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The Daily Dispatch: November 11, 1863., [Electronic resource], Three hundred dollars reward (search)
Attempt at Burglary.
--On Saturday night an attempt was made by some negroes to force an entrance into the tailoring establishment of Mr. George R. Howard, on 14th street, between Main and Franklin, but some of the night watch being near by, the fellows were frightened off before accomplishing their object.
Subsequently, however, two negroes, named Alexander, slave of James H. Grant, and Robert, the property of Dr. Jones, discovered lurking in the neighborhood of Mr. H.'s store under suspicious circumstances, were pursued, and being overtaken offered stout resistance to the officers, who finally succeeded in effecting their arrest.
One of these fellows drew a pistol from his pocket and fired two barrels at the police before he could be overpowered, neither, however, of which took effect.
Mayor's Court.
--In the absence of Mayor Mayo yesterday morning, who was confined to his room by sickness, Recorder James K. Caskie attended to the business before this Court.
The following cases were heard and promptly disposed of:
Alexander, slave of James H. Grant and Robert, slave of Dr. Tucker, were charged with being suspicious characters and running from the watchmen who made their arrest.
About two o'clock Sunday morning these parties, in company with several other negroes, were discovered by watchmen Blackburn and Crafton in the rear of G. R. Howard's tailoring store, on 14th street, be tween Main and Franklin, while in the act of breaking in, and on being pursued ran off in the direction of Council Chamber Hill.--On reaching the summit of the hill Blackburn and Crafton caught up with Robert, while the others continued their fight, closely followed by watchmen Fabins and Marcellus Hicks, who had by that time joined in the chase.
Marcellus soon ran down and captur
Five hundred Dollars reward.
--Ran away from Chambers) Hospital, in December last a negro fellow named aged about 22 years, 5 feet or 9 inches high, black, and quite likely.
Also, from one of the batteries on the Westham road, in February last, a negro fellow named Coleman, aged 26 or 27 years, very dark complexion, five feet, 10 or 11 inches high, and He was heard from previous to the 1st of March in King William county.
I will give the above reward for the arrest and return to me of the above named negroes, or $250 for either of them. James H Grant, Richmond, Va. ap 19--6t
--Sunday night several thieves went to the farm of Mr. James H. Grant, near the city, and frightening a servant by felling him that they were the advance party of a body of Yankees coming to Richmond, made him deliver up the key of the smoke house.
They then leisurely helped themselves to as much bacon and meal as they wanted and went off.
Later from the North. Orange C. H., April 18.
--Northern dates of the 14th and 15th have been received here.
On the 13th gold went up to 179 in New York, but on the receipt of intelligence that Chase had negotiated a loan of three hundred thousand pounds in London it fell to 175, but rallied again and closed at 177.
The capture of Fort Pillow seems to be confirmed; also the Shreveport news, to some extent.
Grant writes down the official loss at Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain at 600 killed, 4,000 wounded, and 700 missing.
--On Sunday night last, the six white men who robbed James H. Grant's smoke-house, were armed with muskets and bayonets, and made the overseer, a white man, unlock the doors for them.
These men are doubtless a band of thieves, marauding the country for plunder.
Five hundred Dollars reward.
--Ran away from Chimborazo Hospital, in December last, a negro fellow named Isham, aged about 29 years, 4 feet 8 or 9 inches high, black, and quite likely.
Also, from one of the batteries on the Westhern read, in February last, a negro fellow named aged 26 or 27 years, very dark complexion, five feet, 10 or 11 inches high; and likely.
He was heard from previous to the 1st of March in King William county.
I will give the above reward for the arrest and return to me of the above named negress, or $250 for either of them. James H Grant, Richmond, Va. ap 19--6t