
The National crisis.

the debate on the force bill — interesting scene at the Seventh Regiment armory-- resolutions of respect — Old Abe Hung in effigy — Miscellaneous items.

The debate on the force bill.

The Staunton Volunteer (Force) Bill has been virtually killed, by postponement in the United States House of Representatives.--When it was called up Tuesday--

Mr. Howard, of Michigan, resumed his remarks in favor of it, arguing that it merely gave a construction to laws already in existence. It was the duty of Congress to put into the hands of the President the means for the performance of his duty, and point out the mode in which he should do it. They could not be released from this obligation. He repeated that the President should have the power to execute the Constitution in all its parts. The highest duty of the Government, which dates anterior to all Constitutions, is to preserve its existence.

Mr. Pryor said it was the purpose of the dominant party, plainly manifest and openly avowed, to drive through the bill by the pressure of an irresistible rule. As this was a foregone conclusion, he hoped it would pass at once, to the end that the people of Virginia and of the South may be aroused to the perils which menace their destruction. He defiantly challenged them to assume the attitude of hostility corresponding to their bloody designs. He knew that the Republican party are resolved never to recognize the independence of the seceded States, nor surrender control over the captured forts. In short, they are resolved to permit the South no other alternative but submission or subjugation. In the event of the South declining to capitulate, coercion by arms is their purpose and policy. Who so bold as to deny this assertion? He desired to proclaim to the country the policy of the dominant party and incoming administration to carry slaughter and sword into the bosom of the people of the South, rather than tolerate the existence of a Southern Confederacy. The object is to chastise and subdue the seceded States. By this bill the President may carry on against them vigorous hostility. In fact, it was a measure of fraternal and civil war clearly against the letter and spirit of the Constitution.

Mr. Curtis, of Iowa, addressed the House in favor of the bill. It was but a use of forces which were already armed and equipped, instead of drafting new companies of militia.

Mr. Simms, of Kentucky, said the bill was one of murder, for while the laws of our country gave to a criminal or rebel the right of trial by jury, this bill gives authority to the President to order his myrmidons to shoot down whosoever he may consider a rebel, wherever he may find him, and without judge or jury.

Mr. Curtis denied the assertion. He denied that this bill was one of coercion.

Mr. Burnett asked whether the purpose of Republicans under this bill was to reinforce the forts in seceding States, now held by the Federal Government, and to recapture the forts already taken, unless they shall be surrendered?

Mr. Curtis replied that his purpose was to support the Constitution as it is, until some power was vested in him to do otherwise.

Mr. Burnett desired to know if it was the purpose of his party to reinforce the forts and recapture the property taken by seceding States?

Mr. Curtis was not going to give his opinion in open session of what should be spoken of only in secret session. If it was for hostile purposes--

Mr. Simms, in his seat-- "Murder."

Mr. Curtis replied that "murder" came from the other side of the House. The acts of assassins were not for Republicans. The murderous axe against the Government was wielded by persons skulking in Executive chambers and in the Senate of the United States--striking at their own mother, the mother country. He denied that the States were out of the Union-- they were still children of the same common country.

Mr. Burnett was compelled to agree with the gentlemen from Virginia in regarding the passage of this bill as a foregone conclusion, and he had no doubt that it was the purpose of the dominant party on the floor of the House to pass this bill, a law of such moment to the country, under the call of the previous question, and even before it had been printed. He now declared the bill to be a declaration of war against the seceding States. The bill never had a similar precedent. It gives the President unlimited power to call out three million men, and muster them into the service of the United States. Congress would shortly adjourn, and if the President saw fit to abuse his power, there was no power to prevent him or to restrain him.

After the close of the remarks of Mr. Burnett,

Mr. Corwin moved to postpone the further consideration of the bill until Thursday next, at 1 o'clock. This was agreed to — yeas 100, nays 74.

Interesting scene at the Seventh Regiment armory.

The Seventh Regiment, of New York, turned out 900 guns at the parade of the Division on the 22d. After the return of the corps to its armory a thrilling and impressive scene occurred, which is thus reported in the World:

‘ "The Regiment ascended to the spacious drill-room in the upper story of the building, and at the command of the Colonel the several companies formed in order, with ranks extending the entire width of the room. Col. Lefferts having commanded silence, ascended with his staff to the gallery extending across the Eighth street end of the building, and made a brief and spirited address to his command. He proposed that the birthday of Washington should hereafter be regularly celebrated by the Regiment as its anniversary, and spoke with patriotic enthusiasm of the character of that illustrious sage and patriot. On putting the question to the men, whether they approved of his proposition, a thundering "aye" reverberated through the hall. --The order being given for the men to uncover, every hat came off, and the soldiers, still in their ranks, stood in reverential silence while the Chaplain uttered a solemn prayer for the land of Washington, that it might be spared from the evils which threatened it, and that the Almighty would put forth His arm once again, as of old, to rescue it from destruction.

