
From the North.

We continue our extracts from Northern papers of the 18th. In Albany, New York, on Monday after the reception of the reports of Sunday's battle bonfires. illuminations, and bell ringing were the order of the night. In the day, business was suspended and the people congregated in the streets as on a holiday.

Particulars of the surrender of Harper's Ferry.

A correspondent of the New York Times, who escaped from Harper's Ferry under cover of night, and who witnessed the engagements from the beginning to the end, and left Tuesday morning at 2 o'clock, says:

‘ Skirmishing commenced on Maryland Heights Thursday afternoon, continuing three hours. The battle was renewed again on Friday morning at daybreak. Our forces held their ground until about noon, when, being flanked on the left, they were compelled to fall back to the large guns. Not long after, these were spiked, and the whole command retreated down the mountain.

On Sunday, the enemy commenced a fierce cannonading from the Maryland and London Heights, which were replied to by our own. It continued until sunset, our guns holding their own in fine style. During Sunday night the rebels planted more guns, and in the morning opened in all directions on our forces, drawn up in line of battle on Bolivar Heights. It was useless to contend against such overwhelming odds, being surrounded by one hundred thousand men, and seven different batteries firing upon us. The white flag was raised at 20 minutes past 7. But a few moments later, Col. Miles was struck by a piece of shell, which carried away his left thigh. ‘"My God ! I am hit"’ he exclaimed, and fell into the arms of his aide-de-camp.

’ The terms of capitulation were remarkably liberal, the officers being allowed to go paroled with side-arms and private property, and the privates everything save equipments and guns. The commands which surrendered were:

Col. Downye, 3d Maryl'd Home Brigade600
Col. Malsby, 1st Maryl'd Home Brigade900
115th New York1,000
125th New York1,000
39th New York530
141st New York1,000
125th New York1,000
32d Ohio.650
12th New York S. M600
87th Ohio900
9th Vermont800
65th Illinois850
Grohm's Battery110
15th in diana143
Phillip's N. Y. Bat'y120
Pott's Battery100
Rigby's Battery100
Scattered Companies50
Officers connected with Headquarters and Commissary Dep't.50

The following guns were surrendered:--

12 3 inch rifles.

6 James' rifles.

6 24 pound howitzers.

4 20-p'd Parrott guns.

6 12-pounders.

4 12-pound howitzers.

2 10 inch Dalhgrens.

1 50-pound Parrott.

6 6-pound guns.

Three hundred and fifty will cover our loss in killed and wounded. Colonel Sherrill, of the Twelfth New York, was shot badly in the mouth while gallantly urging forward his men. Several other staff and line officers were killed and wounded.

General Hill received the surrender of the place, and shortly afterwards the famous Stonewall Jackson appeared on the parade ground, and fixed his headquarters there.

His first question, after glancing over the eight thousand infantry drawn up unarmed in line before him, was. ‘"Where is all the cavalry you had?"’--And on being informed that they had escaped the previous night, en masse, he was silent; but his face, and the countenances of the rebels about him, wore a look of disappointment and chagrin.

The Loyalty of Maryland.

The Washington Republican, commanding on the ‘"loyalty"’ of Maryland with reference to the recent march of the Confederate army into that State, says:

‘ The recent raid into Maryland, so far as it has developed the political opinions of the population, has confirmed the correctness of the opinion, which we have expressed several times during the past few months, that a majority of it is reliably loyal. That two-thirds of it is so, is claimed by the best informed Union men in the State, and we believe that the claim is well founded. There are, to be sure, portions of Maryland where the people are en masse against the national cause, as in Saint Mary's, but it is those portions of the State where slaves are numerous and the white population small. The voting and fighting strength of the State is in Baltimore and the northern counties, whose attachment to the Union cannon be shaken. There is very little in them, of what a recent manifesto of the Missouri conspirators well calls the ‘ "indissoluble tie"’ of slavery, to attract them to the Southern Confederacy. It is that ‘"tie,"’ and no other, which ever could have been appealed to to persuade Maryland into rebellion. The ties of commerce are all the other way, and so are the ties of blood, as an overwhelming majority of the emigrants from Maryland are now settled in the free States, while an equally great majority of the immigrants into Maryland are from the North. It is a Northern State in all respects, save the single one of slavery, and in the most important portions of it that institution never had much real strength. It is daily losing its power everywhere throughout the State, not merely by the diminishing number of slaves, but still more by their diminishing value. Property is one of the greatest of the social forces, and when this war broke out, the slaves in Maryland had an actual, saleable value in the market of forty-five millions of dollars. The owners of such a vast amount of wealth could not fail to exert a powerful influence in the State. They enjoyed, of course, the consideration which so great an amount of property given. They have now lost it, precisely in the proportion that the value of this property has diminished, and that is not less than four-fifths. Slaves were worth, before this war broke out five hundred dollars upon an average. They cannot now be sold for an average of one hundred dollars, and it is more probable that they will still further depreciate than that they will recover in price. Instead of being a great property interest, the institution of slavery in Maryland has become a comparatively small one, and the power of the men connected with it is reduced accordingly.

The Political Uprising at the North.

The Albany (N. Y.) Argus, (Democratic.) in an article on the approaching elections at the North, says the Middle States will insist upon resuming the power they once held and which has been filched from them by New England. It says:

‘ It is in vain that the voice of the press, of public meetings, of formal deputations, is heard imploring the President to give efficiency to his administration. The instruction of the people is needed; and that must be given at the ballot box. We have reached that stage of political crisis wherein our position resembles that of the British Parliament, when a revolution of political opinion dictates a change of ministry and a modification of governmental policy.

Instead of a policy vague, vacillating, and destructive, we want one which shall be intelligent, resolute and effective. The restoration of Democratic influences in the North would have the double effect of consolidating our military strength and the force of our political position, and of dividing the South.

But there is something more than this demanded by the crisis, and which would be effected by the influence of these great Democratic States, asserting their position as the advocates of constitutional law !

On every side we hear of prepositions to disregard the Constitution. The rights of the press, of individual liberty, and of property, are treated with contempt by a class of demagogues who now propose to establish a military dictatorship.--The men who make this proposition, for the most part cowards and criminals, seek to shelter themselves from the outraged law, under the cover of some military usurpation. Weak-minded and fearful in this crisis as they have been wicked and blind, in every antecedent step, they seek to find refuge from their own folly and vacillation, in a despotism no matter how odious.

They know not what they say. A dictatorship means assassination: and absolutism means anarchy. There can be no revolution without counter revolution. The Mirabeau of to-day will be followed by Danton, and Danton displaced by Robespierre, and a reign of corruption and imbecility must follow the reign of terror, before we are ready for a Napoleon.

The men who now invoke despotism in the name of order invite anarchy, as when a while ago they proposed to usher in the reign of liberty they proposed an absolutism. There can be no such thing as the overthrow of constitutional law and order without civil war and anarchy. The man who ventures to lay his unlicensed hand on the Ark of the Constitution, even to steady it lest it fall, will be struck down by the hand of God !

It is for this we need a restoration of the Democratic party--to restore once more the reign of constitutional law, and to revive the sentiment of loyalty to the Constitution, and of abhorrence of despotic and lawless power. It is with this conviction that the people will unite to place again in the administration of office that old and patriotic and loyal party, which has already given proof of its capacity to administer this Government, and with which alone we can achieve success in war, and under which alone we can organize an honorable peace.

Major General Reno.

Gen. Jesse L. Reno, U. S. A., who was killed on Sunday at the Heights on the Hagerstown road, was born in Virginia in 1825, and was consequently 37 years of age at the time of his death. He was a graduate of West Point of the class of 1846, in which year he was commissioned as bravot Second Lieutenant of Ordnance. In the Mexican war he was greatly distinguished for gallant bearing and meritorious conduct, and while still a 2d Lieutenant was honored with the brave ranks of 1st Lieutenant and Captain, which he won at the battles of Cerro Gordo and Chapultepec, in the latter of which he was severely wounded.

