha H. Corporal, 19th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 19, 1862; mustered, Aug. 28, 1862. Captain, 99th N. Y. Infantry, Feb. 14, 1862. Resigned, June 1, 1863. Collins, Gamaliel. Born in Massachusetts. Chaplain, 72d Penn. Infantry, Aug. 10, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. 24, 1864. Post Chaplain, U. S. Army, Oct. 10, 1867. See U. S. Army. Collins, Lorenzo W. Born in Massachusetts. Second Lieutenant, 7th Minn. Infantry, Aug. 25, 1862; mustered, Oct. 3, 1862. First Lieutenant, Jan. 18, 1863; mustered, Oct. 19, 1863. Brevet Captain, U. S. Volunteers, Mar. 26, 1865. Mustered out, Aug. 16, 1865. Conant, George H. Born in Massachusetts. First Sergeant, 10th Iowa Infantry, Sept. 6, 1861. Second Lieutenant, Oct. 21, 1861. First Lieutenant, June 27, 1862. K
' (Third)brigade. No. 58—(582) January 20, 1864, in Clanton's brigade. No. 59—(861) April 30, 1864, four companies under Maj. Turner Clanton, Jr., in Page's brigade, district of the Gulf; detachment under Colonel Hodgson, Reynolds' brigade. No. 65—(386-425) Mentioned in reports of General Asboth (Union), skirmish near Barrancas, April 4, 1864. Companies G, E and I of the Seventh at Camp Gonzales, July 22d. Three companies left at Fifteen mile Station, July 28th. No. 66—(257) August 24, 1864, Seventh cavalry at Pine Barren bridge. No. 77—(873) Cadet company mentioned by General Chalmers, in referring to attack on Federal gunboats, October 30, 1864. (875) Specially commended in same letter for conduct opposite Johnsonville, November 4, 1864. No. 78—(677, 678) tune 30, 1864, effective total present, 4511 (703) Two companies in Page's brigade at Bay forts, July 10th. (752) August 3, 1864, in Patton's brigade; two companies in Page's brigade. (814)
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Letter from General Hagood on recapture of a flag. (search)
himself already at Battery Wagner and Drewry's Bluff, and participated actively in the battles of Warebottom Church, Cold Harbor and Petersburg on the 16th and 17th June last. I respectfully recommend him for promotion at the earliest opportunity. Attention is respectfully called also to General Hagood's recommendation of his Orderly, Private J. D. Stoney, for a commission. I feel assured he is well-deserving of it. (Signed) G. T. Beauregard, General. headquarters A. N. V., 24th August, 1864. Respectfully forwarded. (Signed) R. E. Lee, General. Bureau of the Adjutant and Inspector General, Appointment Office, September 1st, 1864. Respectfully submitted to the Secretary of War. By order. (Signed) Ed. A. Palfrey, Lieut.-Col. and A. A. General. Respectfully submitted as requested to the notice of the President. (Signed) J. A. Seddon, Secretary of War. 21st September, 1864. There are two modes of recognizing distinguished service-one by promo
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Field Telegrams from around Petersburg, Virginia. (search)
lop's. Camp your brigade for to-night at some convenient point near where you are landed from the cars. Notify army headquarters of your location. Extend same orders to dismounted cavalry. W. H. Taylor, A. A. G. near Petersburg, Va., Aug. 24, 1864—2:45 P. M. Major-General Whiting, Commanding Third District, Wilmington, N. C.: In case of urgent necessity call on General Baker at Goldsboro for assistance. I believe it will prove to be only a feint. G. T. Beauregard. near Petersburg, Aug. 24, 1864—2:45 P. M. Brigadier-General Baker, Commanding Second District, Goldsboro, N. C.: General Whiting is authorized to call on you for assistance should he be hard pressed. Aid him as much as your means will permit. G. T. Beauregard. Petersburg, Va., 25th August, 1864. Major-General George E. Pickett, Hancock's House: You will please send at once the following dispatch by signal, via Dunn's House, to General Beauregard: General G. T. Beauregard: Have felt enemy i
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sketch of Company I, 61st Virginia Infantry, Mahone's Brigade, C. S. A. (search)
Regiment had engaged 150 muskets, 15 ambulance men and 19 officers. The Regiment had killed, 7; wounded, 55; missing, 14; total 76. Strength of company, 38; present, 17; sick, 7,; wounded, 5; detail, 6; captured, 1; under arrest; 2. Killed, 1; wounded, 1; captured, 5; conspicuous for gallantry, 1. August 21, 1864. All the ambulance men, quarter-master's men, sick, wounded, cooks, &c., of the Regiment, were armed and placed in the trenches to protect Petersburg from an attack. August 24, 1864, took up line of march and proceeded to the rail road, and bivouacked on Armstrong's farm. August 25, engaged the enemy near Reams' Station, on the Petersburg and Weldon Railroad. Battle Reams' Station, August 25. Strength of company, 37; present, 13; sick, 6; wounded, 4; captured, 6; detail, 6; under arrest, 2. August, 26, 1864, returned to camp and remained untill October 26, 1864, when we took up the line of march and proceeded to the Plank Road to Buggles mill, and engaged t
9, 1864. Fifth Regiment of Cavalry. (three Years.) Name.Co.Age.Term of service. 210Henry L. BrisonA20Jan. 9, 1864; died April 30, 1864, at Readville, Mass. 211John DoughtyA27Jan 9, 1864; died April 4, 1864, at Readville, Mass. First battalion frontier Cavalry. (one Year.) Name.Co.Age.Term of service. 212George T. LitchfieldB19Dec. 30, 1864, to June 30, 1866. Veteran Reserve Corps. Name.Age.Term of service. 213Joseph Drugan27Aug. 9, 1864. 214Patrick Fallon26Aug. 24, 1864. 216Victor Victorine28Aug. 10, 1864. United States Veteran Volunteers. (Hancock's Corps.) Name.Age.Term of Service. 216Robert Jost33March 20, 1865; dis. March 20, 1866. 217Thomas M. Kenny22Dec. 12, 1864; prom. sergt. 218William M. Payne22Jan. 18, 1865; dis. Jan. 16, 1866. 219Joshua P. Sawyer30Dec. 12, 1864; 1st sergt. From a town Book, and not mentioned in the preceding list. Name.Age.Co.Term of service. 220John S. Alanson31D2d Heavy Art.; Aug. 22, 1863. 221Thom