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at when he says that is the fact, he has the power to hang, roast, broil, banish or stew every person in the United States. (See Lincoln to Corning and others.) 21. That if the State Governors and Legislatures don't suit him, the provost-marshal will keep them in order. (See New York Times) 22. That by touching "a bell" Lincoln has more power than any one, aside from the Almighty, has ever attempted to exercise on earth, and that all his pimps have just as much. (See Seward to Lyons, and Burnside to the Judge.) 23. That it is the duty of white men to marry sooty wenches. (See Eider Tilton.) 24. That all men ought to have niggers marry their daughters. (See Bishop Judkins.) 25. That love for the mate blacks consists in putting them where David put Uriah. (See Port Hudson and Morris Island.) 26. That Hannibal was a nigger. (See Solicitor Whiting.) The corollary would seem to be that when we die we should go to a lamp-black Heaven.-- N. H. Democrat.
The Daily Dispatch: February 28, 1865., [Electronic resource], Proclamation by the President, appointing a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer, with thanksgiving. (search)
d interests, and the Confederacy may also rest assured that the representatives of the Empire of Mexico along the border freely and frankly offer their friendship; also, full security that no raid will be permitted to organize on Mexican soil for the invasion of Southern territory." The defences of Galveston are being improved and enlarged. General Herron has arrived at Baton Rouge and assumed command of the Northern Division of Louisiana, including the district of Baton Rouge, Port Hudson and Morganzia. His command extends on both sides of the Mississippi river, from Red river to Plaquemine. The guerrillas are becoming trouble-some again on the Arkansas river, firing into passing boats and committing other outrages. It is reported that they have burned the steamer Dane and captured the Fifty-sixth Indiana regiment. The New Orleans Times says the French at Matamoras compliment the rebel flag and pass the American colors in contempt. The capture of G