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Fires near Winchester. --The residence of John Stephenson, Esq., near Winchester, Virginia, was burned, by incendiaries a few days age. Loss, $5,000. The elegant mansion of Captain H. M. Nelson, in Clarke county, was partially burned some nights previously; and, on Sunday night, about 1,200 bushels of wheat, belonging to D. W. Sowers, in the same county, were destroyed by incendiaries.
The Daily Dispatch: October 2, 1861., [Electronic resource], Capture of a Federal officer by a boy. (search)
Capture of a Federal officer by a boy. But few of the readers of the Dispatch know the fact that one of the first prisoners taken on the field of Manassas was captured by Geo. H. Burwell, a boy of 13 years, son of Mr. N. Burwell, of Clarke county, Va. It was on this wise: The boy "had heard of wars and longed to follow in the train" of some bold leader to avenge his country's wrongs; but being too young to enter regularly into service, he accompanied his father, as an independent volunteer, to the plains of Manassas, and with fowling piece in hand, held himself ready to bring down Northern vultures at sight. About the commencement of the famous rout George saw a Yankee Lieutenant making a retrograde movement, and, putting whip to his horse, made after him. "Kickapoo" (who was as keen to catch a Hessian as his young master) cleared the fence at a bound and soon showed the retreating officer that one pair of legs are of little avail against two pair; he stopped short and displ
ll the tropical fruits. Determined to be a soldier — a singular case. Another singular case came under the observation of the Mayor of Augusta, Ga., a few days since, which we find in one of the papers: A corporal in one of the up-country volunteer companies which arrived in our city yesterday, was arrested and brought before Mayor May, on a charge of being a slave.--An investigation of his case was had; he was recognized and identified by a gentleman and his servant, from Clarke county, and finally "acknowledged the corn," but pleaded, in extenuation, that his master would not permit him to join the army of the South, and feeling it his duty to defend his native section against the Lincolnites, he had adopted the plan of passing himself off for a white man, and joining a volunteer company. He was committed to jail, to wait the order of his master. Extortion Condemned. Gov. Moore, of Alabama, in his message to the Legislature after condemning the extortions t
Effect of the war on newspapers. --The Berryville (Clarke co., Va.) Conservator says: The war has operated hard upon newspapers, particularly in this section. In the counties of Clarke, Frederick. Jefferson, Berkeley, Morgan, Hampshire, Shenandoah, Page, Warren, Rockingham, Augusta, and Loudoun, there were published, before the war, twenty-three newspapers Now we know of but seven that are published in those counties, only three of which are published regularly every week, and all, with one exception. considerably reduced in dimensions. Those entirely discontinued, are the Berryville Journal, Charlestown Spirit of Jefferson and Independent Democrat, Shepherdstown Register, Martinsburg American, Berkeley-Springs Constitution, Romney Intelligencer and Argus, Piedmont Independent, Woodstock Tenth Region, Luray Review, Front-Royal Gazettes, Harrisonburg Citizen, Staunton Vindicator, and Leesburg Mirror, The balance are published occasionally. We are happy to know that the
also, made the order of the day for to-morrow at 1 o'clock, P. M. The following resolutions of inquiry were presented and referred to appropriate committees. By Mr. West--Committee on Courts of Justice — to report a bill confiscating the bonds of the State of Virginia held by citizens of the United States. By Mr. Dunn--Committee on Finance — remitting certain fines imposed upon Samuel S. Kinner. Adopted. By Mr. Grattan.--Committee on Finance — to relieve the Sheriff of Clarke county. Adopted. By Mr. McDonald--Committee on Courts of Justice — to protect loyal citizens in Virginia claiming title to certain lands Adopted. By Mr. Wootten--Committee on Roads and Internal Navigation --To authorize Hugh Dillard to build a dam across Smith River. Adopted. By Mr. Booten--Committee on Banks — To report a bill establishing a bank in the town of Luray. Adopted. By Mr. McKenney--Committee on Military Affairs — To report a bill exempting from Military duty t
