Your search returned 526 results in 329 document sections:

Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bangs, John Kendrick, 1862- (search)
Bangs, John Kendrick, 1862- Author; born in Yonkers, N. Y., May 27, 1862; was graduated at Columbia University in 1883; studied law; became associate editor of Life in 1884; editor of Drawer in 1888, and of Literary notes in Harper's magazine in 1898; and editor of Harper's weekly in 1900.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Barton, Clara, 1830- (search)
, and in 1872 performed a similar work in Paris. For her services she was decorated with the Golden Cross of Baden and the Iron Cross of Germany. In 1881, when the American Red Cross Society was formed, she was made its president, and as such in 1884 directed the measures to aid the sufferers by the Mississippi and Ohio floods. In 1883 she was made the superintendent, steward, and treasurer of the Reformatory Prison for Women, at Sherborn. Mass., and in the same year was special commissioner of foreign exhibits at the New Orleans Exposition. In 1884 she was a delegate of the United States to the Red Cross Conference, and also to the International Peace Conference, both held in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1889 she directed the movements for the relief of the sufferers by the flood at Johnstown, Pa.. and in 1896 went to Armenia and personally managed the relief measures. Prior to the war with Spain she carried supplies to the reconcentrados of Cuba. at the request of President McKin
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bayard, Thomas Francis, 1828-1898 (search)
Bayard, Thomas Francis, 1828-1898 Diplomatist; born in Wilmington, Del., Oct. 29, 1828; grandson of James A. Bayard; was admitted to the bar at Wilmington in 1851, and served as United States District Attorney. From 1869 to 1885 he was United States Senator from Delaware, and foremost among the leaders of the Democratic side. He was a member of the Electoral Commission in 1877, and was for a while president pro tem. of the Senate. In 1880 and 1884 Senator Bayard's prominence in the party brought his name before the National Democratic Convention, but he failed of securing the prize, though receiving many votes. President Cleveland called him in 1885 to the office of Secretary of State, where he remained until 1889, and in President Cleveland's second administration he was first minister and then ambassador (q. v.) to Great Britain. He died in Dedham, Mass., Sept. 28, 1898.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Benham, Henry W., 1817-1884 (search)
Benham, Henry W., 1817-1884 Military officer; born in Cheshire, Conn., in 1817; was graduated at West Point, first in his class, in 1837. He served under General Taylor in the war with Mexico, and was wounded in the battle of Buena. Vista. Early in the Civil War he was active in western Virginia, and afterwards on the South Carolina coast. He assisted in the capture of Fort Pulaski; and in 1863-64 he commanded an engineer brigade in the Army of the Potomac. He was brevetted brigadier-general for services in the campaign ending with the surrender of Lee, and major-general (March, 1865) for meritorious services in the rebellion. He died in New York, June 1, 1884.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Benjamin, Judah Philip, 1811-1884 (search)
Benjamin, Judah Philip, 1811-1884 Lawyer; was born in St. Croix, West Indies, Aug. 11, Judah Philip Henjamin. 1811; was of Jewish parentage, and in 1816 his family settled in Savannah, Ga. Judah entered Yale College, but left it, in 1827, without graduating, and became a lawyer in New Orleans. He taught school for a while, married one of his pupils, and became a leader of his profession in Louisiana. From 1853 to 1861 he was United States Senator. He was regarded for several years as leader of the Southern wing of the Democratic party; and, when the question of secession divided the people, he withdrew from the Senate, and, with his coadjutor, John Slidell, he promoted the great insurrection. He became Attorney-General of the Southern Confederacy, acting Secretary of War, and Secretary of State. After the war he went to London, where he practised his profession with success. He died in Paris, May 8, 1884.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Blackburn, Luke Pryor, 1816-1887 (search)
