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William E. Wiatt (search for this): chapter 16
attached to Hoke's Division, were at this period (February, 1865) on detached service, and I have been unable to obtain a list of their chaplains. B. R. Johnson's Division. Ransom's Brigade. Twenty-fourth North Carolina. T. B. Neil. Twenty-fifth North Carolina. Thirty-fifth North Carolina. Fifty-sixth North Carolina. Gracie's Brigade. Forty-first Alabama. Sixtieth Alabama. Fortieth Alabama. Wise's Brigade. Thirty-fourth Virginia. W. H. Robert. Twenty-sixth Virginia. W. E. Wiatt. Fifty-ninth Virginia. L. B. Wharton. Forty-sixth Virginia. W. Gaines Miller. Wallace's Brigade. Seventeenth South Carolina. A. A. Morse. Eighteenth South Carolina. A. A. James. Twenty-second South Carolina. E. D. Dill. Twenty-sixth South Carolina. J. L. Girardeau. Holcombe Legion. A. W. Moore. Artillery Corps (Colonel H. P. Jones). No list obtainable. Post-chaplains at Petersburg. Rev. Thomas Hume, Jr.; Rev. W. M. Young; Rev. J. B. Hardwicke; Rev. T. Hume, Sr.; Rev. L
T. H. Howell (search for this): chapter 16
ina. Twenty-sixth Mississippi. M. B. Chapman. First Battalion. Archer's (Old) Brigade and Walkers (Old) Brigade. First Tennessee. W. T. Helm. Seventh Tennessee. Rev. Mr. Harris. Fourteenth Tennessee. J. E. King. Forty-fourth Tennessee. Twenty-third Tennessee. Sixty-third Tennessee. Fortieth Virginia. Geo. F. Bagby; J. M. Anderson. Forty-seventh Virginia. S. P. Meredith; S. B. Barber. Fifty-fifth Virginia. R. B. Beadles. Twenty-second Virginia Battalion. Thirteenth Alabama. T. H. Howell. Wilcox's Division. Scales's Brigade. Thirteenth North Carolina. Sixteenth North Carolina. Rev. Mr. Watson. Twenty-second North Carolina. F. H. Wood. Thirty-fourth North Carolina. A. R. Benick. Thirty-eighth North Carolina. Rev. Mr. McDiarmid. McGowan's Brigade. First South Carolina. Twelfth South Carolina. Rev. Mr. Dixon; J. M. Anderson. Thirteenth South Carolina. Wallace Duncan; J. N. Bouchelle. Fourteenth South Carolina. W. B. Carson. Orr's Rifles. F. P. Mulally
J. A. Chambliss (search for this): chapter 16
rginia. T. A. Ware; Geo. W. Harris. Eighteenth Virginia. J. D. Blackwell. Nineteenth Virginia. P. Slaughter. Twenty-eighth Virginia. Rev. Mr. Tinsley. Fifty-sixth Virginia. Rev. Mr. Robbins. Corse's Brigade. Fifteenth Virginia. P. F. August. Seventeenth Virginia. John L. Johnson; R. M. Baker. Thirtieth Virginia. W. R. D. Moncure. Thirty-second Virginia. Twenty-ninth Virginia. Rev. Mr. Phillippi. Artillery first Corps (Brigadier-General Alexander). Haskell's Battalion. J. A. Chambliss. Gibbes' Virginia Battalion. Cabell's Virginia Battalion. Huger's Virginia Battalion. Washington Artillery Battalion. Wm. A. Hall. Missionary Chaplains in the Corps: Rev. Dr. Theodorick Pryor; Rev. Dr. J. C. Granberry; Rev. Harvie Hatcher; Rev. A. B. Woodfin. Second Corps (Major-General John B. Gordon commanding). Chaplains-at-large: Rev. Dr. B. T. Lacy; Rev. Dr. L. Rosser; Rev. E. J. Willis. Gordon's Division. Evans' Brigade. Sixty-first Georgia. A. B. Woodf
J. E. Joyner (search for this): chapter 16
Gregg's Brigade. First Texas. I. R. Vick. Fourth Texas. Fifth Texas. Third Arkansas. G. E. Butler. Law's Brigade. Fourth Alabama. Robt. Frazier. Fifteenth Alabama. Forty-fourth Alabama. W. G. Perry. Forty-eighth Alabama. Rev. Mr. Price. Pickett's Division Steuart's Brigade. Ninth Virginia. J. W. Walkup; G. W. Easter. Thirty-eighth Virginia. R. W. Cridlin; Rev. Mr. Cosby. Fifty-third Virginia. W. S. Penick; P. H. Fontaine; Rev. Mr. Colton Fifty-seventh Virginia. J. E. Joyner. Fourteenth Virginia. Rev. Mr. Crocker. Terry's Brigade. First Virginia. Rev. Mr. Oldrich. Third Virginia. Rev. Mr. Hammond; J. W. Ward. Seventh Virginia. John H. Bocock; F. McCarthy; Rev. Mr. Frayser. Eleventh Virginia. John C. Granberry; Thos. C. Jennings. Twenty-fourth Virginia. W. F. Gardiner Hunton's Brigade. Eighth Virginia. T. A. Ware; Geo. W. Harris. Eighteenth Virginia. J. D. Blackwell. Nineteenth Virginia. P. Slaughter. Twenty-eighth Virginia. Rev. Mr. Tinsley.
