
From the South.

From the latest Southern and other papers we make up the following interesting summary a news.

The Charleston welcome to her legislators.

In Charleston, Thursday night, as noticed by telegraph, her representatives in the late Legislature were welcomed home. The town was in a blaze of light and enthusiasm. Mayor Macbeth, who presided, in alluding to the work of the body of which the delegates had been members said: ‘ They have enrolled in the archives of your Sate a statute that will reflect honor on them while they live and their memories when they are They have solemnly determined that the time has come when the people of South Carolina shall meet in solemn Convention to dissever themselves from the United States.--They have inaugurated a revolution, the future operation of which there is no mind here can grasp, or tell the suffering and the trials that have to be passed through. I thank God, my fellow-citizens, and I express the conviction of my mind, when I say that there will be suffering, but I believe the most of that suffering will be beyond our borders. I solemnly believe that among you there will be the least of the sufferings that may happen in the civilized world. And there is this comfort for you all, that if you have to pass through sufferings and trials, in the future you have liberty, honor, and independence.

It is not for me to discuss this large subject, for it is a subject of immense ramifications.--But I will tell you, gentlemen, my conviction is, it is to be a peaceful revolution, a peaceful revolution which will emancipate you from the oppressions which you have borne, and which your patriotism has never let you consider.

The official address of welcome which was read, contains the following:

‘ While thus ratifying by their high sanction your participation in the measures averted to, your constituents embrace the occasion to remark upon the character and tone of the discussion which preceded their adoption. In free governments the unrestricted right of thought and speech, and the conflict of opinion, constitute the path way to enlightenment and intelligence. Hence it was to be anticipated, in the outset of your discussions of the momentous questions submitted to you, Virginia opinions as to the measures best adapted to effect a common purpose, would be entertained. These were manifested at an early period of your session; but the singleness of purpose from which they originated, the frankness with which they were stated, and the calmness, the deliberation, and the distinguished courtesy with which they were examined, led to harmony and unanimity in your counsels. Thus will it ever be with the deliberations of earnest, honorable men — men true to themselves, to duty, and to their country. Thus you have given to your constituents the highest evidence of wisdom, and the surest guarantee of your fidelity and devotion to the honor and safety of the Commonwealth of South Carolina.

Senators and Representatives, your constituents commend you, and the trusts confided to you, to the keeping of Almighty God. To the God of our fathers, we commend the people of this ancient Commonwealth. We invoke His mercy that He may vouchsafe to us, in especial abundance, ‘"the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, and the spirit of knowledge,"’ in this our time of trouble; that knowing our duty we may discharge it fearlessly, and with a firm dependence upon the sustaining strength of His Almighty arm.

Mr. Porter, one of the Senators, spoke as follows:

‘ Fellow-Citizens: As one of your delegation, I thank you for this welcome home. Warm and cordial as is your greeting, we all greet you with a like warmth and cordiality. This is an occasion for common rejoicing. We are in the midst of great events. We are actors in scenes that will live in history. We are living in times that will try men's souls, and that will make a record in the future, for our city and for our State, either for weal or for woe, for honor or for shame; and God grant that shall be for weal and not for woe for honor and not for shame.

Fellow-Citizens, since we parted, a great revolution has been inaugurated. This great Government, the wonder of the world, this mighty Federal Union, the centre of so many hopes and aspirations is now sliding from under our feet, and those great sovereign communities that breathed into it the breath of life, that called it into being, but which has been most perfidiously abused and betrayed, are about to recall the powers with which they clothed it, and to assume their original positions among the people of the earth as sovereign and independent nations.

But, fellow-citizens, what is most remarkable of all is that it is not a legislative, but a popular revolution. The people started the hall of revolution, and they will carry it forward to the consummation and the end they have in view. Solitary and alone, it is my fixed belief that the State of South Carolina, whatever may betide her, whoever refuse to stand by her — that South Carolina, solitary and alone if need be, will launch her gallant little bark of independence upon an untried political sea; abiding in the justice of her cause, and relying upon the gallant arms and the stout hearts of her people, will peril all in the contest with our enemy, and will look unfalteringly and trust to the God of Battles to guide her through the trials and perplexities by which she is surrounded, to the haven of safety.

