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rs. Morgan, with 300 of his gang, escaped, but were all captured by Col. Shackelford, at 8 o'clock P. M., on Sunday, near New Lisbon. Mexico declared an Empire--, of Austria Chosen as Parlor The steamer Roanoke, from Ferguson the 22d inst., arrived at New York Monday with advices from the City of Mexico to the 10th instant: A council of notabilities, held on the 10th inst, declared that the Mexican nation, through them, select an Empire as the form of Government, and declare Maximilian, of Austria, Emperor. Should be decline the throne, they implore the French Emperor to select a person in whom he has full confidence to occupy the throne. The proclamation was immediately made public, and a courier posted to Vera Cruz, and from there it was sent by a French steamer to Havana. A salute was fired at Vera Cruz in honor of the event. The assault on Morris's Island — disastrous repulse — Terrible fire of the Confederates--the negroes as usual put as Front T
The next Emperor of Mexico. The Grand Duke Ferdinand Maximilian Joseph, who has been chosen by the Mexican Council of Notables as Emperor of that country, is Vice Admiral and Commandant of Marine of Austria. He was born July 6th 1832, and was married on the 27th of July, 1857, to the Grand Duchess Marie Charlotte Amalie Auguste Victoria Clementine Leo poldine, who was born on the 7th of June, 1840. This lady with this terribly long name is the daughter of Leopold, King of the gains, and if Napoleon III. agrees to it is to be the Empress of Mexico. Maximilian is the brother, of the Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria.
The steamer Sidon, at St. Johns, brings Liverpool advices to the 11th inst. The Polish question remained in statu quo. It is generally asserted that Maximilian, of Austria, will accept the Mexican crown. The Times says that a rumor is current in Chatham that in consequence of the recent menacing news from America the Government intends sending additional troops to British North America. The Times also says it should not be surprised if something arose out of the alleged proever the foundation pillar of American liberty; that he would submit the matter to the Queen of Great Britain. [Jewett is a Yankee humbug and adventurer, about on a par with Chevalier Wykoff.] The London Times says that the election of Maximilian in Mexico will have a tendency to union between France and Austria, and a division between France and America. The Northerners must be incensed against Napoleon, and the Federals can hardly fail to come in collision with the new Empire. L
vere hurricane passed over Boston on the 21st, doing considerable damage to property. The Union majority in Kentucky is 50,000, with nine counties yet to hear from. Late advices from California inform us of the discovery of a very rich gold mining region in the San Francisco mountains east of the Colorado river. There is much excitement amongst the people there concerning this which they are pleased to denominate a new California. Louis Napoleon has written a letter to Archduke Maximilian, urging him to accept the Mexican throne. The Archduke felt inclined to consent, and had consulted the Pope on the subject. A small squad of rebels dashed into Poolesville, Md., on Friday night, capturing the telegraph operator and his instruments.--They then proceeded to rob the stores. The raiders are supposed to belong to the neighborhood, and make these raids under a pretence of being rebels with the object of plundering. The Wilmington (Del.) Journal says that Col. Te
with dates from Liverpool to the 16th, arrived at New York on the 26th inst.: There is little said on American affairs. The Army and Navy Gaxelle draws attention to the fact of the Federals pushing forward the construction of powerful sea-going monitors. Three British war steamers were recently sold at Plymouth to a London company. They were suspected of being intended for the rebels. Lord Clyde died at Chatham on the 14th instant. Nothing decisive is known as to Maximilian, of Austria, accepting the Mexican crown. Rumors from Paris point decidedly to his acceptance, but a Vienna journal says the assertions are premature. The Memorial Diplomatique announces his acceptance. The replies of the three great powers have been all sent to St. Petersburg, to be delivered on the 17th, and forthwith published.--Each Cabinet replied to the arguments addressed to itself, but terminates with an identical paragraph testifying the unity of their views. The state
