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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2 1 1 Browse Search
William Alexander Linn, Horace Greeley Founder and Editor of The New York Tribune 1 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 1 1 Browse Search
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 1 1 1 Browse Search
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eeps behind the curtain. some New England cities. a letter from Maine. pleasant and unpleasant readings. second tour. a Western journey. visit to old scenes. celebration of seventieth birthday. congratulatory poems from Mr. Whittier and Dr. Holmes. last words. Besides the annual journeys to and from Florida, and her many interests in the South, Mrs. Stowe's time between 1870 and 1880 was largely occupied by literary and kindred labors. In the autumn of 1871 we find her writing to he unending years Shall tell her tale in unborn ears. And when, with sins and follies past, Are numbered color-hate and caste, White, black, and red shall own as one, The noblest work by woman done. It was followed by a few words from Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, who also read the subjoined as his contribution to the chorus of congratulation:--If every tongue that speaks her praise For whom I shape my tinkling phrase Were summoned to the table, The vocal chorus that would meet Of mingling acce
le Tom's Cabin, 192; calls on Mrs. Stowe, 223. Butler's Analogy, study of, by H. B. S., 32. Byron Controversy, 445; history of, 455; George Eliot on, 458; Dr. Holmes on, 455. Byron, Lady, 239; letters from, 274, 281; makes donation to Kansas sufferers, 281; on power of words, 361; death of, 368, 370; her character assaileStowe on, 339; she suspects his insanity, 450; cheap edition of his works proposed, 453; Recollections of, by Countess Guiccioli, 446; his position as viewed by Dr. Holmes, 457; evidence of his poems for and against him, 457. C. Cabin, the, literary centre, 185. Cairnes, Prof., on the Fugitive slave Law, 146. Calhoun f Hentz, Mrs., Caroline Lee, 69, 80. Higginson, T. W., letter to H. B. S. from, on Uncle Tom's Cabin, 163. History, the, of the Byron Controversy, 490. Holmes, O. W., correspondence with, 360, et seq.; attacks upon, 361; H. B. S. asks advice from, about manner of telling facts in relation to Byron Controversy, 452, 454; sen
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 3: Girlhood at Cambridge. (1810-1833.) (search)
rkins, a graduate of Yale College. It was so excellent that it drew many pupils from what was then called Old Cambridge,--now Harvard Square,--then quite distinct from the Port, and not especially disposed to go to it for instruction. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes was one of Margaret Fuller's fellow pupils, as were John Holmes, his younger brother, and Richard Henry Dana. From those who were her associates in this school, it is possible to obtain a very distinct impression of her as she then apped. It is also said that her eyes would have been good had they not been injured by near-sightedness, and that her peculiar smile had only a passing effect of superciliousness, and was really kind and truthful. She had what her school-mate Dr. O. W. Holmes described as a long and flexible neck, arching and undulating in strange, sinuous movements, which one who loved her would compare to a swan, and one who loved her not to those of the ophidian who tempted our common mother. Atlantic Monthly
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Index. (search)
6. Hasty, Mrs., 275, 278, 279. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, extract from Note-books, 103; other references, 173, 174, 178, 179. Hedge, F. H., letters to, 43, 44, 48, 63, 141,149, 150; other references, 3 22, 34, 44, 45, 62, 141-144, 146. 162, 188. Heine, Heinrich, 17, 45, 298. Heraud, John A., 145-147, 160, 161, 229; his magazine, 140, 145, 160. Herschel, F. W., 45. Higginsons, The, 52. Hoar, Elizabeth, letters from, 64, 119; other references, 8, 248, 249. Holmes, John, 24. Holmes, O. W., 24, 26, 80 84, 86. Hooper, Ellen (Sturgis), 154, 166. Houghton, Lord (R. M. Milnes), 69. Howe, Julia (Ward), 2. Howitts, the, 229. Hudson, H. N., 211. Hunt, Leigh, 146. Hutchinson Family, the, 176. I. Indians, study of the, 196. Ireland, Mr., 221. Irish, defense of the, 214. Irving, Washington, 181, 132. J. Jacobs Sarah S., 80, 84. Jahn, F. L., 46. James, Henry, 134. Jameson, Anna, 195. Jefferson, Thomas, 4, 16, 45, 308. Jonson, Ben, 69, 134. K.
