Current results for occurrence #1 of confundetur in Latin Vulgate, entry confundo:

I. To pour, mingle, or mix together (c...
A. Prop.: unā multa jura (cocos), Plaut. Most. 1, 3,...
B. Meton.
1. In gen., to mingle, unite, join, combine (...
2. Esp., with the idea of confounding, disarranging,...
b. Trop., of intellectual confusion, to disturb, ...
II. To diffuse, suffuse, spread over (rare).
A. Prop.: cibus in eam venam, quae cava appellatur, ...
2. Poet., to throw in great numbers: tela per...
B. Trop.: aliquid in totam orationem, Cic. de Or. 2,...
Total: 29

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