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Wise's estimate of the importance of Roanoke Island. his correspondence and interviews with Secretary Benjamin. defences of the Island. naval engagement. Commodore Lynch's squadron. Landing of the enemy on the Island.-)defective reconnoissance of the Confederates. their works flanked. the surrender. pursuit of the Confeder. In the morning of the 7th of February the enemy made an attack, with twenty-two heavy steamers, upon the little Confederate squadron under the command of Commodore Lynch, and upon Fort Bartow, the most southern of the defences on the west side of the island. The action commenced at two miles distance, the Confederate gunboatslled and three wounded. But the engagement had been disastrous. The Curlew, our largest steamer, was sunk, and the Forrest, one of the propellers, disabled. Commodore Lynch writes, in his official report, that at the close of the action he had not a pound of powder or a loaded shell remaining. This singular deficiency of ammunit
rams and transports lay in menace before the city. On the 12th of July it opened fire. While the enemy had been completing his preparations for the bombardment of Vicksburg, the Confederates had been engaged in a well-masked enterprise, and Com. Lynch having improvised a ship-yard near Yazoo City, had been hard at work, night and day, fitting out a ram, called the Arkansas. At the mouth of the Yazoo River, a raft had been built, to afford some sort of protection to the fleet of river passenger and freight boats, that had escaped from New Orleans, and were now concealed in this river, and to put bounds to the enemy's curiosity. One of these vessels was razed by Corn. Lynch, and the construction of the ungainly Arkansas begun. Four large guns were placed aboard; and on the 15th of July, Gen. Van Dorn issued an order to prepare her for immediate and active service, it being intended to use her as part of his force for the relief of Vicksburg. In the early morning of this day,
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2, Chapter 1: the Boston mob (second stage).—1835. (search)
could ensure a dark one (Ms. Nov. 12, 1882). Even their absence did not diminish the throng. Thompson was not there—the ladies were not there—but Garrison is there! was the cry. Garrison! Garrison! We must have Garrison! Out with him! Lynch him! These and numberless other exclamations arose from the multitude. For a moment, their attention was diverted from me to the Anti-Slavery sign [ Anti-Slavery Rooms], and they vociferously demanded its possession. It is painful to state thall undoubtedly indicate what steps we may wisely take upon this subject. . . . It is quite refreshing to see Friend Lundy and the Genius of Universal Emancipation again in the field together. They are Lib. 5.203. bullet-proof. Thou murderer Lynch, avaunt! . . . Rev. Dr. Channing has just published a sort of Ishmaelitish work on slavery. He modestly asks us to give up our watchword Immediate Emancipation, to disband our societies, and to keep our publications from the slaveholders! Hi
tles, 2.289. Pinckney, Henry Laurens [1794-1863], gag resolutions, 2.74, 81, 127. Pitman, Isaac, 1.330. Pitt, William [1759-1806], 1.379, 465. Plumly, —, Mr., 1.137. Plummer, Harriott, 1.330. Polk, James Knox [1795-1849], denounces British Colon. memorial, 1.303, and World's Convention memorial, 2.381. Pollard, Benjamin, 2.15. Poole, William F., 1.90. Porter, William S., Rev. 2.175. Post (Boston), accuses G. of self-mobbing, 1.386, calls Faneuil Hall meeting, 487, warns Judge Lynch away from Boston, 519. Potter, Ray, Rev., [b. Cranston, R. I., 1795; d. Pawtucket, R. I., Mar. 1, 1858], delegate to Nat. A. S. Convention, 1.395, 398; defends G., 2.113. Powers, —, Rev. (of Scituate), 2.228. Prentice, George Denison [1802-1870], praised by G., 1.115; praise in return, and support against Todd, 183; succeeded by Whittier, removal to Louisville, 183, 234; calls G. a lunatic regarding slavery, 234. Prentice, John, delegate to Nat. A. S. Convention, 1.395; report
Date of Muster.Termination of Service and Cause Thereof. Place Credited to. Loring, John H.,24Charlestown, Ma.Jan. 4, 1864,Aug. 11, 1865, expiration of service. Lovejoy, Alvin G.,31Somerville, Ma.July 31, 1861Died Aug. 3, 1863, Baton Rouge, La. Lufkin, Russell S.,40Charlestown, Ma.Sept. 8, 1862Aug. 16, 1864, expiration of service. Lunt, Charles H.,28Charlestown, Ma.Jan. 2, 1864Aug. 11, 1865, expiration of service. Lyman, Benjamin M.,34Orange, Ma.Feb. 8, 1864Feb. 21, 1864, disability. Lynch, Charles,24Boston, Ma.July 31, 18611862, disability. Macomber, Alexander,21Boston, Ma.Sept. 1, 1864June 11, 1865, expiration of service. Maphin, James,22Chelsea, Ma.Jan. 8, 1864Transferred Feb. 2, 1864, to 28th Regt. Marble, Carlos,22Boston, Ma.July 31, 1861Aug. 16, 1864, expiration of service. Marsh, Lewis H.,23Boston, Ma.July 31, 1861Jan. 5, 1864, re-enlistment. Marsh, Lewis H.,25Belmont, Ma.Jan. 6, 1864Died May 15, 1864, New Orleans, La. Marsh, Rufus D.,18Hadley, Ma.Jan. 4, 1864Mar.