House of Delegates. Thursday, Feb. 8th, 1862. The House met at 11 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Burrows. Mr. Collier, from the Committee on Finance, reported a bill prescribing penalties against illegal assessments and collection of taxes. Also, an adverse report to the petition of James W. Ryan, Sheriff of Clarke county, asking to be released from the payment of damages. On motion of Mr. Hunter, the unfinished business of yesterday, which was the consideration of Mr. Steger's amendments to the substitute presented by Mr. Hunter to the bill providing for a railroad connection between the Manassas Gap Railroad, at or near Strasburg, and the Winchester and Potomac Railroad, at or near Winchester, was taken up. Mr. Steger concluded his argument in favor of his proposed amendment, and was followed by Mr. Hunter in opposition. After a lengthy debate, Mr. Anderson, of Rockbridge, moved the previous question; which was carried. Mr. Robinson, of Berkeley,
ontents contribute to the support of the and the fine flouring mills of have had to pay their quota to miscreants of the Lincoln des- Thumber of horses have been stolen, negroes are being enticed from their by scores. Many of the citizens of the have been arrested, and are held as prisoners or are required to cath to secure release. , on what is regarded as reliable that a brisk skirmish between the pickets and a portion of Colonel command took place about six Winchester on Thursday evening, resulted in a complete rout of the with the loss of some half dozen killed. is reported at one killed and one . of the New York Herald about of nine cavalry horses near Berry- Clarke county, on Tuesday evening, fabrication. The only foundation story is the fact that one of their pil parties, on the evening in question, that number of horses from farmers in neighborhood. There was no skirmish fact of which the Herald's correspondence no doubt, well aware.
eo N. Gall, Washington county Md; Jacob Sperow, 21 reg't, Berkley county; W H Bird, Rock Artillery, Lexington; Chas W Bingham, 4th reg't, Capt Wade's co; Geo A McCoy, 4th reg't, Capt Newby's co; --Reed, 42d reg't. List of dead. Seventy-seven buried on the battle field — names not known John J Widner, co F, 37th Va; Jas H Payne, company and residence unknown; one unknown; M Bucker, Captain Holliday's co; R Ho p lluas, Lee; W Grubb, Capt Neilson's company; J W Wilson, supposed from Clarke county; one supposed to be Jones, of Charlestown; one supposed to be Lieut Percival; Jas E Barness, Co E, 23d reg't Va; one unknown; John A Wallace, Capt McClenaghan; Capt R Withers, 42d reg't; B G Hubbard, Col Taliaferro's reg't, Loring's division; Capt Jas Y Jones, Co R, 1st Battalion; W E Daley, 42d reg't Va Vol; Jas Hamilton of the Ocutinentals; W T Adams, 21st reg't; J H Hoffason, 27th reg't; Jas McNeal. Botetourt county; H T Neal, Co D, 37th Va reg't two on three more will die to day, (A
from that section. He confirms all that we have heretofore published of the inducements held out by the enemy to the negroes to desert their rightful owners. He states that Col Geary, of Kansas notoriety, in a conversation with a citizen of Clarke county, told him that he did not mean to disguise or conceal the fact that they intended the staves should be liberated, and that he wished it distinctly understood that every negro in Clarke county was as free as his master. This the negroes seem Clarke county was as free as his master. This the negroes seem to perfectly understand, and were taking advantage of it, hundreds of them quitting their comfortable homes to snuff the breeze of an adulterated freedom in the North. Not content with leaving themselves, many of them were stealing horses and riding off under the protection of the Federal authorities. In reference to the battle at Kernstown, the gentleman alluded to thinks that the enemy's loss in killed alone must have been near one thousand. The result of the fight was not regarded as
A gallant youth. Among the prisoners taken at Kernstown, was Geo. H. Burwell, a youth of fifteen years, and of Nathaniel Burwell, of Clarke county. He was a member of Capt. Wm. M. Nelson's company of riflemen, and fought gallantly at the battle of Manassas, where he had the good fortune to escape unharmed, after capturing a Yankee officer. In the battle of Kernstown he was less fortunate, and was captured himself. He is a most gallant youth, and is a fair specimen of the spirits which compose the "Stonewall" Brigade.--We give his own account of his participation in the recent fight. The letter is written to his mother: -- Baltimore Jail, March 27th, 1862. My Dear Mother: I will write a few lines to tell you where I am, and how. I am now a prisoner of war in the Baltimore jail. I was taken near Winchester, on the battle field. March directly after the battle. I had nothing to defend myself with. I shot every cartridge I had at them. On the retreat I think