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Or is it not possible that he may feel fear
in the way described? For courage is following reason, and reason bids
us choose what is fine. Hence he who endures formidable things not on
account of reason is either out of his mind or daring, but only he who does so from
motives of honor is fearless and brave. The coward, therefore, fears
even things that he ought not to fear, and the daring man is bold even
about things about which he ought not to be bold, but the brave man
alone does both as he ought, and is intermediate in this respect, for
he feels both confidence and fear about what ever things reason bids;
but reason does not bid him endure things that are extremely painful
and destructive, unless they are fine. The daring man, therefore, faces such things
with confidence even if reason does not bid him face them, and the
coward does not face them even if it does, but only the brave man
faces them if reason bids.There are five kinds of courage
so called by analogy, because brave men of these kinds endure the same
things as the really courageous but not for the same reasons. One is
civic courage; this is courage due to a sense of shame. Second is
military courage; this is due to experience and to knowledge, not of
what is formidable, as Socrates said,1 but
of ways of encountering what is formidable. Third is the courage due to
inexperience and ignorance, that makes children and madmen face things
rushing on them, or grasp snakes. Another is the courage caused by
hope, which often makes those who have had a stroke of luck endure
and those who
are intoxicated—for wine makes men sanguine. Another is due to some
irrational emotion, for example love or passion. For if a man is in
love he is more daring than cowardly, and endures many dangers, like
the man2 who
murdered the tyrant at Metapontium and the person in Crete in the story3; and similarly if a
man is under the influence of anger and passion, for passion is a
thing that makes him beside himself. Hence wild boars are thought to
be brave, though they are not really, for they are so when they are
beside themselves, but otherwise they are variable, like daring men.
But nevertheless
the courage of passion is in the highest degree natural; passion is a
thing that does not know defeat, owing to which the young are the best
fighters. Civic courage is due to law. But none of these is truly courage, though
they are all useful for encouragement in dangers.Up to this point we have spoken about things formidable in general
terms, but it will be better to define them more precisely. As a
general term the formidable denotes what causes fear, and that is of a
property of things that appear capable of causing pain of a
destructive kind: for persons expecting some other pain might perhaps
experience a different sort of pain and a different feeling, but will
not have fear—for example if a man foresaw that he was going
to feel the pain felt by the jealous, or the sort of pain felt by the
envious or by those who are ashamed. But fear only occurs in the case of pains that
seem likely to be of the kind whose nature it is to destroy life.
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