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*Gorgi/das), a Theban, of the party of Epameinondas and Pelopidas. When the first step had been taken towards the recovery of the Cadmeia from the Spartan garrison in B. C. 379, and Archias and Leontiades were slain, Epameinondas and Gorgidas came forward and joined Pelopidas and his confederates, solemnly introducing them into the Theban assembly, and calling on the people to fight for their country and their gods. (Plut. Pel. 12.) In the next year, B. C. 378, Gorgidas and Pelopidas were Boeotarchs together, and Plutarch ascribes to them the plan of tampering with Sphodrias, the Spartan harmost, whom Cleombrotus had left at Thespiae, to induce him to invade Attica, and so to embroil the Athenians with Lacedaemon. (Plut. Pel. 14, Ages. 24; Xen. Hell. 5.4. §§ 20, &c.; comp. Diod. 15.29.)


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