olds captured a large Confederate force at Shellmond, and took a camp on Falling Water creek. Gen. Burnside is in the neighborhood of Kingston, and it is said will attack that place soon. Intelligence from Mexico to the 24th July, via San Francisco, has been received. It is reported that the intention of the triumvirate to recognize the Confederate States is continually foreshadowed by the Imperial press. The recognition it is said will take place as soon as news reaches Mexico that Maximilian accepts the crown. The Government has decided that there shall be no draft in Ohio. Recruiting offices for the enlistment of men will be opened. Five substitute deserters from the Army of the Potomac were executed on the 29th ult., in the presence of 25,000 persons. Two of them were Protestants, two Catholic, and one Hebrew — all foreigners. Two rebel soldiers recently made their way into Norfolk, and, after taking copious notes of military and naval affairs in and about t
The Daily Dispatch: September 9, 1863., [Electronic resource], "Now, by St. Paul, the work Goes Bravely On!" (search)
to have implements in the way of plans touching Mexico, at least from the Yankees. In further pursuance of his policy of the important positions on the Gulf, he is also about to throw a proper force into Tampico, the second largest seaport of Mexico. Having already occupied Vera Cruz and Matamoras, he leaves no commercial or military point of importance on the Gulf unoccupied, and we shall soon hear that those of the --Mazatlan. Acapulco, San Blas, etc — have not been overlooked. Maximilian will find his house pretty well in order by the time he arrives; but it is not improbable that he will find some roubles already matured to his hand in his relations with the Yankee Government. But the Emperor of France will settle them for him, and in that way the more effectually perpetuate his office of friend and protector of the Mexican Empue deriving in turn such consideration, political and commercial, as will amply compensate him. Indeed, the work of France in Mexico is going
rds, built on the Alabama model, are said to be for the Southern States. Mexico — the United States Cannot make War on France. The London Times, of the 27th August, in its city article says there is no belief in the threats of the Washington Government against France in regard to Mexico. The general belief is that the American protest will now be feeble, and unattended by any threat, for the first really offensive threat against Napoleon would be the signal for the deliverance of the Confederates. A European loan to start the Empire. The London News says it is stated that not the least doubt can be entertained that Maximilian has accepted the throne, and that a European loan has been proposed to start the new Government and pay the over due liabilities. The latest news. London, Aug. 27, 1863. --It is reported that the United States Minister, Mr. Dayton, has received instructions from his Government to protest against the French proceedings in Mexico.
decline the proffered honor, the names of Prince Mural, of France, and M. Patterson Bonaparte, of the United States, are now mentioned in connection with the position. M. Patterson Bonaparte is said to be the favorite of the Emperor Napoleon. The deputation dispatched by the Council of Notables of Mexico to Europe, in order to formally tender the new crown to the Austrian Archduke, was daily looked for in Paris when the Arabia sailed. This body consists of eight persons, and to them Maximilian must give a decisive reply. La France, of Paris, says that it is of very great importance that his final answer should be known before next New Year's day. A very spirited analysis of the new French pamphlet, by M. Chevalier, on the Mexico, American question, appears in the London Times. M. Chevalier maintains that France should hasten to recognize the Confederacy from Mexico, and thus, by being the first to do so, gain the friendly alliance and trade of the new nation. In this he t
uffrage is recommended, on the ground that, in Mexico, the Plebs are the friends of order, while the upper or aristocratic classes are the worst of Anarchists. Emigration on a large scale, under French protection, is also recommended. Whether Maximilian accept or not, emigrants will be protected by French influence. So far, so well. But there is one idea broached in the pamphlet which we wish to bring prominently before the public. After intimating that the leaders of the revolution wou of Nice played upon us. The pamphlet goes, on to say that as soon as France recognizes us all the other States will do the same; the small States first, and finally England — that our force will be quintupled by the adhesion of Austria on Maximilian's account, of Spain on account of Cuba, and lastly it speaks of the French Navy as a powerful argument to dissuade the North from prosecuting the war any farther. There can be little doubt that this pamphlet is one of the Emperor's feelers