or the love of money1 which we might
say is not least likely to be found in Phoenicians2 and the population of Egypt.” “One certainly
might,” he replied. “This is the fact then,”
said I, “and there is no difficulty in recognizing it.”
“Certainly not.”“But the matter begins to be difficult when you ask whether we
do all these things with the same thing or whether there are three things
and we do one thing with one and one with another—learn with one
part of ourselves, feel anger with another, and with yet a third desire the
pleasures of nutrition
1 φιλοχρήματον is a virtual synonym of ἐπιθυμητικόν. Cf. 580 E and Phaedo 68 C, 82 C.
2 In Laws 747 C, Plato tells that for this or some other cause the mathematical education of the Phoenicians and Egyptians, which he commends, developed in them πανουργία rather than σοφία.
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