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ARIADNEIA (ἀριάδνεια), festivals solemnised in the island of Naxos in honour of Ariadne, who, according to one tradition, had died here a natural death, and was honoured with sacrifices, accompanied by rejoicing and merriment (Plut. Thes. 20). Another festival of the same name was celebrated in honour of Ariadne in Cyprus, which was said to have been instituted by Theseus in commemoration of her death in the month of Gorpiaeos. The Amathusians called the grove in which the grave of Ariadne was shown, that of Aphrodite-Ariadne. This is the account given by Plutarch (Plut. Thes. 20) from Paeon, an Amathusian writer. (Comp. C. F. Hermann, Gottesd. Alterth., § 65, n. 12.)


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