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ntly exhibited that she should have been allowed to depart. This vessel, it will be remembered, came into port while the Niagara was off here. The schooner seen near the steamer yesterday turns out to be a vessel they brought to and ordered off. Her name we could not learn. They expect an addition to the squadron in a few days, when the port will be completely closed. The fleet have a supply of provisions and water for 30 days, at the expiration of which time they expect to be replenished or relieved. The Minnesota draws twenty-four feet aft and twenty-two feet forward, and is entirely unable to keep small vessels out, the steamer Gen. Clinch, from Santee, having been chased by her yesterday, but the Clinch keeping in shoal water the frigate could not approach her. A small British schooner now here is expected to sail to-day or to-morrow for the Bahamas, with a cargo, and we will be anxious to see if Commodore Stringham will stop her and send her back to port.
ot imperatively demand. From Florida. The Fernandina Floridian, of the 2d inst., says that the entire vote of the city (223,) was cast for Joseph Finegan and Gen Cooper, "the straight-out, immediate, and compromise, now and forever secession candidate." Gov. Perry had passed through on route for his home in Alabama, having purchased in his late trip to the North 1,000 Maynard rifles, and 6,000 Minnie muskets, for the use of the State. A plan is on foot to take possession of Fort Clinch, in the vicinity of Fernandina, and arm it with guns from the fort at St. Augustine. Commodore Kearney will not Resign. Commodore Kearney, second on the Naval list, who sent in his resignation a few days since, has revoked it. In a private letter he says: "Since the course pursued by Charleston lass. I have changed my views in regard to matters in that quarter and elsewhere, and I have asked to be allowed to withdraw my letter of resignation in the Navy." Fortificati
of a most threatening character. [third Dispatch.] Charleston, Jan. 10. --Lt. T. Talbot left Charleston late last night, with dispatches from Maj. Anderson to the President. He goes to Washington for instructions from the President. A party of gentlemen entertained him at the Charleston Hotel before he left. The Courier of this morning gives the following account of the firing into the Star of the West. "About half-past 6 o'clock Wednesday morning, the steamer Gen. Clinch discovered the Star of the West coming into the harbor, and signalled the fact to the occupants of the battery at Morris' Island. As soon as signaled the force on Morris' Island was all astir. The men were at their posts before the order was given, and remained anxiously awaiting for what they believed was sure to come — a volley from Fort Sumter. "The Star of the West rounded the point, and taking the ship channel inside of the bar, proceeded straight forward until opposite the Islan
The Daily Dispatch: August 16, 1861., [Electronic resource], Hospital supplies for the Army of the Northwest. (search)
out. Colored servants especially in danger of being seized as contraband. Privateering. The Charleston Mercury, of the 13th, says: The prize master of the bark which was captured by the privateer Jeff. Davis and ran ashore on Amelia Island, reached this city yesterday. He informs us that the vessel was the Alvarado, Captain Whiting, of and for Boston from the Caps of Good Hope, having a cargo of wool, old copper, sheep and goat skins, &c. Early on Monday, the 5th instant, when nearing Amelia Island, made a sail in chase of the Alvarado, which is supposed to have been the sloop- of-war Vincennes. In consequence of the wind being unfavorable, and the sloop-of-war our sailing the bark, they were compelled to beach her, in order to prevent her falling into the hands of the enemy. The prize crew and the former officers and crew went ashore on the Amelia Island, when the sloop-of-war sent her armed boats alongside the bark and set fire to the vessel. It is supposed tha
Florida defences. --The following will be interesting to our readers: Headquarters 3d Reg. Fla. Vols., Fort Clinch, Amelia Island, Sept. 24th, 1861. To the Citizens of East Florida: --The defences at this point are incomplete, our troops only partially drilled, while we are daily expecting an attack from our enemies. I therefore call upon our fellow-citizens to furnish me, without delay, with at least sixty able negro men, in order to complete our defences. Our patriotic volunteers have been and are working day and night in order to put ourselves in a position of proper defence. To carry on this work, drill has been almost entirely neglected. Men who never before have been accustomed to work, have been handling the spade, the shovel, and the wheelbarrow, with a hearty good will that would astonish their friends at home.--After working night and day for a considerable time, (Sundays not excepted,) they are becoming exhausted. I am therefore under the necessity o
eight, baggage and passengers for Charleston, men, women, children, and servants. This morning, at ten minutes past seven o'clock, the first gun was fired from the enemy, or by our forces, I could not learn which. This continued at intervals for about an hour or so; then came some rousers which shock the houses and rattled the cups and tin pans, and continued very briskly for some minutes, until about forty-five minutes past nine. Since then no more firing has been heard. The Gen. Clinch has returned, after landing stores for the troops at Hilton Head and Bay Point, and reports that two large ships followed Com. Tatnall's little fleet in, throwing shell and shot at them during the chase. They were answered from the little fleet briskly. The Yankee ships continued the chase, and were over the bar. When abreast of our batteries we opened on them, raking one fellow fore and aft, and disabling the other. They quickly retreated, following the old adage, "discretion was th
n of Cumberland Sound, and the Island of Fernandina and Amelia Island, and of the river and town of St. Mary's I sailed ernasdina, and were seen at that moment retreating from Amelia Island, carrying with them such of their munitions as their prks on the south end of Cumberland and the north and of Amelia Islands; but on receiving this intelligence I detached the gunnt Lieutenant White, of the Ottowa, to hoist the flag on Fort Clinch, the first of the national forts on which the ensign of , under Lieut. Miller, was sent from the Mohican to hold Fort Clinch. It is reported to me by Lieutenant Commanding Downary's and Fernandina are uninjured. I visited the town, Fort Clinch, and the earthworks on the sea face of the Island. it is masked. These batteries, and the heavy guns mounted on Fort Clinch, command all the turnings of the main ship channel, and is, if true. We captured Port Royal, out Fernandina and Fort Clinch have been given to us. * * * * * I take great pleas
sition, and saw no more of them after he fired. A negro who had been a prisoner of the Yankees, and escaped from Amelia Island to the camp near Fernandina, states that he was made to assist in burying 47 Yankees, and reports that there were 16 in opened on the city, and it is supposed that they were shelling the town. Fernandina, Fla. Fernandina is on Amelia Island, which forms a part of Nassau county, Florida, The island is sixteen miles in length by four in breadth, and is separnorthward of the new town, Opposite Fernandina, on the other side of Amelia river, is Tiger Island, between which and Amelia island is the harbor, which is one of the best and, arest on the coast, though the draft of water is not equal to that of Beaufort or Brunswick. Nassau county, of which Amelia Island forms an important part, had, in 1850, a population of 2,161, of whom 1,077 were slaves — Its productions in that year were 404,805 pounds of rice, 29,812 bushels of Indian corn, 279 ba
that place. Part of the fences have been destroyed — all of the handsome shade trees cut down. The gardens have been laid waste. Several of the fine residences have been burned down. One of the churches has been converted into a theatre, and another into a nigger school-house. Most of the property abandoned by the citizens has been sold. The prices obtained indicate that the present occupants of Fernandina do not regard the tenure of their ill-gotten possessions as altogether valid and permanent. An attempt has been made to cultivate cotton upon the island, which resulted in a signal failure. The negro fellows are organized into a regiment, five hundred strong, and are principally employed on Fort Clinch, which now mounts sixteen guns. A battery, commanded by negroes, has also been erected. The white troops are encamped on the bluff. Much sickness prevails. At many times there has not been more than ninety men fit for duty. The harbor has again been supplied with buoys.