, 13.
Hill, Lord, Arthur, 442.
Hillard, G. S., 326 note, 391 note.
Hillhouse, Mr., 14.
Hobhouse, (Sir) John Cam, 165.
Hogg, James, 278.
Hogg, Mr., 416.
Holland, Dr (Sir Henry), 446.
Holland House, 295, 408, 418.
Holland, Lady, 264 and note, 265, 408, 409.
Holland, Third Lord, 263, 264, 265, 267, 294, 408, 418, 422Holland, Lady, 264 and note, 265, 408, 409.
Holland, Third Lord, 263, 264, 265, 267, 294, 408, 418, 422; Spanish library, 457.
Hopkinson, Francis, 15.
Hopkinson, Judge, 15.
Hopkinson, Mrs., 16.
House of Commons, G. T. called before Committee of, 415; debate in, 416.
Houston, General S., 372, 373, 374.
Huber, Francois, 156, 157.
Hudson River, visits, 386.
Humboldt, Baron Alexander von, 128-130, 134 and note, 135, 138, Holland, Third Lord, 263, 264, 265, 267, 294, 408, 418, 422; Spanish library, 457.
Hopkinson, Francis, 15.
Hopkinson, Judge, 15.
Hopkinson, Mrs., 16.
House of Commons, G. T. called before Committee of, 415; debate in, 416.
Houston, General S., 372, 373, 374.
Huber, Francois, 156, 157.
Hudson River, visits, 386.
Humboldt, Baron Alexander von, 128-130, 134 and note, 135, 138, 145, 146, 254, 255, 257, 258 note, 263, 498-501.
Humboldt, Madame Wilhelm von, 177, 178.
Hume, Colonel, 447.
Hunt, Jonathan, 7, 381.
Hunt, Leigh, 292, 294.
Infantado Duke del, 206.
Irving, Washington, 291, 293, 479, 492.
Italians, The, by Mr. Bucke, rejected by a London audience, 291.
Italinski, 179.
of, 117.
Sherman, General W. T., made war hell, 107, 280.
Sherry, Sergeant, 9.
Shiloh, Battle of, 357.
Slaves, General Cleburne's plan to put into the army, 173; Extension of territory for 18.
Squirrel Level Fort, 289.
Stephens, A. H., his fidelity and acumen, 185.
Stuart, General J. E. B., 169; how killed, 227, 335.
Surratt, Mrs., Execution of, 122.
Taylor, Governor Robert L., 361.
Toney, Marcus B., 193
Toombs, General Robert 346.
Torpedo boats, David, 292, Holland, of C. S. Navy, 293.
Thomas, L. B., 223.
Tucker, Beverley, 160; Rev. Dallas, 153.
Virginia, Advisory Council of War in 1861, 364; Officers of 1st Regiment infantry, 364; 26th Infantry, company G, Roll of, 210; how she supplied Maryland with arms, 163.
Wallace, Charles Montriou, 366.
War 1861-5, how conducted by the Federals, 101; unrestricted license to burn and plunder, 111; private property destroyed by, 123; spoils, how divided.
114; order of General Lee at Chambersburn, 119; L
burg, March 25, 1865, and died a few days after.
Hackley, A. S., corporal and private, March 14, 1862.
Hancock, E. A., private, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.
Hart, James M., private, March 14, 1862.
Hogan, R. D., private, March 14, 1862.
Hatcher, E. M., private, November 16, 1863; wounded at Spotsylvania, May 18, 1864; captured at Five Forks, April i, 1865.
Hicks, W. J., private, March 1, 1864; wounded at Hatcher's Run.
Hilman, G. L., private, July 1, 1864.
Holland, H. W., private, March 14, 1862; killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863, and buried on the battlefield.
Herndon, R. S., private, March 14, 1862; died June 23, 1862.
Hines, R. N., private, March 14, 1862; killed, June 27, 1862, at Gaines Mill.
Hughes, P. S., private, November 16, 1863; discharged February 10, 1864.
Hudson, John, private, November 16, 1863.
Johnson, J. W., quartermaster sergeant, March 14, 1862; served until surrender.
Jones, William Ellis, private, March 1
, N. C., Cold Harbor, Va., 1864.
Hendrick, R. L., Va., Mecklenburg Co., Va.. 1862.
Henry, J. F., Maj., Tenn., Shiloh, Tenn.
Hicks, J. H., N. C., Chancellorsville, Va., 1863.
Hobbs, T. H., Col., Ala.
Hobson, A. M., Capt., Va., 1863.
Hodges, T. P., Capt. Miss., Atlanta, Ga., 1863.
Hoffman, T. W., Lt., Va., Cold Harbor, Va., 1864.
Holcombe, H. L., Adjt., Ala., Frazier's Farm, Va.
Holcombe, J. C., Capt., Ga., 1861.
Holladay, J. M., Va., Albemarle Co., Va., 1862.
Holland, N. W., Capt., Fla., Olustee, Fla.
Holleman, G. C., Fla., Seven Pines, Va., 1862.
Holman, B. O., Capt., Ala., Ft. Delaware, Md., 1863.
Holmes, A. T., S. C., Oxford, Miss., 1862.
Hull, J. M., Va., Fairfax C. H., Va., 1862.
Hungerford, T. J., Capt., Va.
Hunter, L. M., Capt., Ala., Portland, Ala., 1861.
Hunter, R. M. T., Jr., Va., Essex Co., 1861.
Hunter, B. B., Capt., Va., Petersburg, Va., 1864.
Hutton, W. B., Lt., Ala., Chancellorsville, Va., 1863.
Irving, C., V
Freeman, ——.
Gary, J.
Gary, W.
Gould, ——.
Green, John M., Atlanta, Ga.
Hamilton, Thomas A., Columbia county, Ga. Birmingham, Alabama.
Hardee, J.
*Hardee, W. P.
Harlee, ——.
Harrington, Henry P., West Point, now New York.
Harris, John.
*Haslem, George, Perry, Houston county, Ga.
Hawkins, J. C., Merriwether county, Ga.
Head, George M., Monroe county, Ga.
Hill, A. W., Washington, Ga. Atlanta, Ga.
Hill, Thomas A., Washington, Ga.
Hinton, John.
Holmes, John H., LaGrange, now Wetumpka, Alabama.
Huger, ——, Charleston, S. C.
Jones, H. P., Burke county, Ga.
Jones, Henry, Burke county, Ga.
Jones, W. D., Burke county, Ga.
*Jones W. (Jr.,) Burke county, Ga. Died in 1864.
King, (Barrington,) Marietta, Ga.
Kollock,——, Savannah, Ga.
Land, J. H.
Lane, W. S.
Latimer, Charles T.
Leseuer,——., S. C.
Lester, T. G., Lexington, Ga.