1 Cf. 412 E.
2 The moral training of the guardians is likened to the dyeing of selected white wools with fast colors. Cf. Aristotle Eth. Nic. 1105 a 2, Marc. Aurel. iii. 4. 3δικαιοσύνῃ βεβαμμένον εἰς βάθος, Sir Thomas Browne, Christian Morals, i. 9 “Be what thou virtuously art, and let not the ocean wash away thy tincture.” The idea that the underlying subsatnce must be of neutral quality may have been suggested to Plato by Anaxagoras. It occurs in the Timaeus 50 D-E, whence it passed to Aristotle's psychology and Lucretius. Cf. my paper on “Plato, Epicurus, and Lucretius,”Harvard Studies, vol. xii. p. 204.
3 For the technique cf. Blummer, Technologie, vol. i. pp. 227 ff. The θεράπευσις seems to be virtually identical with the προπαρασκευή, so that the aorist seems appropriate, unless with Adam's earlier edition we transpose it immediately before οὕτω δή.
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