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Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Index. (search)
le, Miss. 149, D1; 154, C14; 171 Danville, Mo. 135-A; 152, D6; 171 Danville, Va. 117, 1; 118, 1; 135-A; 138, B2; 171 Expedition, April 23-29, 1865 74, 1 Danville and South side Hall Railroads, Va.: Expedition against, June 22-July 2, 1864 74, 1 Darbytown, Va. 74, 1; 92, 1; 100, 2; 135, 3 Darbytown Road, Va. 20, 1; 22, 1; 77, 1; 92, 1; 100, 2 Dardanelle, Ark. 47, 1; 98, 3; 135-A; 154, A1; 159, A13 Skirmish, Jan. 14, 1865 98, 3 Darien, Ga. 117, 1; 135-A; 145, C11; 171 Darkesville, W. Va. 25, 6; 27, 1; 43, 7; 69, 1; 81, 4; 100, 1; 116, 2 Fort Darling, Va. 74, 1; 171 Daufaskie Island, S. C. 5, 4; 70, 2; 101, 21; 120, 2; 133, 3; 144, F11 Dauphin Island, Ala. 63, 6; 110, 1; 135-A; 147, F3 Davenport Church, Va. 77, 2; 100, 2 Davisborough, Ga. 69, 5; 71, 6; 101, 21; 117, 1; 118, 1; 143, G6; 144, C6; 171 Davis' Cross-Roads, Ga. 111, 9 Fort Davis, Tex. 54, 1; 98, 1; 171 Fort Davi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The siege and evacuation of Savannah, Georgia, in December, 1864. (search)
swamp, and from the reserves on Shaw's and Lawton's plantations were made to contribute to the overflow. The rice fields on Owens' plantation were flooded from the Silk-Hope back-water, and Salt creek was dammed at the bridge on the Savannah and Darien road to retain the water in case the enemy should cut the banks. All means were utilized which could contribute to swell the inundation, and thus the entire front of the Confederate line from the Savannah river to Salt creek was submerged to a depth varying from three to six feet. Below the bridge on the Savannah and Darien road the marshes of Salt creek and of Little Ogeechee river afforded substantial protection. So much for the natural advantages of the line. The artificial defenses consisted of detached works, armed with siege and field pieces, located at prominent points commanding the established avenues of approach to the city, crowning causeways and private crossings over these lowlands and offering resistance where the s
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Roster of the Battalion of the Georgia Military Institute Cadets (search)
a. Smith, Archibald A., LaGrange, Ga. Smith, H. H. *Smith, W., Crawford county, Ga. Died in service, 1864. Solomon, W., Gordon, Ga. Spain,——. Taft, W., Charleston, S. C. Thurman, Jas. T., Atlanta, Ga. *Tilson, Mitchell, Darien, Ga. *Turnbull, J. J., Banks county, Ga. Waitzefelder, Abraham, Milledgeville, Ga. New York City. Walker, C. Walker, J. Waters, Byron B. Watson, ——. *Williams, C. Howard, Columbus, Ga. Died in Atlanta, Ga., 1895. Williams, MA. *Color Corporal, A. J. Hulsey, Atlanta, Ga. Co. A. Color Corporal, Thomas W. Milner, Cartersville, Ga. Co. B. Color Corporal, Henry W. Dewes, Forsyth, Ga. Kirkwood, Ga. Co. B. *Color Corporal, Henry A. Dunwoody, Co. A. Cobb, county, Darien, Ga. Company. B. Captain, Victor E. Manget, Marietta, Ga. Professor of French at G. M. I. Living now at Marietta, Ga. Minister of the Gospel. *First Lieutenant, Cadet Charles H. Solomon, Macon, Ga. *Second Lieutenant, Cadet P. Hazlehurst
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 4. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Personal Poems (search)
hearth and home,—from her, The last bud on thy household tree, The last dear one to minister In duty and in love to thee, From all which nature holdeth dear, Feeble with years and worn with pain, To seek our distant land again, Bound in the spirit, yet unknowing The things which should befall thee here, Whether for labor or for death, In childlike trust serenely going To that last trial of thy faith! Oh, far away, Where never shines our Northern star On that dark waste which Balboa saw From Darien's mountains stretching far, So strange, heaven-broad, and lone, that there, With forehead to its damp wind bare, He bent his mailed knee in awe; In many an isle whose coral feet The surges of that ocean beat, In thy palm shadows, Oahu, And Honolulu's silver bay, Amidst Owyhee's hills of blue, And taro-plains of Tooboonai, Are gentle hearts, which long shall be Sad as our own at thought of thee, Worn sowers of Truth's holy seed, Whose souls in weariness and need Were strengthened and refreshe
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 4. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Appendix (search)
has riven; From mount to mount, from wave to wave, a wild and long lament, A sob that shakes like her earthquakes the startled continent! A light dies out, a life is sped—the hero's at whose word The nations started as from sleep, and girded on the sword; The victor of a hundred fields where blood was poured like rain, And Freedom's loosened avalanche hurled down the hosts of Spain, The eagle soul on Junin's slope who showed his shouting men A grander sight than Balboa saw from wave-washed Darien, As from the snows with battle red died out the sinking sun, And broad and vast beneath him lay a world for freedom won. How died that victor? In the field with banners o'er him thrown, With trumpets in his failing ear, by charging squadrons blown, With scattered foemen flying fast and fearfully before him, With shouts of triumph swelling round and brave men bending o'er him? Not on his fields of victory, nor in his council hall, The worn and sorrowing leader heard the inevitable call. Alo
