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Your search returned 250 results in 77 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: July 18, 1861., [Electronic resource], Notice to our Subscribers. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: July 22, 1861.., [Electronic resource], A base and wilful Liar. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: August 16, 1861., [Electronic resource], Hospital supplies for the Army of the Northwest . (search)
War Matters.
It was stated yesterday that the rumor of a capture of Federal troops near Leesburg, by Gen. Evans, of the Confederate army, had been confirmed by dispatches received at the War Department, A report was brought down by the Central cars that a long train of baggage wagons had started for the scene of action to bring in the captured stores.
We have endeavored to ascertain the truth of the matter, and the result has not confirmed any previous report or rumor.
Mathias Point, on the Potomac, is now watched with the almost vigilance by the Federalists.
The propeller Resolute has been hovering about there, and, as we learn from the Yankee papers, has succeeded in carrying off a number of negroes, from plantations along the river.
The Fredericksburg train, yesterday morning, brought us the following intelligence:
A boat belonging to the Federal steaming Resolute, containing six men, attempted to race near Mathias to-day, (Aug. 15,) when she was fired into by a
The Daily Dispatch: August 19, 1861., [Electronic resource], Subscriptions to the Dispatch . (search)
The News.
Our columns are filled this morning with interesting intelligence from all quarters.--We are compelled to defer the publication of many extracts and communications.
The leading topic of street conversation since Saturday morning has been the prospect for the fact of a recognition of the Confederate Government by England and France.
We do not know that any official assurance to this effect has been received by the authorities, but a report of this nature is in general circulation.
We refer our readers to the copious extracts from European journals, which, it will be seen, plainly foreshadow a probable demonstration.
The skirmish at Mathias' Point, of which we gave an account on Saturday, is confirmed by advices from Washington.
There is no truth in the rumor that Hon. A R. Boteler was wounded in the Manassas battle.
It was his son.
A report confirmed Washington, Aug. 17.
--Six Federals from the Resolute, in attempting to land at Mathias Point, were fired on, and four of them killed.