
From the Rappahannock lines.

Nothing of stirring interest has occurred on the lines of the Rappahannock since our last report.--The Central train yesterday afternoon brought to the city four Federal prisoners, two of them members of the 1st Connecticut cavalry, one of the Maryland cavalry, and the other of the 60th New York regiment. The Connecticut men were captured while on picket a few miles from Madison Court House, on Tuesday morning. These prisoners state that the main body of the Federal army is in Culpeper, near the Rapidan river, and that a forward movement is daily contemplated. At Madison Court-House the force consists of about 3,000 infantry, with some artillery and cavalry, under the immediate command of the Dutch General, Siegel, The representative of Maryland is a sharp-faced German, named Kephart, who joined the regiment at Winchester, where he says he lived for sometime previous to his enlisting. The New Yorker is a rough-looking customer, who wishes to claim the credit of deserting from the Federal army, stating that he crossed the river with that intention, when he was overhauled by our pickets.

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