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—the naval war. (search)
ttle town of Brunswick, itself situated at the extremity of the bay, was almost deserted, but two days after, a Federal launch, which had gone in search of provisions, was attacked by parties of the enemy concealed in the neighboring woods, and thus lost several men. From Brunswick the Federal flotilla continued its course, and, passing between the island of St. Simon and the main land, entered the vast estuary of the Altamaha. Godon ascended this beautiful river as far as the small town of Darien, where he found but few inhabitants; but one of his ships having broken her engine, and the others being of too heavy draught, he did not dare to venture farther into the interior, and returned to the Bay of St. Simon, a central position, whence he could easily command the whole coast of Georgia. In the mean time, Dupont had extended his conquests south of Florida; two light divisions were directed, one under the orders of Lieutenant Stevens, toward the great channel called Saint John's
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—the Third winter. (search)
lled and two guns. Almost the entire squadron of Dahlgren being concentrated before Charleston, a few words will suffice us to recall the incidents which occurred on the rest of the coast blockaded by this squadron. On the 17th of August the Federal steamer Norwich, reconnoitring on the St. John's River in Florida, captured two hostile signal-stations with all the personnel. On the 22d of September the crew of the gunboat Seneca destroyed considerable saltworks in the vicinity of Darien, in Georgia. On the 17th of October the sailing schooner Ward, that was watching the entrance to the little bay of Murrell's Inlet to the northward of Georgetown in South Carolina, seized without fighting a hostile craft of the same strength; but three days later a part of the crew, having landed to take in water, were captured by a party of Southern horsemen. The same accident having been renewed under like circumstances in the case of the sailors belonging to the brig Perry that had relieved t
the Creek nation, some of them kindred to the loyalists who fell victims to their fidelity to the Stuarts, embarked for America, and established New Inverness, in Darien, ‘Where wild Altama murmured to their woe.’ Within a few weeks, a new company of three 1736 Feb. 6 hundred emigrants, conducted by Oglethorpe himself, whose orks and poles in Chap XXIV.} regular rows—a tight and convenient shelter for the emigrants. It was but ten miles from Frederica to the Scottish settlement at Darien. To give heart to them by his presence, Oglethorpe, in the Highland costume, sailed up the Alatamaha; and all the Highlanders, as they perceived his approach, ass and bonfires, and his head selected as the favorite ornament for signposts. Meantime, he took and demolished Fort Chagre, on 1740. this side of the Isthmus of Darien; but without result; for the gales near Cape Horn had prevented the coop eration of Anson at Panama. The victory, in its effects, was sad for the northern colo<
The Savannah News notices the death at Darien, Ga., of Mr. W. V. Prentice, from injury received by the explosion of a cannon fired in honor of the surrender of Fort Sumter. The residence of John Taylor, Esq., of Westmoreland county, Va., was burned down last week. The fire is supposed to have been caused by an incendiary. Samuel R. Glen, special correspondent of the New York Herald, was arrested in New Orleans on a dispatch from Mobile, but was shortly released. There was a provision panic in Louisville on Monday, but it turned out that there was upwards of 3,000,000 bbls, of bacon alone in the city. The two unknown dead soldiers, killed at Baltimore, have been identified as Andrew O. Whitney and Luther C. Ladd, both of Lowell, Mass. Captain E. B. Schaffer, formerly of the National Rifles, it is said, is now in Upper Marlboro', Maryland, organizing a Southern company. A letter from a well-informed man in Missouri expresses the confident opinion th
The fruit Tastes Bitter. --Why should the people of Chicago permit themselves to be indignant when the legitimate fruits of the "irrepressible conflict" are offered to their lips? The fruit may, it is true, be yet not fully ripe; but it will be in time, not only in Chicago, but in all the large cities North and West. Strange, however, that the seeds sown in the Chicago Platform should first blossom in the very heart of that city. Their Upas branches will soon spread further, until Northern society will become as motley-colored as the natives of the Isthmus of Darien. Manassas will forever stand as a wall of adamant between the South and the amalgamationists. The following is from the Nashville Gazette: "The Board of Education of Chicago have determined to admit negroes into the Common Schools of the city, as teachers and pupils.--Their action is regarded with great indignation by the people of Chicago."