Blackburn, Luke Pryor, 1816-1887 Physician; born in Fayette county, Ky., June 16, 1816; was graduated at Transylvania University, Lexington, Ky., in 1834, and settled in that city. He removed to Natchez, Miss., in 1846, and when yellow fever broke out in New Orleans in 1848, as health-officer of Natchez he ordered the first quarantine against New Orleans that had ever been established in the Mississippi Valley. He was a surgeon on the staff of the Confederate General Price during the Civil War. When yellow fever appeared in Memphis, he hastened to that city. and organized corps of physicians and nurses, and later went to Hickman. Ky., and gave aid to the yellow fever sufferers there. In 1879 he was elected governor of Kentucky. Dr. Blackburn established the Blackburn Sanitarium for Nervous and Mental Diseases in 1884. He died in Frankfort. Ky., Sept. 14, 1887.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893 (search)
pert in parliamentary law. From 1869 to 1875 he was speaker. In 1876 he was one of the chief candidates for the Presidential nomination, but he and Bristow, the leaders, were set aside for Hayes. In 1880 Grant and Blaine were the candidates respectively of the two great wings of the party, and again a dark horse, Garfield, was selected. President Garfield appointed Senator Blaine Secretary of State, which post he resigned in December, 1881, soon after the accession of President Arthur. In 1884 Mr. Blaine received the Presidential nomination on the fourth ballot. An extraordinary campaign followed between his adherents and those of Gov. Grover Cleveland, the Democratic candidate, and the election turned on the result in New York, which was lost to Mr. Blaine by 1,047 votes. The defection of the Mugwumps, the vote of the Prohibitionists, and the fatal Rum, Romanism, and, rebellion utterance of Dr. Burchard, have all been assigned as causes of his defeat. Mr. Blaine then resumed hi
own as the Orange Free State, and the remainder in the present colony of Natal. The settlers in the latter region stayed there until Great Britain took possession of it in 1843, when they removed farther north, and organized the South African, or, as it has been generally called, the Transvaal, Republic. In 1877 the South African Republic was annexed by the British government; in 1880 the Boers there rose in revolt: in 1881 a peace was signed giving the Boers limited self-government: and in 1884 another convention recognized the independence of the republic, subject to a British suzerainty restricted to the control of foreign affairs. The war of 1899-1901 between the South African Republic and the Orange Free State on the one hand. and Great Britain on the other, resulted from the refusal of the Boers to accede to a number of British claims which the Boers held to be without justification. In this war the Boer military leaders, Joubert, Cronje, Botha, and De Wet displayed a skill
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bribery, (search)
Bribery, In the United States, an act prohibited and made punishable by acts of Congress and by legislation in nearly all of the States. The penalties apply equally to the persons offering and accepting a bribe. The acts of Congress apply particularly to persons connected with the government in various capacities, and also to federal elections, and the legislation of a State to public officers generally under its jurisdiction, and also to State and municipal elections. One of the most noted cases of wholesale bribery in the United States was that involving a number of aldermen of New York City, which grew out of a grant of a street rail-road franchise in 1884. The legislature ordered an investigation, and several of the aldermen, a former president of the railroad company, and Jacob Sharp, the alleged leader in the bribery, were convicted.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Burchard, Samuel Dickinson, 1812-1891 (search)
Burchard, Samuel Dickinson, 1812-1891 Clergyman; born in Steuben, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1812; was graduated at Centre College, Danville, Ky., in 1836; became a temperance lecturer and later a Presbyterian minister in New York. In 1884, near the close of the Presidential campaign, he unexpectedly brought himself into notoriety by speaking of the Democrats at the close of an address to a party of Republicans as the party of Rum, Romanism, and rebellion. These words were scarcely uttered before the leaders of the Democratic party published them throughout the country. The election was very close, and it was several days before the official count of New York State was received. That State went Democratic by a small majority. The remark of Dr. Burchard was said to have influenced many thousands of votes, and to have lost the election to Mr. Blaine. He died in Saratoga, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1891.