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T. Maccius Plautus, Trinummus: The Three Pieces of Money (ed. Henry Thomas Riley), act 2, scene 4 (search)
o you to propose an alliance and bond of friendship between himself and your family. He wishes to take your sister for his wife; and I have the same feelings, and I desire it. LESBONICUS I really don't understand your ways; amid your prosperity you are laughing at my adversity. PHILTO I am a manI am a man: This is somewhat like the celebrated line in Terence: "Homo sum, humani nihil alienum a me puto," "I am a man, nothing that is human do I think unbecoming to me.": you are a man. So may Jupiter love me, I have neither come to laugh at you, nor do I think you deserving of it! But as to what I said, my son begged me to ask for your sister as his wife. LESBONICUS It is right that I should know the state of my own circumstances. My position is not on an equal footing with yours; seek some other alliance for yourselves. STASIMUS to LESBONICUS. Are you really sound in mind or intellect to refuse this proposal? For I perceive that he has been found for you a very friend in needFriend in
Boethius, Consolatio Philosophiae, Book One, Metrum 5 (search)
lucida: modifies luna (line 7). fratris: i.e., Phoebus (the sun); final syllable closed before diaeresis. obvia: "opposite" (with dative), modifies luna (line 7). condat: "dims." Phoebo propior: "closer to Phoebus" i.e., as day nears. Hesperos (evening star) and Lucifer (morning star) are the names given to whatever planet (usually Venus or Jupiter) shines brightest at dawn and at dusk. B.'s point in these lines is that the same planet can be evening star now, and morning star a few weeks from now. algentes . . . ortus: "chilly risings." Hesperos: Greek nominative form, "[as] the evening star." Lucifer: "[as] the morning star." Winter and summer. frondifluae: "leaf-flowing"; a word not otherwise attested in surviving Latin authors, perhaps co
Sallust, The Jugurthine War (ed. John Selby Watson, Rev. John Selby Watson, M.A.), chapter 2 (search)
there is a beginning, there is also an end; they all rise and fall,II. They all rise and fall, etc.] Omnia orta occidunt, et aucta senescunt. This is true of things in general, but is here spoken only of the qualities of the body, as De Brosses clearly perceived. increase and decay. But the mind, incorruptible and eternal, the ruler of the human race, actuates and has power over all things,Has power over all things] Habet cuncta. "All things are in its power."Dietsch. "Sub ditione tenet. So Jupiter, Ov. Met. i. 197: Quum mihi qui fulmen, qui vos habeoque rogoque."Bernouf. So Aristippus said, Habeo Laidem, non habeor à Laide, e)/xw o)uk e)/xomai. Cic, Epist, ad Fam. ix. 26. yet is itself free from control. The depravity of those, therefore, is the more surprising, who, devoted to corporeal gratifications, spend their lives in luxury and indolence, but suffer the mind, than which nothing is better or greater in man, to languish in neglect and inactivity; especially when there are so man
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Divus Julius (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 1 (search)
public liberty, that, in both instances, they bestowed the highest mark of human homage upon men who owed their fate to the introduction of arbitrary power. lost his father Pliny informs us that Caius Julius, the father of Julius Caesar, a man of praetorian rank, died suddenly at Pisa. when he was in the sixteenth year of his age; A. U. C. (in the year from the foundation of Rome) 670; A. C. (before Christ) about 92. and the year following, being nominated to the office of high-priest of Jupiter, Flamen Dialis. This was an office of great dignity, but subjected the holder to many restrictions. He was not allowed to ride on horseback, nor to absent himself from the city for a single night. His wife was also under particular restraints, and could not be divorced. If she died, the flamen resigned his office, because there were certain sacred rites which he could not perform without her assistance. Besides other marks of distinction, he wore a purple robe called laena, and a conical m
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Divus Julius (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 79 (search)
e Lupercal, in the month of February, in honour of Pan. During the solemnity, the Luferci, or priests of that god, ran up and down the street naked, with only a girdle of goat's skin round their waist, and thongs of the same in their hands; with which they struck those they met, particularly married women, who were thence supposed to be rendered prolific. when the consul Antony placed a crown upon his head in the rostra several times, he as often put it away, and sent it to the Capitol for Jupiter, the Best and the Greatest. A report was very current, that he had a design of withdrawing to Alexandria or Ilium, whither he proposed to transfer the imperial power, to drain Italy by new levies, and to leave the government of the city to be administered by his friends. To this report 'it was added, that in the next meeting of the senate, Lucius Cotta, one of the fifteen, Persons appointed to inspect and expound the Sibylline books. would make a motion, that as there was in the Sibylline
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Divus Augustus (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 22 (search)
