Found 559 total hits in 380 results.
amp commandant, 67; Meade and, 176; early hours, 239; excitement, 241; cigar incident, 249.
Bingham, Henry Harrison, 253.
Birney, David Bell, 77, 82, 92, 94, 114, 117, 121, 135, 137, 150, 233; described, 107, 188; at Cold Harbor, 146; at Petersburg, 165, 170, 174; death of, 266.
Blake, Peleg W., 169.
Blunt, —, Miss., 76.
Boissac,,----de, 254.
Boleslaski,----Austrian officer, 20.
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 114.
Bootekoff, —, 62.
Botiano, —, 308, 311.
Botts, John Minor, 46, 82.
Boydton plank road, 293, 347.
Bradley, Joseph P., 315.
Breckinridge, John Cabell, 136.
Brevets, distribution of, 257, 289.
Briscoe, James C., 82.
Brockenbrough, Mrs., 131.
Brooks, William Thomas Harbaugh, 148.
Buford, John, 15, 40, 50; described, 21; advice to a volunteer aide, 35.
Bullets, explosive, 102.
Burnside, Ambrose Everett, 87, 91, 93, 94, 96, 97, 106, 108, 110, 114, 128, 134, 140, 211; at church, 120; corps incorporated, 127; at Smith's, 149; at Petersburg, 164, 167, 168,<
ancis, 248.
Fessenden, William Pitt, 249, 259.
Field, Charles W., 360.
Fitzhugh, Norman R., 286.
Flag of truce, 149, 170.
Flint, Edward A., 278, 311.
Forbes's naked-eyed Medusa, 226.
Forsyth, James William, 357.
Fort Fisher, 316.
Fort Harrison, 281.
Fort Stedman, 323.
Fort Wadsworth, 249.
Freikle, —, 287.
French, William Henry, 26, 52, 53, 60, 80; described, 10; at Kelly's Ford, 43; failure to connect, 54; rage of, 57.
Freeman's Bridge, 294.
Garland, John, 313.
Garrett's TFort Stedman, 323.
Fort Wadsworth, 249.
Freikle, —, 287.
French, William Henry, 26, 52, 53, 60, 80; described, 10; at Kelly's Ford, 43; failure to connect, 54; rage of, 57.
Freeman's Bridge, 294.
Garland, John, 313.
Garrett's Tavern, 121.
Gatineau, —, 262.
General, and details of movements, 214.
Germanna Ford, 86.
Germans, poor showing, 131, 207, 214, 277, 285.
Getty, George Washington, 88, 89, 91, 92, 94, 300.
Gettysburg, battle of, 7.
Gibbon, John, 92, 103, 134, 147, 291, 329, 338; described, 107, 268; on Jericho, 135.
Girardey, Victor J. B., 216.
Globe Tavern, 219, 233, 234.
Graham, William Montrose, 16.
Grant, Lewis Addison, 175.
Grant, Ulysses Simpson, 87, 93, 123, 131; described, 80, 81, 8<
uvres about, 160; mine, 195, 310, 341; taken, 333, 339.
Phillips, Charles Appleton, 169.
Picket line, described, 301.
Piney Branch church, 104.
Platt, Edward Russell, 123.
Pleasonton, Alfred, 75, 79, 80; Lyman with, 14; for command, 60.
Pleasants, Henry, 195, 198.
Plunder, demoralizing effect, 40; Hancock and, 288.
Point of Rocks, Appomattox River, 193.
Pontoon bridge, 130, 159.
Po-Ny, 119.
Pope, John, 60.
Poplar Grove church, 234.
Porter, David Dixon, 249.
Porter, Georgia Ann (Patterson), 249.
Porter, Horace, 142.
Potter, Alonzo, 167.
Potter, Robert Barnwell, 166, 212, 219, 234, 237, 296, 297, 334.
Pourtales, Louis Auguste de, 212.
Pratt, Mary, 26.
Prisoners, provost, 13; Rebel, 32, 45, 324, 836, 347.
Punishments, 243.
Raccoon Ford, 19, 68, 69.
Races, horse, 321.
Railroad construction, 311.
Rapidan River, 51.
Rawlins, John Aaron, 91n, 114n.
Reams' station, 224, 234.
Rebels, fighting qualities, 87, 99, 100, 208; privations, 132; va
xicans at Headquarters, 23.
Miles, Jeremiah, 206.
Miles, Nelson Appleton, 150, 292, 322, 331, 337, 338.
Milford, 119.
Miller, Theodore, 324.
