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ight, and this is the most sure and certain method of putting a stop to the marauding expeditions that are from time to time sent out through the country. In Colonel Blythe's district or field of operations it has proved most efficacious in holding the enemy at bay, and we hope to see the plan put more extensively in practice. A big scare, occasioned by a brisk fire from a chapparal, is often more potent than would be half a dozen regiments of organized troops in the field. To-night the bombardment of the rebel works at Port Hudson was renewed, and continued for an hour, but the rebels made no reply. The Second Indiana cavalry, under the command of Colonel E. M. McCook, made a scout near Stone River, Tenn., visiting the haunt of every guerrilla in that vicinity. They succeeded in capturing eight rebels, beside twenty horses belonging to the guerrilla band.--The schooner Sea Lion, from Mobile to Havana, with a cargo of cotton, was captured by the National frigate Colorado.
ich followed it. Brigadier-General Davidson prohibited in the Department of Missouri, the sale or distribution of the Freeman's Journal of New York, the New York Caucasian, the Columbus (Ohio) Crisis, the Democratic Journal of Jerseyville, the Chicago Times, and the Dubuque Herald. The National gunboats Owasco, Lieutenant Commanding John Madigan, and Katahdin, Lieutenant Commanding P. C. Johnson, after a chase of twenty miles succeeded in beaching the blockade runner, West-Florida, on Galveston Island, Texas. The anniversary of the capture of Camp Jackson, Mo., was celebrated this day. Speeches were made by Charles D. Drake, C. P. Johnson, Major George P. Strong, and others.--Missouri Democrat. Early this morning the attack by the National fleet of mortar-schooners and gunboats on the rebel batteries at Port Hudson was renewed. This time the batteries replied to the fire of the fleet; but, after a bombardment of three hours duration, they were completely silenced.
May 27. The rebel fortifications at Port Hudson were this day attacked by the National forces under the command of General Banks, but, after a desperate conflict of eight hours duration, they were unable to reduce them. In the first charge made upon the works, Captain Callioux and Lieutenant Crowder, both colored officers, were killed.--(Doc. 201.) The United States gunboat Cincinnati, was sunk by the rebel batteries at Vicksburgh, Miss. Lieutenant Commander Bache, gave the following report of the occurrence to Admiral Porter: In obedience to your order, the Cincinnati got under way this morning at seven o'clock, and steamed slowly down until a little abreast of where the mortars lie. When we rounded to, the enemy fired several shots from a gun called Whistling Dick, but soon gave it up. At half-past 8, with a full head of steam, we stood for the position assigned us. The enemy fired rapidly, and from all their batteries. When abreast of our pontoon, and rounding to, a b
June 1, 1863. Major-General Banks, at Port Hudson, La., issued an order forbidding the passage of steamers from New York past the quarantine at New Orleans, without a special order, unless they should be mail steamers or others transporting stores for the Government. This regulation was made necessary by the continued refusal to transport the soldiers' mails, except upon inadmissible conditions. The provost-marshal was charged with the execution of the order.--an expedition into Tappahannock, Va., was made by a party of Union soldiers, who succeeded in destroying a large quantity of stores belonging to the rebels, besides carrying off a number of negroes.--Richmond Enquirer, June 6. At Philadelphia, Pa., a meeting was held to protest against the arrest of C. L. Vallandigham. Judge Ellis Lewis was appointed chairman, and speeches were made by Messrs. Bigler, Biddle, and Charles J. Ingersoll. The latter counselled obedience to the laws and the constitutional authorities, b
e of the rebels.--the blockade-runner Havelock was sunk by the blockading fleet off Charleston, S. C., while attempting to enter the harbor.--five companies of the Fourteenth New York cavalry, Colonel Thaddeus B. Mott, doing out-post duty near Port Hudson, were captured by a cavalry raid of rebels, under the command of Colonel Logan, of Bragg's command, while encamped within three miles of General Banks's headquarters. The capture was owing to the negligence of the officer, who should have posen. These five companies were under command of Major Mulvey, who was taken with his little boy, twelve years old.--Chicago Tribune. The Sixth regiment N. Y. S. V., Wilson's Zouaves, returned to New York from the seat of war in Louisiana.--Port Hudson was thoroughly invested by the Union troops under Genera] Banks.--Darien, Ga., was visited and burned by a body of National troops under the command of Colonel Montgomery, of the Second South-Carolina colored volunteers. At the same time the
