
Disgraceful Conduct of soldiers.

For some time past the soldiers attached to the division of Gen. Hood stationed in Chesterfield county, have been perpetrating the most highhanded outrages. The Petersburg Express learns that not only have extensive robberies been committed and depredations upon private property, but the trains running between Richmond and Petersburg have been assailed, and patrons travelling in them injured. On one occasion several window glasses of the cars were broken by snow-balls, and a lady sitting near one of them so seriously injured as to require the services of a physician:

On Thursday night last, twelve soldiers, armed to the teeth and purporting to belong to General Road's division, appeared at the Half way House, and demanded admittance into the store of Mr. Charkley, the postmaster. They stated that they had orders from headquarters to search his promises for Equor, and exhibited a forged order to that effect. Seeing that those men were determined upon entering into the store, whether peacefully or by fires the boy who kept the store admitted them. Their reached for the liquor proved ineffectual, but they satisfied themselves by forcibly taking a large quantity of goods of various kinds from the store, and then took leave without so much as saying "thank you." The value of the goods thus stolen is estimated at fully $1,000. These "twelve soldiers" then visited Mr. Chalkley's hog pen and slaughtered and carried off five very fine hogs, valued at not less than $1,000 more. They also proceeded on the same night to the residence of Mr Spinner Woodring, a short distance off and robbed smoke-house of a large amount of bacon, besides confiscating other articles and perpetrating other outrages.

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