Fellow-citizens, I rejoice that you have resisted. I rejoice that you are about to teach the people of the North, who have abused, oppressed, insulted and betrayed us, that the bitter cup of indignity and insult is filled to overflowing; that the point of endurance is already passed, and that the point of resistance has at last been reached. I rejoice that in the very hour of their insolent triumph, in the very midst of their insane, insulting revels, in rejoicing over us, that the doom of this Union will fall upon their affrighted ears like a thunderbolt from an unclouded sky, and startle their guilty souls from their propriety.

Fellow-citizens, when I think of it I am amazed at the infatuation of the people of the North, that they should suppose that the people of the South--descended from as high and noble a lineage as their own, in whose veins flow the same glorious blood, a people who have loved liberty and pursued it to the end, through all the trials and perils of the country as well as they — that they should believe that such a people could have submitted with acquiescence, and without resistance to their unholy demands.

One word in conclusion. You are in a revolution. We are all embarked in one bottom. Our persons, our property, our families, our institutions, our civilization, and all that men hold dear and precious in life are concerned. Have faith in each other have charity for each other. The heart of every Carolinian is true to his State. Let there be but one party, and let that be the party of the State against the common foe.

Look at the developments! How proud and glorious was the unanimity of the whole representation in the Legislature of South Carolina Why, it was a thing almost unparalleled in the annals of legislation. It is my firm belief that, when that Convention assembles, that the vote to take this State out of the Federal Union will be equally unanimous. Already do we see, by the telegraph to-day, that the mountains have responded to the seaboard, and that the whole central region of the State locks with us in one harmonious embrace.

Fellow-citizens, be true to yourselves and to each other. I speak not for individuals only, but I speak for our institutions. The Legislature of the State passed but two Acts at its late session. One was for the purpose of severing our connection with the Federal Government, the other was an Act suspending the penalty against the banking interests in case there should be a necessity for the suspension of specie payments.

Now for what purpose was this done? For the common good, for the common welfare. Not that the banks might make profit, but that they might have the opportunity of exhibiting their patriotism, in taking part in the common movement to sustain the mercantile community. I believe they will come up to it. I believe they will come up to the wants of the community, and do as the community has done by them. Let each man be firm and true, and our second independence will not be less glorious than the first.

Hon. Richmond Yeadon, for many years, and now editor of the Charleston Courier, one of the most conservative papers in the South, said:

‘ Whatever difference may have existed between us, we all concurred in the necessity for placing South Carolina in an attitude of resistance to Northern aggression. The result has been an auspicious unanimity, unparalleled in the history of legislation. He said that hither to he had been among those who were in favor of maintaining the Constitutional Union. He now regarded that Union as a thing of the past, and he worshipped at that political shrine no longer. The solution had become an imperious necessity with the South--a measure of deliverance and liberty. Separate State action was no longer identified with isolated State action. Separate action was now the best, if not the only, mean of securing cooperation; and on the Convention would devolve the duty of putting our State out of the Union without delay, whether

alone or not. My devotion to the Union is, as I have said, a thing of the past — and I here pledge myself, for weal or for woe, in life or in death, to stand by the State of my birth.--[Applause.]

Gov. Gist--the Capital of the New Confederacy.

A Columbia (S. C.) correspondent thus writes the New York Times:

His Excellency, Gov. Gist, accompanied by his wife and daughter, paid a visit of inspection to the new State capitol, now in course of erection, this morning, (Nov. 12th,) and I am told was highly pleased with all he saw.--After the inspection, I had the honor of an introduction to the Governor, and I must say I found him a most affable and amiable gentleman. He says that offers of volunteers are coming in from all quarters of the South, and that a distinguished officer of New York city has volunteered his command to assist in fighting the battles of South Carolina.