oe. 68.) Martinsburgh, Va., was occupied by the rebel General Rodes, who succeeded in capturing one hundred and fifty men, several cannon and a quantity of stores. The rebel loss was one killed and two wounded.--the English steamer Neptune was captured by the National gunboat Lackawanna, in lat. 25° 42′ north, long. 85° 32′ west.--General Hooker marched from Falmouth, Va., and without any interruption from the rebels established his headquarters at Fairfax Court-House.--the brig Umpire, in lat. 37° 37′, long. 69° 57′ was captured and burned by the privateer Tacony. General Banks, having established his batteries within three hundred yards of the rebel works at Port Hudson, after a vigorous cannonade, summoned General Frank Gardner, in command, to surrender. On his refusal, an assault was made, which ended in the repulse of the Nationals with heavy losses in killed and wounded.--(Doc. 13.) Hagerstown, Md., was occupied by the rebel troops advancing into P
June 15. Great excitement and anxiety existed in Baltimore, Md., on account of the invasion of the State by the rebels.--General Banks from his headquarters before Port Hudson, issued the following order: The Commanding General congratulates the troops before Port Hudson upon the steady advance made upon the enemy's works, and is confident of an immediate and triumphant issue of the contest. We are at all points upon the threshold of his fortifications. One more advance, and theyPort Hudson upon the steady advance made upon the enemy's works, and is confident of an immediate and triumphant issue of the contest. We are at all points upon the threshold of his fortifications. One more advance, and they are ours. For the last duty that victory imposes, the Commanding General summons the bold men of the corps to the organization of a storming column of a thousand men, to vindicate the flag of the Union and the memory of its defenders who have fallen. Let them come forward. Officers who lead the column of victory in this last assault may be assured of a just recognition of their services by promotion; and every officer and soldier who shares its perils and its glory shall receive a medal f
to the citizens of that place and its vicinity: The calamity which has befallen our arms at Vicksburgh has a peculiar significance for you. Mobile may be attacked within a very short time, and we must make every preparation for its successful defence. All able-bodied men within the limits of the city and county must at once organize into companies, and report for duty in defence of this position. Owners of able-bodied slaves are urged to send them immediately to work on the fortifications. Brigadier-General Slaughter will receive the reports of the companies which may be organized, have arms issued to such as have none, give orders for their instruction, and assign them to their stations. Reports of slaves for labor on the defences may be made to Brigadier-General Leadbetter, who has made arrangements for their good treatment while in his employ. --Port Hudson, La., was surrendered to the Union General Banks, by the rebel commander Frank Gardner.--(Docs. 38 and 89.)
c. 47.) A short engagement took place at Aransas Pass, Texas, between the gunboat Scioto and the rebel batteries at that place, without important results or loss of life.--General Abner Doubleday published an order, returning his thanks to the Vermont brigade, the One Hundred and Fifty-first Pennsylvania volunteers, and the Twentieth New York State militia, for their gallant conduct in resisting in the front line the main attack of the enemy at Gettysburgh, after sustaining a terrific fire from seventy-five to one hundred pieces of artillery.--Mr. Wolff, a candidate for Congress in Kentucky, was arrested in Owen County, and sent to General Burnside, at Cincinnati, in consequence of the following words, used in a speech to the people of Owen: This is a John Brown raid — a war against slavery, and he hoped every true Kentuckian would rise in arms in opposition to it. He was for secession, separation, or any thing against it. --the National troops marched into Port Hudson, Louisiana
lost two hundred men in casualties.--General Gillmore's Report. At New York the draft was begun and carried on without any disturbance.--the First National Bank of Pennsylvania announced business Gen_james Longstreet. at Philadelphia.--Lieutenant A. L. Sanborn, of the First regiment of colored volunteers, was killed at Norfolk, Va., by Dr. David M. Wright, a prominent rebel physician of that place — A Grand torchlight procession took place at New Orleans in honor of the capture of Port Hudson and Vicksburgh, and to celebrate the redemption of the South-West from treason and rebellion. --Vernon, Indiana, was visited by the rebels under John Morgan.--(Doc. 47.) The rebels evacuated Hagerstown, Md., last evening, but returned to the town again to-day.--A sharp engagement took place on the Hagerstown road, resulting in the defeat and pursuit of the rebels to Funkstown, where a strong rebel position was found.--William McKee, one of the proprietors of the St. Louis Democrat, w