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 1, Chapter 14: the Boston mob (first stage).—1835. (search)
er 17: Jail or no jail, we are expecting to see you in Brooklyn Ms. tomorrow noon, or on Saturday at farthest. . . . I suppose you have heard of the presentation of a stout gallows to me, at 23 Brighton Street, Boston, by order of Judge Lynch. It was destroyed by the city authorities. This incident is thus referred to in the Liberator of Sept. 19 (5.151): A heavy present. On Thursday night [Sept. 17], some persons (who evidently belong to that thriftless crew who are spokce ensued. . . . So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. An eye-witness remembers that it was decorated with sea-weed gathered from the conveniently near tide-water. It also bore the superscription, By order of Judge Lynch. If the Judge has arrived here, said the Post, we advise him to take private lodgings while he stays, and clear out as soon as possible—he has got into the wrong box. Garrison has taken off his door-plate. I regret that it was not preserved f
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 3, Chapter 6: third mission to England.—1846. (search)
A few samples of Mr. Garrison's remarks will show alike his tact and his method in addressing foreign auditors: He was received with enthusiastic cheering, hundreds rising London Universe, Aug. 28, 1846; from their seats. He wished to know if they were in earnest when they gave him that reception? Were they disposed to Lib. 16.157. regard him as the friend of universal liberty? Then he begged to tell them, that if they went over to America they would be deemed fit subjects for Lynch law. (Laughter and cheers.) What! were they in earnest? were there no apologists for slavery there? none to applaud those ancient slaveholding patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? none to talk of sending Onesimus back to his master because he was a slave? Were there none to apologize for those pious men who plundered cradles of babes, tortured women by the slave-driver's lash, and sent men to the auction-block? Why, then, said Mr. Garrison, here's my hand for every one of you, a
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 3, Chapter 13: the Bible Convention.—1853. (search)
slavery-sustaining compact. If you use the term Union in the ordinary political sense, then I ask how it happens that you who are pledged to give [no] support to slavery are thus in perfect agreement with those parties? If you do not, then I ask where is the Union, and what do you mean by preserving it? Why, are you not conscious of the fact that in South Carolina, in Alabama, in any slaveholding State, this anti-slavery gathering would not be tolerated? We should all be deemed worthy of Lynch law, and in all probability be subjected to a coat of tar and feathers! What a glorious Union it is that we are enjoying! How worthy of preservation! Alas! the Union is but another name for the iron reign of the Slave Power. We have no common country, as yet. God grant we may have! We have no common Union, as yet. God grant we may have! We shall have it when the jubilee comes—and not till then. The American Anti-Slavery Society met in New York Lib. 23:[78], 81. city at the Chine
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 15: the Circuits.—Visits in England and Scotland.—August to October, 1838.—age, 27. (search)
the castle of Inverary,—the celebrated seat of the Duke of Argyll, and the scene of some of the adventures of Captain Dalgetty in the Legend of Montrose. After the ladies left the table at dinner, his Lordship inquired of me as to the extent of Lynch law in America. He said that it was the great stain of our country, and that it tended to create a distrust in the security of life, freedom, and property; Instances of summary popular justice were then somewhat frequent; they were the incideerhaps regret that they cannot in some way be adopted. His Lordship further said that Congress (and here, of course, he went on mistaken notions of its powers) should appoint a committee at the next session to inquire into the number of cases of Lynch law, and all the circumstances attending their occurrence. Cannot something be done? All the good and sound part of the community should address themselves to this. I have always (with one exception) been treated with great forbearance and del
e—in various skirmishes during the Petersburg campaign, generally with small loss; as the 4th Cavalry near Petersburg (June 10), the 5th Cavalry at Baylor's Farm (June 15), the 1st Cavalry at Samaria Church (June 24), a detachment of the 2d Cavalry at Aldie (July 6), and the 32d Infantry with the 10th Battery in reserve at Deep Bottom (July 21). A more important affair, also at Deep Bottom, occurred on July 27-28, when the 28th Mass., as a part of Barlow's skirmish line, under command of Colonel Lynch (183d Pa.) and under the immediate direction of General Miles, advanced with two other regiments against entrenchments held by both infantry and artillery, and did it so skillfully as to carry them by skirmishers alone, capturing four twenty-pound Parrott guns. Never, I think, did men of the 2d Corps so greatly enjoy riding Confederate cannon into camp. Walker, p. 563. At later periods of the fight the 19th and 20th Mass. and 1st Heavy Artillery were in action with small loss, and the