On his return from Mexico he was appointed Assistant Professor of Mathematics at West Point, which position he held for six months; and for

eighteen months afterward he was Secretary to the Artillery Board, during which he was engaged in testing heavy ordnance and compiling tactics for heavy artillery. Various employments succeeded, in all of which he brought to bear judgment, good scientific attainments, and industry. He was for a time on the Coast Survey; then on topographical duty in the West; for a year engaged in building a military road from Big Sioux river to St. Paul. Minn. From 1854 to 1857 he was stationed at Frankfort Arsenal, near Philadelphia. He was afterward Chief Ordnance officer to Gen. A. S. Johnston in the Utah expedition, and remained there till 1859, when he was detached and sent to Mount Vernon Arsenal Alabama. He was afterward stationed at Leavenworth, Kansas, where he was when the war broke out.

He was killed about 7 o'clock Sunday evening, and the following account of his death is thus given in a letter to the N. Y. Herald:

‘ He, with his staff, was standing a little back of the wood on a field, the rebel forces being directly in front. A body of his troops were just before him, and at this point the fire of the rebels was directed. A Minnie ball struck him and went through his body. He fell, and, from the first, appeared to have a knowledge that he could not survive the wound that he had received. He was instantly carried with the greatest care to the rear, followed by a number of the officers, and attended by the division surgeon, Dr. Cutter. At the foot of the hill he was laid under a tree, and after a few moments the surgeon said he could not live, and he died without the least movement a few minutes after. Grief at any time is heart-rending; but such grief as was manifested by the staff officers and those about him, it has never before been my lot to witness — The old soildier, just come from the scene of carnage with death staring him in the face on every side, here knelt and wept like a child. No eye was dry among those present, and many a silent and spoken resolution was made that moment, that Reno's death should be amply avenged — Thus died one of the bravest Generals that was in the service of his country; one of the bright gems in the crown of Burnside, and a man whom all respected and loved. The country can ill afford to lose at this trying hour such men as Kearney Stevens and Reno.

Apprehensions of the Merrimac no. 2.

The New York Times calls on the Navy Department to look out for Merrimac No. 2, and thinks the ‘"rebels"’ are playing the same game about her they did about No. 1. It says:

‘ We were told that she was top-heavy; that she hogged and logged, and drew more water than there was in all Hampton Roads; and just in the middle of the general chuckle she dashes our and does — what all the world knows she did. Now, we don't say that because the same kind of rumors are set afloat with reference to the new iron-clad, she is therefore on the point of appearing; but we do say that all such reports are to be distrusted. What we know is, that the rebels have been finishing at Richmond, with great secrecy and much enterprise, a mailed war vessel of some sort, which was commenced at Norfolk; that they evidently put great reliance upon her power, and that there is momentary danger of her appearance. The same men that made the first Merrimac a success are perfectly capable of making the second one a success.

The Washington telegrams assure us ‘"it is all right — ample preparations have been made to receive her."’ We hope so; but the only kind of ‘"preparations"’ in which we have any confidence is the presence of a sufficient match of iron-clads in the James river to meet her. If Washington can be considered sufficiently ‘"safe"’ to permit of the withdrawal of the Monitor and Galena from the Potomac, the Navy Department would do well to lose no time in seeing that they are promptly sent where they will have a chance of encountering the new monster. That she will take the trouble to go and seek them out, we think doubtful, while the whole Southern coast line invites her enterprise. We have had experience enough of what can be done by such vessels, and we know that the destruction of half our wooden blockaders is not at all out of the reach of such a craft's ability. The prize presented to her prowess is a splendid one, and if she should succeed in descending the coast in a destroying raid, and open the ports of Charleston, Savannah, and Mobile, at the same time that the rebel army holds Maryland, beleaguers Washington, and threatens the free States, it would be an appeal for recogniition which Europe would find hard to resist.

The Navy Department is forewarned; now is it forearmed.

New Numbering of the U. S. Army corps.

Under an order of the War Department, of the 12th instant, the numbers by which the several corps of the army are designated have been changed. They now stand as follows: I Corps. --Hooker, formerly McDowell. 2.--Sumner. 3.--Heintzelman. 4.--Keyes. 5. --Porter, 6.--Franklin. 7.--Dix (Fortress Monroe.) 8.--Wool (Middle Department.) 9.--Burnside. 10.--Mitchell (Department of the South.) 11. --Sigel. 12.--Banks. The 12th corps is temporarily commanded by Gen. Sedgwick, while Gen. Banks commands in the city of Washington.