J. D. Blackwell (search for this): chapter 16
d Virginia. W. S. Penick; P. H. Fontaine; Rev. Mr. Colton Fifty-seventh Virginia. J. E. Joyner. Fourteenth Virginia. Rev. Mr. Crocker. Terry's Brigade. First Virginia. Rev. Mr. Oldrich. Third Virginia. Rev. Mr. Hammond; J. W. Ward. Seventh Virginia. John H. Bocock; F. McCarthy; Rev. Mr. Frayser. Eleventh Virginia. John C. Granberry; Thos. C. Jennings. Twenty-fourth Virginia. W. F. Gardiner Hunton's Brigade. Eighth Virginia. T. A. Ware; Geo. W. Harris. Eighteenth Virginia. J. D. Blackwell. Nineteenth Virginia. P. Slaughter. Twenty-eighth Virginia. Rev. Mr. Tinsley. Fifty-sixth Virginia. Rev. Mr. Robbins. Corse's Brigade. Fifteenth Virginia. P. F. August. Seventeenth Virginia. John L. Johnson; R. M. Baker. Thirtieth Virginia. W. R. D. Moncure. Thirty-second Virginia. Twenty-ninth Virginia. Rev. Mr. Phillippi. Artillery first Corps (Brigadier-General Alexander). Haskell's Battalion. J. A. Chambliss. Gibbes' Virginia Battalion. Cabell's Virginia Battal
Tilmon Page (search for this): chapter 16
lina. W. B. Richardson. D. R. Johnson's Brigade. Fifth North Carolina. Twelfth North Carolina. Twentieth North Carolina. James M. Sprunt. Twenty-third North Carolina. Artillery Second Corps (Colonel Carter). Cutshaw's Battalion. Rev. Mr. Page. Nelson's Battalion. T. Walker Gilmer. Braxton's Battalion. Rev. Dr. A. B. Brown; James Nelson. Page's Battalion. Hardaway's Battalion. T. M. Niven; Henry M. White. Third Corps (General A. P. Hill). Missionary Chaplains: Rev. DPage's Battalion. Hardaway's Battalion. T. M. Niven; Henry M. White. Third Corps (General A. P. Hill). Missionary Chaplains: Rev. Dr. Geo. D. Armstrong; Rev. J. Wm. Jones. Fifth Alabama Battalion (Provost Guard). Heth's Division. McRae's Brigade. Eleventh North Carolina. Twenty-sixth North Carolina. A. N. Wells. Forty-fourth North Carolina. R. S. Webb. Forty-seventh North Carolina. W. S. Lacy. Heth's Division—Continued. Fifty-second North Carolina. Rev. Mr. Sanford; J. M. Cline. Cook's Brigade. Fifteenth North Carolina. S. W. Howerton. Twenty-seventh North Carolina. Forty-sixth North Carolina. A. D
Mr. Little. Ninth Florida. Tenth Florida. Bonneaco's Battalion. Harris's Brigade. Twelfth Mississippi. C. H. Dobbs. Sixteenth Mississippi. A. A. Lomax. Nineteenth Mississippi. Rev. Mr. Duke; G. R. Morrison. Forty-eighth Mississippi. A. E. Garrison. Weisger's Brigade. Twelfth Virginia. S. V. Hoyle. Sixth Virginia. Sixteenth Virginia. Sixty-first Virginia. Hilary E. Hatcher. Forty-first Virginia. John W Pugh. Artillery Corps (General Walker). Pegram's Battalion. Rev. Mr. Rodman. Poague's Battalion. James Wheary. Cutt's Battalion. Garnett's Battalion. McIntosh's Battalion. Fourth Corps (General R. H. Anderson): Hoke's Division. Colquitt's Brigade. Nineteenth Georgia. A. J. Jarrell; W. H. C. Cone. Twenty-third Georgia. W. A. Dodge. Twenty-seventh Georgia. George S. Emory. Sixth Georgia. A. M. Thigpen. Twenty-eighth Georgia. A. H. McVay. Clingman's (North Carolina) Brigade, Martin's (North Carolina) Brigade, and Hagood's (South Carolina)
