Your search returned 254 results in 123 document sections:

Two hundred dollars reward --Will be paid for the apprehension and confinement in jail of my servant John, who ranaway from my mother's, in Powhatan county, Va, about the middle of July last. Said negro man is about 5 feet 11 inches high black, features quite prominent. He is 2d years old, and was purchased in the neighborhood of Clover Hill coal mines in the winter of 1860, where he may be now loitering. Address E J Mo Eley, M D, Or Wm H Brander, Sr, Dox 042, Richmond, Va., no 13--3t
The Daily Dispatch: December 17, 1863., [Electronic resource], Averill's movements in Western Virginia. (search)
Two hundred dollars reward --Will be paid for the apprehension and confinement in jail of my servant John, who ran away from my mother's, in Powhatan county, Va, about the middle of July last. Said negro man is about 5 feet 11 inches high, black, features quite prominent. He is 28 years old, and was purchased in the neighborhood of Clover Hill coal mines in the winter of 1880, where he may be now loitering. Address. E J Moseley, M D, Wm H Shanden, Se, 622, Richmond, Va. de 17--7t
Two hundred dollars reward --Will be paid for the apprehension and confinement in jail of my servant John, who ran away from my mother's, in Powhatan county, Va, about the middle of July last. Said negro man in about 5 feet 11 inches high, black, features quite prominent. He is 26 years old, and was purchased in the neighborhood of Clover Hill coal mines in the winter of 1860, where he may be now lettering. Address E J Moseley, M D. Or Wm H Brander, Sr. Box 642, Richmond, Va. de 17--7t
Two hundred dollars reward. --Will be paid for the apprehension and confinement in jail of my servant John, who ran away from my mother's, in Powhatan county, Va., about the middle of July last. Said negro men is about 5 feet 14 inches high, black, features guild prominent. He is 26 years old, and was purchased in the neighborhood of Clever Hill coal miles in the winter of 1860, where no may be now loitering. Address E J Morelay, M D. Or Wm N Brandes, Sa., Box 642, Richmond, Va. de 17--7t
The Daily Dispatch: December 22, 1863., [Electronic resource], A correspondence with Beast Butler — the Beast as a humane man. (search)
Two hundred Dollars reward --Will be paid for the apprehension and confinement in jail of my servant John, who ran away from my mother's, in Powhatan county, Va, about the middle of July last. Said negro man is about 5 feet 11 inches high; black, features quite prominent. He is 26 years old, and was purchased in the neighborhood of Clover Hill coal mines in the winter of 1860, where he may be now loitering. Address E J Moseley, M D. Or Wm H Brander, Sr, Box 442, Richmond, Va. de 17--7t*
Two hundred dollars reward --Will be paid for the apprehension and confinement in jail of my servant John, who ran away from my mother's, in Powhatan county, Va, about the middle of July last. Said negro man is about 5 feet 11 inches high, black, features quite prominent. He is 25 years old, and was purchased in the neighborhood of Clever Hill coat mines in the winter of 1860, where he may be now lettering. Address E J Moseley, M D. Or Wm H Brander, Sr, Box 542, Richmond, Va. de 17--7t
The Daily Dispatch: December 24, 1863., [Electronic resource], The assault on Knoxville--a Confederate account. (search)
Two hundred dollars reward. --Will be paid for the apprehension and confinement in jail of my servant John, who ran away from my mother's, in Powhatan county, Va, about the middle of July last. Said negro man is about 5 feet 11 inches high black, features quite prominent. He is 26 years old, and was purchased in the neighborhood of Clover Hill coal mines in the winter of 1860, where he may be now loitering. Address E J Moseley, M D, Or Wm H Brander, Sr, Box 642, Richmond, Va. de 17--7t+
Two hundred dollars reward --Will be paid for the apprehension and confinement in jail of my servant John, who ran away from my mother's, in Powhatan county, Va, about the middle of July last. Said negro man is about 5 feet 11 inches high, black, features quite prominent. He is 26 years old, and was purchased in the neighborhood of Clover Hill coal mines in the winter of 1860, where he may be now loitering. Address R J Moseley, M. D. Or Wm H Brander, Sr. Box 642, Richmond, Va. de 17--7t
The Daily Dispatch: December 28, 1863., [Electronic resource], Attempted escape of Confederate officers from Fort Warren. (search)
Two hundred Dollar Reward --Will be paid for the apprehension and confinement in jail of my servant John, who ran away from my mother's, in Powhatan county, Va, about the middle of July last. Said negro man is about 5 feet 11 inches high, black, features quite prominent. He is 26 years old, and was purchased in the neighborhood of Clover Hill coal mines in the winter of , where he may be now lettering. Address J Moseley, M D, or Wm H Brander, , Box 642, Richmond, Va. de 17--7t
The Daily Dispatch: January 22, 1864., [Electronic resource], By the Governor of Virginia.--a Proclamation. (search)
Bold attempt to Assassinate a Stranger. --Considering the brightness with which the moon was shining, and the early hour at which the deed was committed, one of the boldest attempts at garroting was made in this city on Wednesday night of which we have ever had any knowledge. As Mr. Daniel Lane, a worthy citizen of Powhatan county, was on his way to his boarding house about 9 o'clock on the night in question he discovered at the corner of Cary and 12th streets three or four men in close conversation; but thinking nothing of their appearance he proceeded to pass on, when, all of a sudden, he found himself staggering in the middle of the street from the force of a slung shot which they had used against him. Being a man of powerful frame, the blow only partially stunned him, and before the ruffians could close in on him he drew his five shooter and let fly among them. Seeing one man fall, the rest took flight; but whether the effect of Mr. L.'s ball was of a serious character, we