As the State does not at present happen to be at war, the gallant volunteers will be duly informed when their services will be needed. The Governor does not look like a man who will seek a fight, but when once in for it his friends say he is one of the very last men who will yield. He is one of the pillars of the M. E. Church in this State, immensely wealthy, and is represented as not caring a fig for anything but the welfare of the people and the honor and integrity of the Palmetto State.

The character second in note to the Governor appears to be the venerable Edmund Ruffin, of Virginia, who, with his long flowing white locks and his blue cockade, is the observed of all observers. As soon as he had cast his vote in Virginia for President, Mr. Ruffin came on here. He has the privilege of the floor in both Houses, and appears to be incessant in his labors for secession.

What is most remarkable, the people of South Carolina do not desire to have the National Capital of the new Confederacy within her borders. They say that the possession of and scramble for office will only tend to contaminate her people. The knowing ones name Atlanta, Ga., as the place at which the first Southern Congress will assemble. That such a body will meet ere long there seems to be no doubt here. No people could be more determined than those of South Carolina. Times look gloomy, indeed. The agents for Northern houses are not selling enough to pay their hotel bills, and many have already left the South for their homes.

Mr. Yancey on secession.

Mr. Yancey spoke at Montgomery, Alabama, on Saturday last. He began by establishing the right of a "sovereign" State to withdraw from the Union when the terms of the contract were broken, arguing that all those States which had made laws obstructing the action of the Fugitive Slave law had already nullified the bond of union. He advised a convention of all the Gulf States, to the end that after a separate State withdrawal, a new Union might be formed, and a Southern Republic. He stated that the border States would not immediately secede, but would act as a bulwark to those further South, and that they had bound themselves to permit no Federal army to cross their territory. He stated, furthermore, that the present Administration, conceding the right of individual States to secede, would take no offensive measures, and that the next Congress, having a Democratic majority, would render such measures impossible on the part of Mr. Lincoln. He stated that he would rather die than become a slave to the North. He defied the bayonets of the coercive officer, and closed with an announcement of the South Carolina Convention for January 8, and the resignation of Toombs.--The enthusiasm of the meeting was unquestionable, and if the State were to be controlled by the feelings of its capital, secession would be inevitable.

The flags.

From the Charleston papers of Saturday, we take the following items of interest:

The flags are increasing bravely. In fact, so rapidly have representations of the Palmetto and "Lone Stars" made their appearance on our thoroughfares, that we have been unable to keep up with them. Yesterday morning a new one was raised by the Mercury. It consists of a blue ground, with the motto, "Southern Confederacy," in large letters, and one star for each of the Southern States. It has attracted universal attention, and is emblematical of that for which every true Southern patriot must earnestly strive.--A handsome flag has been raised on the tower of the South Carolina Railroad Depot. Three guns were fired in honor of the occasion. It is a white field, with a Palmetto tree, surmounted by a single star, the harbinger of the Southern constellation soon to appear in the political firmament. The Eagle Fire Company have also "flung to the breeze" a flag, displaying three large stars, and bearing the motto Semper Parati. Mr. G. F. Merchant, of the Charleston Theatre, has hung out a banner, made out of the finest fabric. It is composed of three stripes, blue, white and red.--The blue and red ground each bears a star. --On the white stands a Palmetto, resting on two bales of cotton. Above the tree is a large brilliant star, which represents South Carolina. Underneath the tree is the following apothegm, Dieuet Nos Droits.

The scarlet cockade and steel button has been unanimously adopted by the Edgefield Riflemen, and is now a pledge by them to resist Black Republican rule in or out of South Carolina. The motto is, "Blood and Steel"--a reliable cure for present troubles. We noticed, yesterday, quite a number of gentlemen wearing a plain blue silk ribbon on the coat lapel. The Palmetto tree, the lone star and the coiled rattlesnake, appear in gold upon the face of the badge.