"M'Clellan's great victory — now forward to Richmond."

The New York Herald says

‘ "McClellan's important victory of Sunday over the great liberating rebel army of General Lee, in Maryland, marks a turn of the tide of war which, if vigorously followed up, will bring this rebellion substantially to an end within the next sixty days." ’ It adds: It appears that General Lee, in falling back from Frederick, had chosen a most admirable defensive position on the rest and in one or two passes of the South Mountain, a spur in the continuation of the great chain of the Blue Ridge northward from Harper's Ferry. This strong position was stormed and carried by our gallant soldiers after a severe engagement, the results being the complete dislodgment of the enemy along the whole line and his precipitate retreat during the night. No field fight during this war has occurred with such commanding advantages of position as this on the side of the defeated army. We think it apparent, too, that General Lee had concentrated the bulk of his forces in or near this position, not simply to arrest the advance of General McClellan, but to surprise him with a crushing repulse. After this defeat of the rebel General, therefore, a vigorous pursuit of his scattered and demoralized army is all that is needed to finish it.

The dispatches of General McClellan show that he fully realizes his opportunity, that he is vigorously following up the enemy, and that in all probability the remnants of Lee's Maryland liberating army will be gathered up on the banks of the Potomac or in the Shenandoah valley. But what of that division of his army left by General Lee on the Virginia side of the Potomac, scattered along from Leesburg to Centreville and Manassas. We conclude, from the various estimates reported — ranging from seventy-five to one hundred and fifty thousand men — that Gen. Lee's army column in Maryland was at least one hundred thousand strong. But his army which followed Gen. Pope to Centreville was estimated at not less than two hundred thousand men. Strike off one-fourth, and there still remains between Manassas and Leesburg a rebel column of fifty thousand men to be looked after.

Here, then, is an important bit of inviting work for Gen. Halleck. We presume that his reserves retained around Washington amount to at least 75,000 men. This whole force he may now put in the field after this rebel army column remaining around Leesburg and Manassas. Let this be done, and let Gov. Curtin's army of sturdy militia, now on the Pennsylvania border, be called down to stand guard around Washington for 30 days, and within this limitation, while Gen. McClellan is pushing after the main army of Lee up the Shenandoah Valley, this column of our reserves from Washington, by way of Gordonsville, may walk into Richmond. If Gen. Halleck's combinations embrace some such movement, let it be at once put into practice; for the country has now the right to demand that no part of Lee's army, from either side of the Potomac, shall ever go back to Richmond.

Refugees who arrived in Washington yesterday from Richmond and Fredericksburg state that there are no rebel soldiers in the capital except the Home Guard and some convalescents; that there are very few troops at Fredericksburg, none at all at Aquia Creek, and only three regiments on the James river. If this be true, now is the available moment to capture Richmond, and crown the victories our armies are winning in Maryland.

From the West.

We have the following concerning the Confederate army from the Louisville Journal, of the 13th instant:

A reasonable doubt no longer exists that the whole of the rebel army of General Braxton Bragg is now in Kentucky. The movement of the corps of Bragg's army under General Kirby Smith are known to our readers as far as we have been able to obtain information of them. We have lately been put in possession of facts which establish beyond doubt that the two other corps of the same army have also entered the State. We briefly publish these facts for the benefit of our readers, adding that they are obtained from the most reliable authority. Our readers are also acquainted with the fact that General Buell's positions at Battle Creek, Huntsville, and McMinnville, have been evacuated by that admirable officer. Many newspapers, ignorant of the rebel movements, have blamed General Buell for his inaction and his late retrogressive movements.