Miller, William DeWitt, 225.
Mills, Charles James, 233, 332, 338.
Milroy's weary boys, 98.
Mine Run, 55, 68.
Mitchell, John Fulton Berrien, 48.
Mitchell, William Galbraith, 82, 92, 134, 150, 226, 233, 253, 288.
Moncure house, 122.
Monocacy Bridge, 185.
Montbarthe, Vicomte de, 254.
Morale, in army, 115, 179.
Morgan, Charles Hale, 233, 7.
Ward, John Henry Hobart, 82; relieved from command, 106.
Warren, Gouverneur Kemble, 32, 34, 4, 45, 53, 60, 69, 104, 106, 108, 114, 119, 122, 127, 128, 134, 138, 140, 242, 279, 316, 330, 333; presentation of sword, 25; manoeuvres, 50; at Mine Run 56; Morton's, 70; Sheridan's dislike, 106n; defect, 110n; search for, 146; feeling, 147; before Petersburg, 168, 217, 221, 233, 234, 251, 294, 297; narrow escape, 219; stragglers, 292; relieved of command, 333.
Washburn, Elihu Benjamin, 318,
Graham, William Montrose, 16.
Grant, Lewis Addison, 175.
Grant, Ulysses Simpson, 87, 93, 123, 131; described, 80, 81, 83, 156; confidence of, 91; Lee's retreat, 102; in danger, 105, 210; on fighting in the east, 126; headaches, 130, 354; at Petersburg, 164, 166, 179, 248; French language, 178; Meade and, 224, 272, 359; balance, 243; humor, 269; visits Butler, 279; in Mexican war, 313; presentation of medal, 318; demands Lee's surrender, 354, 355.
Grant, Mrs., 316.
Gravelly Run, 329.
Graves, soldiers', 180.
Greek fire, 280, 283, 284.
Gregg, David McMurtrie, 15, 20, 103, 216, 224, 234, 252, 278, 285, 287, 294; resigns, 310.
Greyhound, steamer, 204.
Griffin, Charles, 26, 87, 88, 114, 127, 232, 233, 235, 242, 316, 329; anger of, 90, 168n.
Guerillas, repressing, 5; operations, 39.
Guinea Bridge, 119.
Gurley house, 234.
Guzman, captain, 178, 179, 183, 190, 214.
Hagood, Johnson, 222.
Hail Columbia and North Carolina regiment, 182.
Halleck, Henry Wager, 37,
1; taken, 333, 339.
Phillips, Charles Appleton, 169.
Picket line, described, 301.
Piney Branch church, 104.
Platt, Edward Russell, 123.
Pleasonton, Alfred, 75, 79, 80; Lyman with, 14; for command, 60.
Pleasants, Henry, 195, 198.
Plunder, demoralizing effect, 40; Hancock and, 288.
Point of Rocks, Appomattox River, 193.
Pontoon bridge, 130, 159.
Po-Ny, 119.
Pope, John, 60.
Poplar Grove church, 234.
Porter, David Dixon, 249.
Porter, Georgia Ann (Patterson), 249.
Porter, Horace, 142.
Potter, Alonzo, 167.
Potter, Robert Barnwell, 166, 212, 219, 234, 237, 296, 297, 334.
Pourtales, Louis Auguste de, 212.
Pratt, Mary, 26.
Prisoners, provost, 13; Rebel, 32, 45, 324, 836, 347.
Punishments, 243.
Raccoon Ford, 19, 68, 69.
Races, horse, 321.
Railroad construction, 311.
Rapidan River, 51.
Rawlins, John Aaron, 91n, 114n.
Reams' station, 224, 234.
Rebels, fighting qualities, 87, 99, 100, 208; privations, 132; valuable qualities, 186; wearing down,
ley, 68, 346.
Mexicans at Headquarters, 23.
Miles, Jeremiah, 206.
Miles, Nelson Appleton, 150, 292, 322, 331, 337, 338.
Milford, 119.
Miller, Theodore, 324.
Miller, William DeWitt, 225.
Mills, Charles James, 233, 332, 338.
Milroy's weary boys, 98.
Mine Run, 55, 68.
Mitchell, John Fulton Berrien, 48.
Mitchell, William Galbraith, 82, 92, 134, 150, 226, 233, 253, 288.
Moncure house, 122.
Monocacy Bridge, 185.
Montbarthe, Vicomte de, 254.
Morale, in army, 115, 179.
Morgan, Charles Hale, 233, 288.
Morris, William Hopkins, 67.
