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*Gorgw/pas), a Spartan, acted as vice-admiral under Hieax and Antalcidas successively, in B. C. 388. When Hierax sailed to Rhodes to carry on the war there, he left Gorgopas with twelve ships at Aegina, to act against the Athenians, who, under Pamphilus, had possessed themselves of a fort in the island, and who were soon reduced to such distress, that a powerful squadron of ships was despatched from Athens to convey them home. Gorgopas and the Aeginetan privateers now renewing their attacks on the Athenian coast, EUNOMUS was sent out to act against then. Meanwhile, Antalcidas superseded Hierax in the command of the fleet, and being entrusted also with a mission to the Persian court, was escorted by Gorgopas as far as Ephesus. Gorgopas, returning hence to Aegina, fell in with the squadron of Eunomus, and succeeded in capturing four of his triremes off Zoster in Attica. [See Vol. II. p. 95a.] Soon after this, however, Chabrias landed in Aegina, on his way to Cyprus to aid Evagoras against the Persians, and defeated the Spartans by leans of an ambuscade, Gorgopas being slain in the battle. (Xen. Hell. 5.1. §§ 1-12; Polyaen. 3.10; Dem. c. Lept. p. 479, ad fin.)


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