John William Jones (search for this): chapter 16
S. Lambeth; Rev. Mr. Balthis. Thirty-seventh Virginia. Forty-fourth Virginia. Richard I. McIlwaine; James Nelson. Twenty-fifth Virginia. George B. Taylor; John W. Jones. Twenty-first Virginia. T. Harvie Gilmore. Gordon's Division—Continued. Forty-second Virginia. Thomas Williams. Forty-eighth Virginia. Geo. E. Bookth Carolina. W. R. Gwaltney. Third North Carolina. First Maryland. Rev. Mr. Cameron. Pegram's Division. Pegram's (Old) Brigade. Thirteenth Virginia. J. Wm. Jones; Wm. S. Ryland. Fifty-second Virginia. John Magill. Forty-ninth Virginia. J. Powel Garland. Fifty-eighth Virginia. George Slaughter; L. B. Madison. Thie's Battalion. Hardaway's Battalion. T. M. Niven; Henry M. White. Third Corps (General A. P. Hill). Missionary Chaplains: Rev. Dr. Geo. D. Armstrong; Rev. J. Wm. Jones. Fifth Alabama Battalion (Provost Guard). Heth's Division. McRae's Brigade. Eleventh North Carolina. Twenty-sixth North Carolina. A. N. Wells. For
William R. McNeer (search for this): chapter 16
ana. Seventh Louisiana. Father Hubert. Fifth Louisiana. Wm. M. Strickler. Eighth Louisiana. Father Schmilders. Ninth Louisiana. Rev. F. McCarthy. First Louisiana. Father Sheran. Second Louisiana. Robert Hardee. Tenth Louisiana. Fourteenth Louisiana. Fifteenth Louisiana. Terry's Brigade (Stonewall, J. M. Jones' and Steuart's Virginia Brigades). Second Virginia. Rev. Mr. McVeigh; A. C. Hopkins. Fifth Virginia. E. Payson Walton; C. S. M. See. Fourth Virginia. F. C. Tebbs; Wm. R. McNeer. Twenty-seventh Virginia. L. C. Vass. Thirty-third Virginia. J. M. Grandin. Twenty-third Virginia. Paul C. Morton. Tenth Virginia. J. P. Hyde; S. S. Lambeth; Rev. Mr. Balthis. Thirty-seventh Virginia. Forty-fourth Virginia. Richard I. McIlwaine; James Nelson. Twenty-fifth Virginia. George B. Taylor; John W. Jones. Twenty-first Virginia. T. Harvie Gilmore. Gordon's Division—Continued. Forty-second Virginia. Thomas Williams. Forty-eighth Virginia. Geo. E. Booker. Fift
Ware; Geo. W. Harris. Eighteenth Virginia. J. D. Blackwell. Nineteenth Virginia. P. Slaughter. Twenty-eighth Virginia. Rev. Mr. Tinsley. Fifty-sixth Virginia. Rev. Mr. Robbins. Corse's Brigade. Fifteenth Virginia. P. F. August. Seventeenth Virginia. John L. Johnson; R. M. Baker. Thirtieth Virginia. W. R. D. Moncure. Thirty-second Virginia. Twenty-ninth Virginia. Rev. Mr. Phillippi. Artillery first Corps (Brigadier-General Alexander). Haskell's Battalion. J. A. Chambliss. Gibbes' Virginia Battalion. Cabell's Virginia Battalion. Huger's Virginia Battalion. Washington Artillery Battalion. Wm. A. Hall. Missionary Chaplains in the Corps: Rev. Dr. Theodorick Pryor; Rev. Dr. J. C. Granberry; Rev. Harvie Hatcher; Rev. A. B. Woodfin. Second Corps (Major-General John B. Gordon commanding). Chaplains-at-large: Rev. Dr. B. T. Lacy; Rev. Dr. L. Rosser; Rev. E. J. Willis. Gordon's Division. Evans' Brigade. Sixty-first Georgia. A. B. Woodfin. Thirty-fi
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