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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore). Search the whole document.
Found 167 total hits in 60 results.
July 29th, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 130
July 25th (search for this): chapter 130
52. battle at Tah-Kah-O-Kuty Mountain.
General Sully's report.
headquarter N. W. Indian expeditions, camp on heart river, D. T., July 31, 1864.
sir: I have the honor to make the following report of my operations since July twenty-five:
On the twenty-third of this month I reached this point, having made rapid marches, considering I had a very large emigrant train under my charge.
I had started in a direction west, but on the road, receiving information that the Indians were on or near the Knife river, I changed my course in a northerly direction.
On my arrival at this point I coralled all my wagons and the emigrant train, leaving it under charge of Captain Tripp, Dakota cavalry, with a sufficient force to guard against danger. * * * *
About three P. M., on the twenty-sixth. 1 succeeded in getting off, and about ten A. M., of the twenty-eighth, succeeded in reaching the enemy's camp, about eighty miles' march.
All their camp was standing when I reached there
23rd (search for this): chapter 130
52. battle at Tah-Kah-O-Kuty Mountain.
General Sully's report.
headquarter N. W. Indian expeditions, camp on heart river, D. T., July 31, 1864.
sir: I have the honor to make the following report of my operations since July twenty-five:
On the twenty-third of this month I reached this point, having made rapid marches, considering I had a very large emigrant train under my charge.
I had started in a direction west, but on the road, receiving information that the Indians were on or near the Knife river, I changed my course in a northerly direction.
On my arrival at this point I coralled all my wagons and the emigrant train, leaving it under charge of Captain Tripp, Dakota cavalry, with a sufficient force to guard against danger. * * * *
About three P. M., on the twenty-sixth. 1 succeeded in getting off, and about ten A. M., of the twenty-eighth, succeeded in reaching the enemy's camp, about eighty miles' march.
All their camp was standing when I reached there
July 31st, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 130
52. battle at Tah-Kah-O-Kuty Mountain.
General Sully's report.
headquarter N. W. Indian expeditions, camp on heart river, D. T., July 31, 1864.
sir: I have the honor to make the following report of my operations since July twenty-five:
On the twenty-third of this month I reached this point, having made rapid marches, considering I had a very large emigrant train under my charge.
I had started in a direction west, but on the road, receiving information that the Indians were on or near the Knife river, I changed my course in a northerly direction.
On my arrival at this point I coralled all my wagons and the emigrant train, leaving it under charge of Captain Tripp, Dakota cavalry, with a sufficient force to guard against danger. * * * *
About three P. M., on the twenty-sixth. 1 succeeded in getting off, and about ten A. M., of the twenty-eighth, succeeded in reaching the enemy's camp, about eighty miles' march.
All their camp was standing when I reached ther
29th (search for this): chapter 130
28th (search for this): chapter 130
July 29th (search for this): chapter 130
July 28th (search for this): chapter 130
August 1st, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 130
August 2nd, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 130