both for other purposes and for the production of
offspring as among animals also.1” “It is probable,” he said.
“To put it briefly, then,” said I, “it is to
this that the overseers of our state must cleave and be watchful against its
insensible corruption. They must throughout be watchful against innovations
in music and gymnastics counter to the established order, and to the best of
their power guard against them, fearing when anyone says that“
That song is most regarded among men
Which hovers newest on the singer's lips,
”Hom. Od. 1.3512
Which hovers newest on the singer's lips,
”Hom. Od. 1.3512
1 Cf. 459 A.
2 Our text has ἐπικλείουσ᾽ and ἀκουόντεσσι. For the variant cf. Howes in Harvard Studies, vi. p. 205. For the commonplace that new songs are best cf. Pindar, Ol. 9. 52.
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