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his Government to redress the outrage. Mr. Barnwell, from the Finance Committee, reported back the bill fixing the salaries of certain civil officers in the Trans-Mississippi Department.--Passed. The bill extending the time within which old issue notes may be exchanged for new issue from the 1st of January next to the 1st of August next was reported back from the Finance Committee with amendments, and was passed. It, as amended and passed, extends the time of exchange to the 1st of July, 1865, on both sides of the Mississippi. The bill to extend to postmasters the provisions of the law relative to the receipt of counterfeit money by Government officers was reported from the Finance Committee with amendments, and as amended passed. On motion, the Senate resolved into secret session; and the doors being re-opened, adjourned. House of Representatives. The House was opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Minnegerode, of the Episcopal church. Several bills and res
Governor Peirpoint's message. With a short introduction, thanking Divine evidence for the return of peace, and for the harvest — large, all things considered — the Governor comes at once to the Public debt. Aggregate amount up to July 1st, 1865$41,061,316.89 A sets of the State22,709,319.87 The State holds large amounts in the stocks of the various banks, the value of which can not be ascertained until the banks go into liquidation. He recommends that the banks of this State be required to go into liquidation immediately, believing that the longer this is postponed the less the note-holder will receive. Several millions invested in the James River and Kanawha canal will yield no revenue for years to come. For practical purposes, the Literary Fund may be said to have ceased to exist. On the subject of the payment of the late debt and taxation, the Governor offers several suggestions to the earnest consideration of the Legislature, but recommends no positive
--The following eases were disposed of in this Court yesterday: T. G. Austin & Co. against J. Proskhouer. The Court ordered that the defendant pay to the plain tiff the sum of $2,985.25, with legal interest on $21,061.50 from the 21st of November, 1865, and on $818.75 from the 1st of December till paid. Redwood & Keach against Hanes & Co. The Court ordered that the defendants pay to the plaintiffs $498, with legal interest on $166 from April 1st, 1864, and on $166 from the 1st of July, 1865, and on $166 from the 1st day of October, 1865. Robert Turner & Co. against Campbell & Co. The Court ordered that the defendants pay to the plaintiffs the sum of $101.30, with legal interest thereon from the 1st of October. Martin S. Taylor against C. F. Winch. The defendant was ordered to pay to the plaintiff the sum of $114.72. with legal interest from the 25th of August until paid. Robert S. Pollard against E. T. Pilkinton. Defendant ordered to pay the plaintiff $102
The Daily Dispatch: December 11, 1865., [Electronic resource], Admission of Southern Representatives. (search)
n, of Alexandria, offered a resolution inquiring into the expediency of requiring insurance companies from other States to give security within this State for the just and prompt payment of losses upon risks they assure; and whether there be any efficient measure which may be adopted to prevent agents of the same from taking risks in this State. Mr. Clark offered a resolution inquiring into the expediency of legalizing the acts of all the civil officers of the State of Virginia from July 1, 1865, to June 13, 1865, inclusive, excepting insofar as these acts were not in violation of the Constitution of the United States. House bill incorporating the Catawba Coal Mining and Iron Works was passed. Mr. Hancock, of Chesterfield, offered a resolution of inquiry relative to establishing by law certain rules and regulations for the government of negroes actually engaged in agricultural labors. Mr. Straughn, of Northumberland, moved to take up the resolution offered by Mr. He
The Daily Dispatch: December 16, 1865., [Electronic resource], A Washington Judge and a Lawyer at Loggerheads. (search)
rth Carolina Legislature, incorporating the Piedmont railroad, and empowering it to alter its gauge to that of the Richmond and Danville railroad. The bill was passed. Mr. Gilmer resumed and concluded his remarks. The Senate then adjourned. House of Delegates. The House met at 12 o'clock. Prayer by Dr. Burrows. Mr. Garrett, from the Committee on Lunatic Asylums, reported a bill to provide for the liabilities of the Lunatic Asylum at Staunton incurred prior to the 1st day of July, 1865. Mr. Garrett stated that the committee had no report to make relative to the Eastern Lunatic Asylum, the report of the Superintendent of that institution not having been printed. The following bills were considered and passed: Senate bill to incorporate Tanner's Creek Drawbridge Company. House bill to authorize the Auditor of Public Accounts to allow the claims of sheriffs, jailors, clerks, constables, and other public officers, for official services rendered to the
at the Committee on Public Institutions be, and they care hereby, instructed to inquire into the late Armory, with power to send for persons and papers." On motion of Mr. Strother, a bill authorizing the Auditor of Public Accounts to pay claims of public officers in certain cases was taken up and passed unanimously. The following bills were received from the House of Delegates: An act to provide for the liabilities of the Lunatic Asylum at Staunton, incurred prior to the 1st July, 1865. Taken up and passed unanimously. An act to amend the charter of the Midlothian Coal-Mining Company and to extend the duration of the same. The Senate agreed to the House amendment. The report of the Select Committee on Public Printing was amended by striking out the resolution to go into the immediate election of a Public Printer. Mr. McRae offered the following substitute for the report of the committee: "Resolved. That the matter relating to Public Printer be rec