does not
seem to be a discovery of political philosophers of today or one made
recently.1 In Egypt this arrangement still exists even now,
as also in Crete; it is said to have
been established in Egypt by the
legislation of Sesostris and in Crete
by that of Minos. Common meals also
seem to be an ancient institution, those in Crete having begun in the reign of Minos, while those in
Italy are much older than these.
According to the historians one of the settlers there, a certain Italus, became
king of Oenotria, and from him they took the name of Italians instead of that of
Oenotrians, and the name of Italy was given to all that promontory2 of Europe lying
between the Gulfs of Scylletium and of Lametus,3 which are half a day's
journey apart. It was this Italus
then who according to tradition converted the Oenotrians from a pastoral life to
one of agriculture and gave them various ordinances, being the first to
institute their system of common meals; hence the common meals and some of his
laws are still observed by certain of his successors even today. The settlers in
the direction of Tyrrhenia4 were Opicans, who today as in former times
bear the surname of
Ausonians; the
region towards Iapygia5 and the Ionian Gulf, called Syrtis, was
inhabited by the Chones, who also were Oenotrians by race. It is from this country that the system of common
meals has its origin, while the division of the citizen-body by hereditary caste
came from Egypt, for the reign of
Sesostris long antedates that of Minos. We may almost take it therefore that all
other political devices also have been discovered repeatedly, or rather an
infinite number of times over, in the lapse of ages; for the discoveries of a
necessary kind are probably taught by need itself, and when the necessaries have
been provided it is reasonable that things contributing to refinement and luxury
should find their development; so that we must assume that this is the way with
political institutions also. The
antiquity of all of them is indicated by the history of Egypt; for the Egyptians are reputed to be the
oldest of nations, but they have always had laws and a political system. Hence
we should use the results of previous discovery when adequate, while endeavoring
to investigate matters hitherto passed over.It
has been stated before that the land ought to be owned by those who possess arms
and those who share the rights of the constitution, and why the cultivators
ought to be a different caste from these, and what is the proper extent and
conformation of the country. We have
now to discuss first the allotment of the land, and the proper class and
character of its cultivators; since we advocate not common ownership of land, as
some have done,
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