and wearing crowns of gold; in the midst of whom was one in a female dress, whose business it was, with his looks and gestures, to insult the vanquished. Next followed a long train of persons carrying perfumes. Then came the victorious general, dressed in purple embroidered with gold, with a crown of laurel on his head, a branch of laurel in his right hand, and in his left an ivory sceptre, with an eagle on the top; having his face painted with vermilion, in the same manner as the statue of Jupiter on festival days, and a golden Bulla hanging on his breast, and containing some amulet, or magical preservative against envy. He stood in a gilded chariot, adorned with ivory, and drawn by four white horses, sometimes by elephants, attended by his relations, and a great crowd of citizens, all in white. His children used to ride in the chariot with him; and that he might not be too much elated, a slave, carrying a golden crown sparkling with gems, stood behind him, and frequently whispered i
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Divus Augustus (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 23 (search)
t of Varus threatened the security of the empire itself; three legions, with the commander, his lieutenants, and all the auxiliaries, being cut off. Upon receiving intelligence of this disaster, he gave orders for keeping a strict watch over the city, to prevent any public disturbance, and prolonged the appointments of the prefects in the provinces, that the allies might be kept in order by experience of persons to whom they were used. He made a vow to celebrate the great games in honour of Jupiter, Optimus, Maximus, "if he would be pleased to restore the state to more prosperous circumstances." This had formerly been resorted to in the Cimbrian and Marsian wars. In short, we are informed that he was in such consternation at this event, that he let the hair of his head and beard grow for several months, and sometimes knocked his head against the door-post, crying out, "0, Quintilius Varus! give me back my legions!" And ever after he observed the anniversary of this calamity, as a day
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Divus Augustus (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 92 (search)
ncerning his son, he received from the priests an answer to the same purpose; because, when they loured wine upon the altar, there burst out so prodigious a flame, that it ascended above the roof of the temple, and reached up to the heavens; a circumstance which had never happened to any one but Alexander the Great, upon his sacrificing at the same altars. And the next night he dreamt that he saw his son under more than human appearance, with thunder and a sceptre, and the other insignia of Jupiter, Optimus, Maximus, having on his head a radiant crown, mounted upon a chariot decked with laurel, and drawn by six pair of milk-white horses. Whilst he was yet an infant, as Caius Drusus relates, being laid in his cradle by his nurse, and in a low place, the next day he was not to be found, and after he had been sought for a long time, he was at last'discovered upon a lofty tower, lying with his face towards the rising sun.Velletri stands on very high ground, commanding extensive views of t
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Caligula (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 58 (search)
y. Respecting what followed, two different accounts are given. Some say, that, whilst he was speaking to the boys, Chaerea came behind him, and gave him a heavy blow on the neck with his sword first crying out, "Take this:" that then a tribune, by name Cornelius Sabinus, another of the conspirators, ran him through the breast. Others say, that the crowd being kept at a distance by some centurions who were in the plot, Sabinus came, according to custom,.fr. the word, and that Caius gave him "Jupiter," upon which Chaerea cried out, "Be it so !" and then, on his looking round, clove one of his jaws with a blow. As he lay on the ground, crying out that he was still alive,Josephus, who supplies us with minute details of the assassination of Caligula, says that he made no outcry, either disdaining it, or because an alarm would have been useless; but that he attempted to make his escape through a corridor which led to some baths behind the palace. Among the ruins on the Palatine hill, these
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Galba (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 2 (search)
his statues, his being great-grandson to Q. Catulus Capitolinus. And when he came to be emperor, he set up the images of his ancestors in the hallThe Atrium, or Aula, was the court or hall of a house, the entrance to which was by the principal door. It appears to have been a large oblong square, surrounded with covered or arched galleries. Three sides of the Atrium were supported by pillars, which, in later times, were marble. The side opposite to the gate was called Tablinum; and the other two sides, Al/. The Tabbnum contained books, and the records of what each member of the family had done in his magistracy. In the Atrnum the nuptial couch was erected; and here the mistress of the family, with her maid-servants wrought at spinning and weaving, which, in the time of the ancient Romans, was their principal employment. of the palace; according to the inscriptions on which, he carried up his pedigree on the father's side to Jupiter; and by the mother's to Pasiphae, the wife of Minos.