A train of about twenty drays loaded with cotton, started from the South Carolina Railroad Depot early Thursday morning, on the way to the wharf, the head of each animal decked with a Palmetto flag, and the owner of the drays leading the van. It had quite a novel appearance, and attracted much attention.

The Press.

‘ "There is no retreat," says the Sumpter (S. C.) Dispatch, "but in submission, and submission new is ruin and dishonor. While we write this article the Colonial flag, with its crescent and lone star, is floating gaily at our office door, and the sentiments and resolves which that flag indicates, lie deep within our bosom, and pant for utterance and action.--Oh, shades of McDuffie, and Hamilton, and Hayne, and Calhoun! Oh, shades of the mighty! this is the day ye long desired to see — the day of deliverance and of jubilee!"’

The New York Tribune professes to be willing to let the South go out of the Union. It says:

‘ Still we say, in all earnestness and good faith, whenever a whole section of this Republic — whether a half, a third or only a fourth--shall truly desire and demand a separation from the residue, we shall as earnestly favor such separation. If the fifteen slave States, or even the eight cotton States alone, shall quietly, decisively say to the rest, "We prefer to be henceforth separate from you," we shall insist that they be permitted to go in peace. War is a hideous necessity at best, and a civil conflict — a war of estranged and embittered fellow-countrymen — is the most hideous of all wars. Whenever the people of the cotton States shall have definitely and decisively made up their minds to separate from the rest of us, we shall urge that the proper steps be taken to give full effect to their decision.

Let us, then, have no reciprocal taunts, reproaches, nor menaces; no bitterness; no passion. If the South really prefers to "go it alone," we urge that the North should not, and we believe that she will not, undertake to pass judgment upon the validity or sufficiency of the reasons alleged for such alienation. If the Union be really oppressive or unjust to the South--nay, if the South really believes it so — we insist that a decent self-respect should impel the North to say, "We think you utterly mistaken; but you have a right to judge for yourselves; so go if you will." Nothing so much tends to confirm the South in her mistaken notion that the North is enriched at her cost by the Union, as the sordid, mercenary grounds on which the Union is too commonly glorified at the North as the source and seal of our material prosperity and progress. This is as false as it is mean. Our commercial dealings with the cotton region are no more advantageous to one side than to the other, and they are not at all dependent on the Union.--If the South were to set up for herself, she would still have cotton, rice, tobacco and sugar to sell, and would want to exchange them for corn, bacon, hardware, groceries and dry goods. She would trade with us just as she does now provided she could do better here than else where; and, as she could not then expect us to catch her runaway slaves, nor to pretend to idolize her "domestic institutions." she would probably have fewer grievances to irritate her, fewer fancied wrongs to redress, than now.

’ The New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger writing, Friday, says:

‘ The money kings had a relapse to-day. The gleam of sunshine, yesterday, is all clouded over again by the scary reports from Milledgeville, announcing that the Georgia Legislature have resolved, or are going to resolve, to back up South Carolina, at the same time placing a million of dollars at the service of the State for warlike purposes. People who have debts due them in Georgia, moreover, feel very uncomfortable in view of the prospects of the passage of a bill suspending the collection of debts until January, 1861. Under these circumstances, of course, "money" continues as tight as a drum, and stocks continue to run down hill, like water.

I have it on good authority, that several of the most eminent clergymen of the city have been waited upon by various citizens, within

the day or two past, to urge them to preach discourses on Sunday next suitable to the crisis. The hope is, that words of conciliation and kindness from the Northern pulpit will help to restore a kindlier feeling at the South.

Twelve hundred kegs of powder and eighty-four boxes of ammunition, were shipped today to Charleston. S. C.

A private meeting of some twenty of our leading citizens was held last evening, at the New York Hotel, to take into consideration what measures could be adopted towards allaying the excitement which exists in several of the Southern States in reference to secession from the Union. A committee was appointed to draft resolutions for a future meeting.

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