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While in the house the old blind man, always possessed by his tearful longing for the pair of brothers estranged from the home, [330] rushed to kill himself with the sword or by the noose suspended over his chamber-roof, moaning his curses on his sons; [335] and now he hides himself in darkness, always weeping and lamenting. And you, my child, I hear you have married and are begetting children to your joy in a foreign home, [340] and are courting a foreign alliance, a ceaseless woe to me your mother and to Laius your ancestor, ruin brought by your marriage. I was not the one who lit for you the marriage-torch, [345] the custom in marriage for a happy mother; Ismenus had no part at your wedding in supplying the luxurious bath, and there was silence through the streets of Thebes, at the entrance of your bride. [350] Curses on them! whether the sword or strife or your father that is to blame, or heaven's visitation that has burst riotously upon the house of Oedipus; for on me has come all the anguish of these evils.

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