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of Ceffala, divers doe affirme that king Salomon did fetch his gold) as also upon the said East side of Africa , they did afterward discover, people, and plant at Mozambique , Quiola, Monbaza, and Melinde, two degrees of Southerly latitude, and so up to the streight of Babel-Mandell at the entring of the red sea, all upon the East coast of Africa , from whence they put off at the Cape of Guarda Fu, and past the great gulfe of Arabia , and the Indian Sea East to Sinus Persicus, and the Island of Ormus, and so passing the large and great river Indus , where he hath his fall into the maine Ocean, in 23. degrees and an halfe, under the tropike of Cancer, of Septentrionall latitude, they made their course againe directly towards the South, and began to discover, people, and plant upon the West side of the hither India at Goa, Mangalor, Cananor, Calecut and Cochin , and the Island of Zeilam. And here I thinke good to remember to you, that after their planting upon this coast, their fo
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The seventh Chapter sheweth that the planting there, is not a matter of such charge or difficultie, as many would make it seeme to be. (search)
of Ceffala, divers doe affirme that king Salomon did fetch his gold) as also upon the said East side of Africa , they did afterward discover, people, and plant at Mozambique , Quiola, Monbaza, and Melinde, two degrees of Southerly latitude, and so up to the streight of Babel-Mandell at the entring of the red sea, all upon the East coast of Africa , from whence they put off at the Cape of Guarda Fu, and past the great gulfe of Arabia , and the Indian Sea East to Sinus Persicus, and the Island of Ormus, and so passing the large and great river Indus , where he hath his fall into the maine Ocean, in 23. degrees and an halfe, under the tropike of Cancer, of Septentrionall latitude, they made their course againe directly towards the South, and began to discover, people, and plant upon the West side of the hither India at Goa, Mangalor, Cananor, Calecut and Cochin , and the Island of Zeilam. And here I thinke good to remember to you, that after their planting upon this coast, their fo
that one hundred men will do more now among the naked and unarmed people in Virginia , then one thousand were able then to do in Ireland against that armed and warlike nation in those dales. I say further, that these two yeres last experience hath plainly shewed, that we may spare 10000. able men without any misse. And these are as many as the kingdome of Portugal had ever in all their garrisons of the Acores , Madera, Arguin, Cape verde, Guinea, Brasill, Mozambique , Melinde, Zocotora, Ormus, Diu, Goa, Malaca , the Malucos, and Macao upon the coast of China . Yea this I say by the confession of singuler expert men of their own nation (whose names I suppresse for certaine causes) which have bene personally in the East Indies, & have assured me that their kings had never above ten thousand natural borne Portugals (their slaves excepted) out of their kingdome remaining in all the aforesaid territories. Which also this present yeere I saw confirmed in a secrete extract of the parti
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, An Epistle Dedicatorie to sir Walter Ralegh, prefixed by master Richard Hakluyt before the history of Florida , which he translated out of French 1587 (search)
that one hundred men will do more now among the naked and unarmed people in Virginia , then one thousand were able then to do in Ireland against that armed and warlike nation in those dales. I say further, that these two yeres last experience hath plainly shewed, that we may spare 10000. able men without any misse. And these are as many as the kingdome of Portugal had ever in all their garrisons of the Acores , Madera, Arguin, Cape verde, Guinea, Brasill, Mozambique , Melinde, Zocotora, Ormus, Diu, Goa, Malaca , the Malucos, and Macao upon the coast of China . Yea this I say by the confession of singuler expert men of their own nation (whose names I suppresse for certaine causes) which have bene personally in the East Indies, & have assured me that their kings had never above ten thousand natural borne Portugals (their slaves excepted) out of their kingdome remaining in all the aforesaid territories. Which also this present yeere I saw confirmed in a secrete extract of the parti
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, A Relation of the second Voyage to Guiana , performed and written in the yeere 1596. by Laurence Keymis Gent. (search)
hath bene produced for a discouragement: it were a dull conceite of strange weakenes in our selves, to distrust our own power so much, or at least, our owne hearts and courages; as valewing the Spanish nation to be omnipotent; or yeelding that the poore Portugal hath that mastering spirit and conquering industrie, above us; as to bee able to seate himselfe amongst the many mightie princes of the East Indies, to frontire China , to holde in subjection the Philippinas, Zeilan, Calecut, Goa, Ormus, Mozambique , and the rest; the navigation being so tedious and full of perill: to suffer our selves to bee put backe for worthlesse cyphers, out of place, without account. All which Regions being nowe also by the late conquest of Portugall, entituled to the Spanish king: to whom the Colonies of those parts doe yet generally refuse to sweare fealtie and allegiance: and the care depending on him, not onely in governing them in the East, so farre off; but also of ordering and strengthening of
hath bene produced for a discouragement: it were a dull conceite of strange weakenes in our selves, to distrust our own power so much, or at least, our owne hearts and courages; as valewing the Spanish nation to be omnipotent; or yeelding that the poore Portugal hath that mastering spirit and conquering industrie, above us; as to bee able to seate himselfe amongst the many mightie princes of the East Indies, to frontire China , to holde in subjection the Philippinas, Zeilan, Calecut, Goa, Ormus, Mozambique , and the rest; the navigation being so tedious and full of perill: to suffer our selves to bee put backe for worthlesse cyphers, out of place, without account. All which Regions being nowe also by the late conquest of Portugall, entituled to the Spanish king: to whom the Colonies of those parts doe yet generally refuse to sweare fealtie and allegiance: and the care depending on him, not onely in governing them in the East, so farre off; but also of ordering and strengthening of