asion of two literary descriptions more likely to become classic than two which bear reference to the Cambridge of fifty years ago. One of these is Lowell's well-known Fireside Travels, and the other is the scarcely less racy chapter in the Harvard Book, called Harvard Square, contributed by our townsman John Holmes, younger brother of the Autocrat,—a man mentioned more than once in Lowell's prose and verse. Emerson said once of John Holmes that he represented humor, while his brother, Dr. O. W. Holmes, represented wit; and certainly every page of this Harvard Square chapter is full of the former and rarer quality. Charles Lamb's celebrated description of the Christ Church hospital and school of his boyhood does not give more of the flavor of an older day. Those who refer to that chapter will see at the head a vignette of Harvard Square in 1822, taken from a sketch made at the period. It seems at first sight to have absolutely nothing in common with the Harvard Square of the pres
The gambrel-roofed House. Copyright, 1872, by Oliver Wendell Holmes. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Oliver Wendell Holmes. One of the delightful papers in the series called The poet at the breakfast-table is mainly devoted to a description of an old Cambridge home now passed away: the following extracts are made from it. My birthplace, the home of my childhood and earlier and later boyhood, has within a few months passed out of the ownership Oliver Wendell Holmes. One of the delightful papers in the series called The poet at the breakfast-table is mainly devoted to a description of an old Cambridge home now passed away: the following extracts are made from it. My birthplace, the home of my childhood and earlier and later boyhood, has within a few months passed out of the ownership of my family into the hands of that venerable Alma Mater who seems to have renewed her youth, and has certainly repainted her dormitories. This was written in 1872. In truth, when I last revisited that familiar scene and looked upon the flammantia moenia of the old halls, Massachusetts with the dummy clock-dial, Harvard with the garrulous belfry, little Holden with the sculptured unpunishable cherubs over its portal, and the rest of my early brick-and-mortar acquaintances, I could not help sa
ancient pathway guides, See where our sires laid down Their smiling babes, their cherished brides, The patriarchs of the town; Hast thou a tear for buried love? A sigh for transient power? All that a century left above, Go,—read it in an hour! O. W. Holmes. As early as 1634-35, one John Pratt was granted two acres of land, described as situated By the old Burying Place without the common pales. This deed indicates the first land used for burials, which was located, as nearly as can be ascertwin Booth. Gov. Edward Everett.Charlotte Cushman. Gov. Emory Washburn.Joseph E. Worcester. Anson Burlingame.Bishop Phillips Brooks. President Josiah Quincy.James Russell Lowell. John G. Palfrey.Rev. A. Holmes, D. D. President Sparks.Oliver Wendell Holmes. Robert C. Winthrop. On Gentian Path is a beautiful granite obelisk, erected by Thomas Dowse, on which is inscribed— To the memory of Benjamin Franklin, the printer, the philosopher, the statesman, the patriot, who by his wisdom bles
The Cambridge of eighteen hundred and ninety-six: a picture of the city and its industries fifty years after its incorporation (ed. Arthur Gilman), Harvard University in its relations to the city of Cambridge. (search)
d indirect to those interests. The whole character of the place as a residence has been strongly affected by the presence here for two centuries and a half of the university teachers, a group of men devoted, not to trade or manufactures, or money-making of any sort, but to the arts and sciences, to authorship and teaching, and in general to the intellectual and spiritual elements in the life of each succeeding generation. Cambridge is an interesting place to live in, because the poetry of Holmes, Longfellow, and Lowell has touched with the light of genius some of its streets, houses, churches, and graveyards, and made familiar to the imagination of thousands of persons who never saw them its river, marshes, and bridges. It adds to the interest of living in any place that famous authors have walked in its streets, and loved its highways and byways, and written of its elms, willows, and chestnuts, its robins and herons. The very names of Cambridge streets remind the dwellers in it o
f six, was studying Latin with her father, and whom we see again nine years later reciting Greek in the C. P. P. G. S., that is, in the Cambridge Port Private Grammar School,—a school for classical instruction where Richard Henry Dana and Oliver Wendell Holmes were among her schoolmates. Here was coeducation in secondary subjects, though not in a public school, as early as 1825. In the same year a high school for girls was opened in Boston. Its very success was its defeat. It was crowded tohe army of Burgoyne from New York marched into Cambridge; Hollis, Stoughton, Holworthy, and the rest,—the sometime homes of scores of men subsequently distinguished in their respective fields of service; the site of the gambrel-roofed house where Holmes was born; the stately home of Lowell among the pines and near the willows that stirred his muse; and doubly dear, with its memories of Washington as of the poet, that of Longfellow, with its vista of the sinuous Charles and the marshes beyond; be
een immortalized by Mr. Lowell, in the first series of the Biglow Papers, which was published in the Courier, in 1846-1848, when Mr. Buckingham was its editor. his Folks gin the letter to me and i shew it to parson Wilbur and he ses it oughter Bee printed, send it to mister Buckinum, ses he, i don't allers agree with him, ses he, but by Time, ses he, I du like a feller that ain't a Feared. It was in the New England Magazine, then under the editorial care of Mr. Buckingham, that Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes published his first Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table paper, mentioned many years afterwards in the first number of The Atlantic Monthly.—editor. who commenced his career in 1795 at the age of sixteen as a printer in the office of the Greenfield Gazette. In 1800 he came to Boston, and after some journalistic experience, which was not successful, in that city, he removed to Cambridge. Later he built a house on Quincy Street where Mrs. James Fiske's house now stands and lived there