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Sab'nus, M. Cae'lius

a Roman jurist, who succeeded Cassius Longinus. He was not the Sabinus from whom the Sabiniani took their name. Caelius Sabinus was named consul by Otho; and Vitellius, on his accession to power, did not rescind the appointment. His consulship belonged to A. D. 69, in which year Vitellius was succeeded by Vespasianus. He wrote a work, Ad Edictum Aedilium Curulium (Gel. 4.2, 7.4). In the first of these two passages Gellius mentions the work of Caelius (in libro queen de Edicto Aedilium Curuliou composuit); and Caelius here quotes Labeo. Nearly the same words are given by Ulpian (De Aedilicio Edicto, Dig. 21. tit. l. s. 1.7), but he quotes only Sabinus, and omits Labeo's name. In the second passage Gellius quotes the words of Caelius as to the practice of slaves being sold with the pileus on the head, when the vendor would not warrant them; and though the work on the Edict is not quoted there, it seems certain that this extract must be from this book of Caelius. It appears that Caelius must also have written other works. (Dig. 35. tit. 1. s. 72.7.) There are no extracts from Caelius in the Digest, but he is often cited, sometimes as Caelius Sabinus, sometimes by the name of Sabinus only.


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