"After the prayer, the band struck up the Star Spangled Banner, the beautiful standard of the Regiment was carried up to the gallery and waved in unison with the strains, and a scene of the wildest enthusiasm ensued. The young men of the Regiment, the elite of our citizen soldiery, broke forth with the most tumultuous cheers, a forest of bayonets was lifted in the air — and a hundred gleaming swords leaped from their scabbards and were waved aloft as if invoking the blessing of Heaven upon the flag of our country. It was several minutes before order was restored, but the serried ranks at last resumed their statue-like repose, and the companies were dismissed to their respective armories. It is doubtful whether such a display of martial enthusiasm was ever witnessed in this country, and the whole scene was calculated to remind one of the wild bursts of enthusiastic devotion with which the Old Guard of Napoleon were wont to hall the appearance of their beloved Emperor."

Resolutions of respect.

The Washington City Councils have resolved to visit President Buchanan in a body, to take leave of him on the eve of his departure from the seat of Government. The President returns his thanks for the uniform kindness he has received from the citizens of the District for thirty consecutive years, and has fixed on to-morrow, at 2 o'clock, to receive them.

The Councils have also passed the following resolutions of respect to the Hon. John J. Crittenden:

Whereas, The time is at hand when the Hon. Jno. J. Crittenden is about to withdraw from the National Councils, after a career of illustrious public services, running through a period of more than forty years; and, whereas, during all that time he has steadfastly evinced his devotion and attachment to the Union of the States, no less by his enlarged and comprehensive statesmanship than by his liberal course of policy in connection with the interests of this Capital city of the Republic, selected by the father of our country as its permanent seat of Government, and stamped with his own immortal name; therefore,

Resolved, That a committee, consisting of the Mayor, the President and two members of the Board of Aldermen, and the President and three members of the Board of Common Council, be appointed to wait on Mr. Crittenden, and present him a copy of these resolutions, at the same time conveying to him our deep sensibilities at parting from one who has been so long among us as to be regarded almost as one of us, and whose absence from the social and political circles of Washington will leave a vacuum not easily filled.

Old Abe Hung in effigy in New York.

No little excitement was created at a New York wharf Monday morning by the effigy of Lincoln hanging from the masthead of the sloop Motto, Captain Skipworth. Quite a crowd soon collected on the wharf, which the police tried in vain to disperse. Finally Sergeant Davourney went on board the Motto, and in an authoritative manner, ordered the figure to be lowered. Captain Skipworth refused to comply with the request, on the ground that the police had no business to interfere in such matters. Davourney thereupon called several policemen to his assistance, and rushing upon the Captain carried him off to the Police Court. The case came up before Justice Connolly, and eventually ended in the release of the skipper, on his promises to lower the effigy. The police followed the Captain down to the wharf, in order to see that he fulfilled his promise, and soon afterwards had the satisfaction of bearing off the obnoxious image.

From Charleston.

The Charleston Courier of Tuesday, has the following items:

‘ Our cotton market has been relieved essentially from the embargo which the absence of vessels had for some time imposed, by the opportune arrivals of the last few days. Four vessels have been taken up for Europe, and engagements, we learn, have been made for Havre at 1 ½ and 2 cents for cotton, and $3.50 and $4 for rice; and for Liverpool at 11-16d. for cotton.

’ The steamer Charleston, Captain Grantham, from Georgetown, S. C., reports that the officers attached to one of the batteries near the entrance of Georgetown, saw on Saturday and Sunday last, some distance off shore, what appeared to be a steam ship-of-war. She fired several guns which were distinctly heard.

The Mercury announces the following military appointments:

‘ Under the bill to raise a division of 10,000 volunteer troops, his Excellency the Governor has made the following appointments:

Gen. M. L. Bonham, of Edgefield, Major General; P. H. Nelson, of Sumter, Brigadier General; Major T. G. Rhett, late of the United States Army, now on the Western frontier, Brigadier General; Samuel McGowan, of Abbeville, Brigadier General; A. C. Garlington, of Newberry, Brigadier General.


Yesterday, at the office of Esquire Horne, fourteen Irishmen were sworn to support the Constitution and laws of South Carolina, to obey her Governor and other officers set over them, and to defend the State against its enemies. They were recruits, enlisted in the service of the newly independent State.--Memphis Appeal, 16th inst.

When President Jefferson Davis passed through Jackson, Miss., on his way to Montgomery, Ala., for inauguration, the old and tattered flag of the Mississippi Rifles, which waved over the "well fought on field" of Buena Vista, was borne in the procession.

The Augusta (Geo.) Dispatch says:

‘ "The negroes employed in grading the Macon and Warrenton Railroad, near Warrenton, have hoisted secession flags on their dirt carts, bearing eight well executed stars. On being asked why they added the eighth star, the reply was, 'Old Wirginny's bound to come.'"

Col. H. S. Webb, distinguished for his services in the Mexican war, and brother to J. Watson Webb of New York, is in New Orleans, to offer the services of himself and four sons to the Southern army.

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