

THE Scotish men, according to the maner of other nations, estéeming it a glorie to fetch their begining of great anciencie, say that their originall descent cam frō the Gréeks and Aegyptians: for there was (as the old Scotish historiographers haue left in writing) a certeine noble man among the Gréeks, named Gathelus, the sonne of Cecrops, who builded
Gathelus. the citie of Athens: or as some other would, he was the sonne of Argus Nealus, the fourth king of the Argiues. This Gathelus plaieng in his youth manie wild and vnrulie parts in Gathelus giuen to will and pleasure. the countrie of Macedonia and Achaia, was diuers times sharplie rebuked by his father and other of his friends: so that in fine disdaining their correction and wholsome admonitions, he was banished by his father: after which he got togither a number of strong and lustie yoong men, such as had vsed the like trade of liuing, and with them fled ouer into Aegypt; Gathelus went into Aegypt, Anno mundi 2416. Gathelus was interteined of Pharao. Gathelus went against the enimies. Moses capteine generall vnder Pharao. Ios. lib. 2. cap. 7. Gathelus his dooings aduanced. Moses dooings not alowed. and comming thither in the 33 yeare of Pharao Orus as then king of that countrie, was receiued of him in most gladsome wise, for that his seruice (as was thought) might stand in great stead in those warres, which the Aegyptians held at that time with the Aethiopians that had inuaded the realme of Aegypt, euen vnto Memphis. This Gathelus, to be short, went forth with his bands against the same Aethiopians, vnder Moses the capteine generall of the armie, chosen thereto by diuine oracle (as Iosephus writeth) which Moses obteined the victorie, and conquered Saba by force being the chiefest and principall citie which stood in the Ile Meroe.

For such tokens of valiancie and worthie prowesse as Gathelus shewed, both in this countrie, and in other places, he grew also into such estimation with Pharao, that he gaue him his daughter in mariage. But Moses was rather enuied than honored for his dooing, because the Aegyptians doubted least the Israelites should increase to such a puissant multitude, that in the end they might vsurpe and challenge the gouernance of the whole realme, and bring it by rebelling into their owne hands: wherefore diuers informations were made to the king against him, so that when he once perceiued himselfe to be in danger of the lawe, and looked for no mercie at their hands, he fled from thence out of the countrie, & gat him into Moses fled. The citie of Thebes was giuen vnto Gathelus. Scota daughter to Pharao. the land of Madian. Vnto Gathelus and his people there was giuen a citie called Thebes [Aegyptiaca] béeing taken from the Israelites. ¶ Here you must vnderstand, that Pharaos daughter which Gathelus thus maried, was called Scota, of whome such as came of the posteritie of that nation were afterwards, and are at this present day called Scoti, that is to say Scotishmen, and the land where they inhabit Scotia, that is to say, Scotland.

Gathelus thus being aduanced by such honorable mariage, liued all the daies of his father The credit of this historie of Gathelus we leaue to the authors. Israel oppressed. in law Pharao Orus, in great honor. But after his deceasse, and in the third generation, an other king named Pharao Chencres succeeded in his throne, who oppressed the people of Israell then abiding in Aegypt, with more bondage than euer his father or grandfather had doone before him. Neither was there hope of anie redresse, till Moses returned by Gods appointment from amongst the Madianites (where he had remained in exile) into Aegypt, Moses called out of Madian into Aegypt. and there declared vnto this Pharao, Gods commandement, touching the deliuerance of his people.

But forsomuch as his words were regarded, neither with the king, nor with his subjects, Moses not regarded. Exodus 5. that land was plagued in most horrible maner; and moreouer it was signified vnto such as sought to know what was meant by way of oracles, that sorer and more grieuous plagues Gathelus leauing Aegypt, séeketh other countries. should after follow, if remedie were not found the sooner. Gathelus therefore being certified hereof, and giuing credit to the oracles aforesaid, determined out of hand to forsake the countrie, and séeke him a new place of abode in some other parties of the world. Wherefore he caused a number of ships to be rigged, and all necessarie puruciance to be prouided, and when the same was once readie, and all things set in order, he tooke with him his wife and children, and a great multitude of people both Gréekes and Aegyptians, Gathelus departing was, Anno mundi, 2453. W. H. 3643. II. B. He was repelled from Barbarie. He landed in Portingale. whom he imbarked in those ships, and hoising vp sailes, departed out of the mouth of the riuer Nilus, in the yeare of the worlds creation 2453, when he had dwelled in Aegypt 39 yeares and more. Being thus departed, after some trouble in the voiage, they arriued first on the coasts of Numidia, which is one of the regions of Affrike, now called Barbarie: but being put backe from thence by the stout resistance of the inhabitants, they tooke the seas againe, and landed in a part of Spaine, which long after was called Lusitania.

There be that haue written how it should be cleped port Gathele of this Gathelus, and certeine yeares after Lusitania, and eftsoones againe in a maner to haue got the former name, being somewhat corruptlie called Portingale. But who is able in a matter of such anciencie to auouch anie thing for truth?

Gathelus with his companie being thus come to land, sought abroad in the countrie for victuals, and such other necessarie things as they wanted (for their long being on the seas had wasted all their purueiance:) whose arriuall being once knowne in the countrie, the people assembled togither, and fiercely incountring with the strangers, after sharpe and cruell Theinhabitants resist Gathelus. fight, in the end the Spaniards were put to the woorst and chased out of the field. This victorie put Gathelus and his folks in hope of good successe to haue there a place for them to inhabit in, and so to end their long wandering in strange and vncerteine places. And to the intent they might bring their purpose the more easilie to passe, they found means by way of communication to ioine in friendship with the Spaniards, and obteining of them a A communication. Gathelus buildeth the citie Bracchara. plot where they might build a place for to inhabit in; shortlie after they began the foundation of a citie néere to the banks of the riuer called of ancient time Mundus, and afterwards Bracchara.

It chanced after this, that the Spaniards (perceiuing these strangers to increase further in puissance than, as they thought, stood well with their securitie) sought diuerse occasions to fall at debate with them, and to make warres vpon them: but when they vnderstood that A communication. Gathelus was as readie to defend, as they were to inuade, they eftsoones fell to a communication, & persuaded with Gathelus, that it should be best for him and his people, for the auoiding of variance, to remooue vnto the northside of Spaine, lieng vpon the coasts of the Cantabrian seas, now called Galitia (where he should find much void ground, by reason of the small number of inhabitants) adding that if they would so doo, they would aid them to the vttermost against all such as should attempt to disquiet their indeuours in anie maner Gathelus left Po tingale, and went into Galitia. He builded a citie called Brigantia, and now Compostella. of wise. This offer Gathelus gladlie accepted, and causing publike sacrifice to be celebrated in honor of the gods, he departed with all his people into Galitia, and there concluding a league with the inhabitants, builded a citie which he named Brigantia, but after it was named Nouium, and now Compostella

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