so far as our strength
allows.” “No, we mustn't.” “Do you
think,” said I, “that there is any difference between
the nature of a well-bred hound for this watch-dog's work and of a well-born
lad?” “What point have you in mind?”
“I mean that each of them must be keen of perception, quick in
pursuit of what it has apprehended,1 and strong too if it has to fight
it out with its captive.” “Why, yes,” said he,
“there is need of all these qualities.” “And
it must, further, be brave2 if it is to fight
well.” “Of course.” “And will a
creature be ready to be brave that is not high-spirited, whether horse or
dog or
1 αἰσθανόμενον: present. There is no pause between perception and pursuit.
2 In common parlance. Philosophically speaking, no brute is brave.Laches 196 D, 430 B.
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