Morris, —, 312.
Morton, James St. Clair, 167.
Morton, Samuel George, 167.
Morton's Ford, 68, 69.
Mott, Gershom, 92, 93, 95, 108, 109, 217, 337.
Mott's division, misconduct, 92, 93, 95, 109, 110n, 114, 208, 252, 294.
Mt. Carmel Church, 122.
Namozine road, 342, 346.
Negro, Virginia, 67; free and slave, 74; troops, 102, 162, 180, 256, 262; aunty, 183; Petersburg mine, 199, 214; burying Rebel dead, 203n; arming southern, 245; poker ga
1, 222.
Benham, Henry Washington, 23, 335; described, 241.
Benson, —, 280.
Bethesda Church, 140.
Biddle, James Cornell, 24, 48, 69, 70, 122, 168, 204, 228, 249, 265, 289; on leave of absence, 59; camp commandant, 67; Meade and, 176; early hours, 239; excitement, 241; cigar incident, 249.
Bingham, Henry Harrison, 253.
Birney, David Bell, 77, 82, 92, 94, 114, 117, 121, 135, 137, 150, 233; described, 107, 188; at Cold Harbor, 146; at Petersburg, 165, 170, 174; death of, 266.
Blake, Peleg W., 169.
Blunt, —, Miss., 76.
Boissac,,----de, 254.
Boleslaski,----Austrian officer, 20.
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 114.
Bootekoff, —, 62.
Botiano, —, 308, 311.
Botts, John Minor, 46, 82.
Boydton plank road, 293, 347.
Bradley, Joseph P., 315.
Breckinridge, John Cabell, 136.
Brevets, distribution of, 257, 289.
Briscoe, James C., 82.
Brockenbrough, Mrs., 131.
Brooks, William Thomas Harbaugh, 148.
Buford, John, 15, 40, 50; described, 21; advice to a volunteer aide, 35.
g, 31, 177; intercourse with enemy, 106, 153, 181; formation of, 263.
Assaults, effect of too many, 148n.
Atlanta, capture of, 228.
Atlanta, iron-clad, 161, 163.
Avery, Martin P., 171.
Ayres, Romeyn Beck, 234, 236, 242, 331.
Babcock, Orville Elias, 161, 314.
Bache, —, 204.
Badajos, English at, 207.
Badeau, Adam, 314.
Baldwin, Briscoe G., 125.
Barlow, Francis Channing, 109, 117, 135,157, 215, 216; described, 107, 158, 189; at Cold Harbor, 144; at Petersburg, 186.
Barnard, Daniel P., 343.
Barnard, George, 91n.
Barnard, John Gross, 248, 290.
Barnes, Joseph K., 248.
Barney, Hiram, 249.
Barrows, William Eliot, 350.
Barstow, Simon Forrester, 7, 48, 64, 232, 289.
Bartlett, Joseph Jackson, 72.
Battle, a great, 101.
Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant, 173n, 201, 222.
Benham, Henry Washington, 23, 335; described, 241.
Benson, —, 280.
Bethesda Church, 140.
Biddle, James Cornell, 24, 48, 69, 70, 122, 168, 204, 228, 249, 265, 289; on leave of absence, 59
9, 70, 122, 168, 204, 228, 249, 265, 289; on leave of absence, 59; camp commandant, 67; Meade and, 176; early hours, 239; excitement, 241; cigar incident, 249.
Bingham, Henry Harrison, 253.
Birney, David Bell, 77, 82, 92, 94, 114, 117, 121, 135, 137, 150, 233; described, 107, 188; at Cold Harbor, 146; at Petersburg, 165, 170, 174; death of, 266.
Blake, Peleg W., 169.
Blunt, —, Miss., 76.
Boissac,,----de, 254.
Boleslaski,----Austrian officer, 20.
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 114.
Bootekoff, —, 62.
Botiano, —, 308, 311.
Botts, John Minor, 46, 82.
Boydton plank road, 293, 347.
Bradley, Joseph P., 315.
Breckinridge, John Cabell, 136.
Brevets, distribution of, 257, 289.
Briscoe, James C., 82.
Brockenbrough, Mrs., 131.
Brooks, William Thomas Harbaugh, 148.
Buford, John, 15, 40, 50; described, 21; advice to a volunteer aide, 35.
Bullets, explosive, 102.
Burnside, Ambrose Everett, 87, 91, 93, 94, 96, 97, 106, 108, 110, 114, 128, 134, 140, 211; at church, 120; corp<