y to the Times article above quoted:
The "little villain" (Raymond of the Times) has turned General.
He marks out a noble campaign.
It will be observed, however, that be studiously avoids anything more than generalities, as well he may, for within thirty days, we now tell him and his whole gang of ruffians there will be heard such a howl as was never dreamed of. The South cannot be run over with 75,000 men. Two hundred thousand cannot more than reach Richmond.
But listen to what Forney, of the Philadelphia Press, said:
No man of sense can for a moment doubt that this much-ado about nothing will end in a month.
With such a man as Cameron in the War Department such another as Mr. Lincoln over the civil, and such Generals as we have, led by the "here of an hundred battles," we are simply invincible.
The rebels.--a mere band of ragamuffins — will fly like chaff before the wind on our approach.
The Western Yankees were as violent as the Northern or Eastern.
As a s
July 10.--Time has passed heavily since the surrender.
We leave, however, to-morrow morning — the following being the prescribed route and "order of march:"
From Vicksburg by the Jackson and Baldwin's Ferry roads, via Bovina, crossing Big Black by the wagon bridge, and thence to Raymond.
Order of March.--In advance, division of Major-General Bowen, succeeding as follows, viz: Col. Higgins's brigade of heavy artillery, Col. Withers's regiment of light artillery, Major Gen. Forney's division, Major Gen. Smith's division, Major-Gen. Stevenson's division.
The wagon trains to proceed in the rear of the brigades to which they respectively belong.
July 11.--The greater portion of our army passed outside the Vicksburg lines this morning.
The rolls of the several commands were called and absentees noted.
The inspection of the baggage proved to be quite formal.
The knapsacks were opened, but scarcely any of the wagons were overhauled.
At the Baldwin's Ferr
an arm; Col Minetree, wounded severely, not dangerously; Lt Col White head, slightly; Capt R Taylor, aid to Gen Mabone, wounded in knee; Col Board, 58th Va, not dangerously in hip; Lt Col Winston, 45th N C, in leg, not dangerously; Col D Willis, 12th Ga, not dangerously; Col Lane, 25th N C, slightly; Col Saunders, 46th N C, severely; Capt Walker Anderson, ord officer Cook's brig, killed; Col Folum, 14th Ga. dangerously; Col Carter, 45th Ga, killed; Col Miller, 12th S C, severely; Lt Col G H Forney, Ala, killed; Col Avery, 33d N C, severely; Col Davidson, 7th N C, reported captured; Lt Col W W Randolph, Stonewall brig, killed; Maj Frayser, 27th Va, killed; Capt Eugene Hawkins, A A G to Gen Doles, killed; Col Finney, 42d Miss, killed; Lt Col Reynolds, wounded; Maj J Pride, 20th Ga, killed.
The body of the Yankee General, Wadsworth, was found in front of our lines, and also the body of a General with the initials "H H C," supposed to be the Yankee General Carr.
It is also reported