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A Hellenistic city on the plain of Sybaris. Some 18 km from the sea at the juncture of the Esaro and Coscile rivers, it controlled ancient trade routes across this part of the Italian peninsula. There are at least two and probably three destruction levels, the first possibly at the end of the 8th c. with the arrival of the Greek colonists to found Sybaris. A second period of destruction (at the turn of the 4th-3d c.) called for the leveling and grading of the site, completely destroying the stratification. The city was rebuilt early in the 3d c. on a grid system over and with the debris of earlier levels.

The archaeological evidence points to continued occupation, to extents as yet unknown, from Neolithic times to the last decade of the 3d c. B.C. when it was destroyed by assault and siege, whether by Hannibal or Rome is as yet unknown. Recent finds are in the museum at Sybaris Station and in the National Museum in Reggio Calabria. There is fragmentary evidence for a building of some pretension, probably a temple of the late 6th or early 5th c. Although some preliminary reports have been published, the major publication is still in press.


A. Pasqui, NSc (1888) 248-68, 579-92, 648-71; O. C. Colburn, “A Habitation Level of Thurii,” Expedition 9, 3 (1967) 30-37; id., “The Quest for Thurii” (Diss. Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1973); F. Rainey & C. Lerici, The Search for Sybaris (1967) 85-98, 286-92; G. R. Edwards, “Torre del Mordillo 1967,” Expedition 11, 2 (1969) 30-32.


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