Now behold how providence and fortune triumphed over the impiety of the Amphissians. It was in the archonship of Theophrastus;1 Diognetus of Anaphlystus was our hieromnemon; as pylagori2 you elected Meidias of Anagyrus, whom you all remember—I wish for many reasons he were still living3—and Thrasycles of Oeum; I was the third. But it happened that we were no sooner come to Delphi than Diognetus, the hieromnemon, fell sick with fever; the same misfortune had befallen Meidias already.
1 340/39 b.c.
2 The hieromnemon, selected annually by lot, was the official representative of the state in the Amphictyonic Council; the three pylagori were selected by vote as his advisors. The pylagori had the privilege of taking part in the debates of the Amphictyonic Council, but the vote of the state was cast by the hieromnemon.
3 See on Aeschin. 3.53.
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