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[1500] Is it on Perseus' citadel you call, that town Cyclopean workmen built?

To be a light to Hellas did you rear me, and so I do not say No to death.

You are right; no fear that fame will ever desert you!

[1505] Hail to you, bright lamp of day and light of Zeus! A different life, a different lot is henceforth mine. Farewell I bid you, light beloved! Exit Iphigenia. .

[1510] Behold the maiden on her way, the destroyer of Ilium's town and the Phrygians, with garlands twined about her head, and drops of lustral water on her, soon to be sprinkled with her gushing blood [1515] the altar of a murderous goddess, when her shapely neck is severed. For you fair streams of a father's pouring and lustral waters are in store, for you Achaea's army is waiting, eager [1520] to reach the citadel of Ilium. But let us celebrate Artemis, the daughter of Zeus, queen among the gods, as if upon some happy chance. O lady revered, delighting in human [1525] sacrifice, send on its way to Phrygia's land the army of the Hellenes, to Troy's abodes of guile, and grant that Agamemnon may wreathe his head with deathless fame, [1530] a crown of fairest glory for the spearmen of Hellas.

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