Current results for occurrence #1 of planh/sh| in New Testament, entry plana/w:

A. e)planh/qhn E.Hel.598, Th.5.4, etc.: pf. pepla/nhm...
2. lead from the subject, in talking, D.19.33...
3. lead astray, mislead, deceive, h)\ gnw/mh ...
II. Pass., wander, stray, i(/ppoi plano/wntai ...
b. c.acc.loci, planhqei\s th/nde ba/rbaron xqo/na
2. wander in speaking, p. e)n tw=| lo/gw| Hdt...
3. c. gen., planaqei\s kairou= having missed ...
4. do a thing irregularly or with v...
5. to be in doubt or at a loss, p. to\...
6. in forensic Rhet., xrw/mata peplanhme/na, meta/qe...
7. to be misled, u(po\ fwnh=s koino/thtos Phl...
Total: 16

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