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Your search returned 514 results in 145 document sections:
The next Emperor of Mexico.
The Grand Duke Ferdinand Maximilian Joseph, who has been chosen by the Mexican Council of Notables as Emperor of that country, is Vice Admiral and Commandant of Marine of Austria.
He was born July 6th 1832, and was married on the 27th of July, 1857, to the Grand Duchess Marie Charlotte Amalie Auguste Victoria Clementine Leo poldine, who was born on the 7th of June, 1840. This lady with this terribly long name is the daughter of Leopold, King of the gains, and if Napoleon III.
agrees to it is to be the Empress of Mexico.
Maximilian is the brother, of the Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria.
The steamer Sidon, at St. Johns, brings Liverpool advices to the 11th inst.
The Polish question remained in statu quo. It is generally asserted that Maximilian, of Austria, will accept the Mexican crown.
The Times says that a rumor is current in Chatham that in consequence of the recent menacing news from America the Government intends sending additional troops to British North America.
The Times also says it should not be surprised if something arose out of the alleged pro ever the foundation pillar of American liberty; that he would submit the matter to the Queen of Great Britain.
[Jewett is a Yankee humbug and adventurer, about on a par with Chevalier Wykoff.]
The London Times says that the election of Maximilian in Mexico will have a tendency to union between France and Austria, and a division between France and America.
The Northerners must be incensed against Napoleon, and the Federals can hardly fail to come in collision with the new Empire.
The Daily Dispatch: September 9, 1863., [Electronic resource], "Now, by St. Paul , the work Goes Bravely On!" (search)
The Daily Dispatch: September 11, 1863., [Electronic resource], The currency. (search)