Enter the Chorus of Trojan guards.

Go to Hector's couch. Which of you squires that tend the prince, or you armor-clad men, is awake? He ought to receive fresh tidings [5] from the warriors who were set to guard the assembled army during the fourth watch of the night. Calls to Hector in the tent. Lift up your head! Prop your arm beneath it! Unseal that fierce eye from its repose; quit your lowly couch of scattered leaves, [10] Hector! It is time to hearken.

Who is this? Is it a friend who calls? Who are you? Your password? Speak! Who are these who come near my couch in the night? You must tell me.

[15] Sentinels of the army.

Why this tumultuous haste?

Be of good courage.

I am. Is there some midnight ambush?


Why do you desert your post and rouse the army, unless you have some tidings of the night? [20] Are you not aware how near the Argive army we take our night's repose clad in all our armor?

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