Gen. Bragg massed his army at Chattanooga and Knoxville, East Tennessee. The column or corps under Gen. Kirby Smith succeeded in flanking Gen. G. W. Morgan, and, with but one battle of any consequence, that of Tazewell, effected the design of getting into his rear, and thence further into Kentucky. All the details of this movement are familiar to our readers. The other two corps have moved with equal secrecy and effect, and are now attempting a junction with Smith. The army of General Bragg is divided into three corps d'armee under Gens. William J. L. Hardee, Leonidas Polk, and Kirby Smith. Each of these corps would number about 15,000 men if the regiments were full; but it is not probable, that, of this whole army, 40,000 effective infantry can be brought into action. The cavalry force of the two corps under Hardee and Polk is estimated at 5,000

and it is known that they have each three batteries of light artillery, and several pieces of heavy guns. Among the division commanders in Hardee's corps are S B Buckner, Henry W. Hilliard, and a Brigadier General Slaughter. This Slaughter we cannot recall to mind, and it has been suggested to us that Savage, of Tennessee, is meant. With Buckner our readers are familiar. It is rumored he has been made a Major General. There is little doubt that he commands a division of this army, organized to penetrate a country with which he is intimately acquainted, and in which, it were useless to deny, he has a widespread and evil influence over certain classes of people. Cheatham, of Tennessee, Atolerson, of Pensacola notoriety, and Maury, of Tennessee. have divisions in Polk's corps.

With the two corps of this army thus organized under Hardee Polk, and Bragg, on or about the 22d of August, crossed the Tennessee river to Harrison, a few miles above Chattanooga, the stream at that point being easily forded. On the evening of the 27th of August he had marched westward by the Mountain road to Dunlop. At the time of reaching this point, our informant first saw them, and, lying in the bushes near the town, marked them go by. He counted forty pieces of field artillery, five regiments of cavalry, and thirty-six regiments of infantry, the ranks of which appeared to him to be nearly or quite full. He represents that the men were well armed, and the cavalry well mounted.--The batteries were very complete, all the appointments being new and full. The regiments moved with but three wagons each, and it was stated in Dunlop that the officers were allowed to carry little or no baggage. The troops were provided with large tarpaulins, which they stretched from tree to tree, and under which whole companies can sleep with comfort.

The wagons were used to haul forage, the tea tarpaulins of a regiment taking up but little room. The men lived off the country, Many of the men were no horses with bridles improvised from ropes and the like. The whole force moved speedily up the valley of the Sequachy river, and were at Pikeville on the 30th of August.

On the same day a large force was thrown forward toward McMinnville and Nashville from Pikeville. The rebel cavalry made an advance far towards McMinnville, and one or two smart skirmishes were had with our troops thrown forward from that point. In the meantime the rest of the rebel army was moving Northeast towards Cassville, and on the 1st of September the advance reached the mountains at Cassville, having ascended by the ‘ "Grassy Cave"’ road, while the force thrown toward McMinnville was suddenly withdrawn and followed the main army. Positive information of this movement reached Gen. Bucil on Sept. 2d.

Gen. Bragg entered Kentucky at Albany, Clinton county, on the 5th of the present month. It is understood that he had designs against Bowling Green, and moved on towards the Cumberland river. He crossed this stream on the 6th or 7th--in all probability the latter date. This is the last definite account of which we have of him. He found his designs against following Green frustrated, and is understood to have moved northward towards Columbia, in Adair county. He is now said to be in that vicinity, and, from all the information we have from other sources, this surmise is not an improbable one.

It is likely that Bragg, at the head of his large force, is to combine with Kirby Smith and Humphrey Marshall, Of course the combined force will be formidable in numbers and discipline.

"the War in Maryland."

Under this heading the Baltimore Clipper (abject Yankee) has the following on Maryland's brief experience of the war:

We have been accustomed to readings of wars and rumors of wars, and battles in which hosts of our follow countrymen were engaged, and in which thousands of them were killed or wounded, still we did not fully realize the consequences of this rebellion, in all its horrid deformities, until it has been brought to our very doors, as has been the case during the past week. Our State, so prosperous and flourishing in all its hoarders, has been suddenly invaded by ragged and starving army from the South, which, reduced to the almost straits within the limits of Virginia, have made a desperate effort to obtain supplies for their famishing men and horses, by a raid upon the rich fields of the Western section of our State. The plans of the rebels, if they had any that were fully defined can only be conjectured, but whatever they may have been, they have met with disappointment and drawbacks in the carrying of them out, that has changed the whole programme which may have been marked out for them — for it is very evident that they are now more anxious to get beyond our borders than they were to cross the shallow fords of the Potomac in their advent into our State; and that the anticipation of making an entry into the State of Pennsylvania is now and forever postponed, as they find not only a powerful army pressing upon their rear, but that there was a mighty host assembled on the borders of our neighbors, with a celerity that would have done no discredit to the war chiefs of Scotia, when they hoisted their fire flakes upon the mountain cliffs to summon their clans to the rescue from the incursions of their ancient foes from the opposite shores of the Tweed. These honest yeomen of Pennsylvania are in like manner ready to meet and drive them back to the despoiled and ravaged fields of the poor. Old Dominion.

It may be considered a matter of doubt whether the rebel Generals had any definite plan of operations when they entered into Maryland, but probably calculated to act as circumstances might admit. After our troops were massed behind their battlements near Washington, the rebel Generals imagined that they were too much demoralized immediately to take the field; and as their army would be but wasting time to remain idle waiting for the Union forces to recruit and be reinforced, the desperate effort was determined on to make a raid into Maryland to gather supplies, and if the attempt seemed feasible, to make a rush on Baltimore, or take Washington in the rear, or even to push on to Pennsylvania. They expected, also, to meet with troops of friends from among the Secessionists in this city and State, and that their army would thus be strengthened by the influx of the Maryland ‘"chivalry."’ who had been so long begging the Confers to come to their aid, promising, no doubt, what great things they were going to do when they could be backed by the rebel army on this side of the Potomac.

The rebels, from every account we can gather, have been woefully deceived and disappointed in the aid thus anticipated, and it is more than probable that the desertions from them have been two to one in excess of the additions they have received from their friends in this State. Indeed, the evidences are, that most of those who intended to join them, when they reached their lines, and found what a miserable set of woebegone and cadaverous looking demons, in the human form, the rebel army generally speaking presented, even they could not stomach the feast before them, and the most of them retired in disgust. The whole movement was not unlike a hap hazard attempt, such as the desperate gambler makes, staking his last dollar in despair, and prepared for the ruin staring him in the face, unless his luck should suddenly change. Starvation and nakedness were before the rebels, and unless they could get into Washington and obtain the supplies gathered there for our army, or by a rapid stretch reach Philadelphia, and thus hold it as a hostage for their recognition, they knew that their hopes were gone, and that they could not survive the coming winter.

The repulse with which they have met, and the lack of sympathy here, will at least assure the rebels that they have been woefully deceived by their friends in Maryland in their promises of aid; that the State of Maryland desired not their appearance; and those who had been making such promises of that kind of Secesh strength, calculated to meet their requirements, were merely anxious to make themselves appear of some consequence in the eyes of those from whom, hereafter, it may be necessary to seek favors.

The times on our Generals.

The New York Times has an article on our Generals and their rank. It says:

‘ The Major-Generals of the Confederate army are numerous, and Stonewall Jackson, who holds this rank, stands at some distance from the head of the list. Both Longstreet and A. P. Hill are his seniors in rank. If it be true that General Joseph Johnston has recovered from the severe wounds he received at Fair Oaks sufficiently to allow him to take the field, we may fairly understand that the rebel campaign of invasion will be really directed in the supreme resort by his clear, quick, keen, and daring intellect — an intellect as fertile in resources as his will is swift to execute what his judgment has determined. We have no more formidable enemy.

The appointment just announced in the Richmond papers of so conspicuous an officer as Gen Beauregard to the command of the Department of South Carolina and Georgia indicates, we may remark, the presence in that department of no inconsiderable force, and may either prognosticate a serious attempt to eject as from our positions at Hilton Head and Beaufort, or show that the rebels anticipate a vigorous effort at the reduction of Charleston and Savannah. It sets at rest, also, the foolish stories which have been current of Gen. Beauregard's withdrawal from the Southern services. The truth in regard to him we believe to be that he has simply been at the Springs in Alabama recruiting his strength, impaired by that memorable Western campaign in which Gen. Halleck did not capture him, nor destroy his army.

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