1 Cf. Sophocles Trach. 437.
2 So Isocrates xv. 74ὅλοις εἴδεσι.
3 Cf. 424 A, Laws 739 C. Aristotle says that the possessions of friends should be separate in ownership but common in use, as at Sparta. Cf. Newman, Introduction to Aristotle Politics p. 201, Epicurus in Diogenes Laertius x. 11, Aristotle Politics 1263 a 30 ff., Euripides Andromache 270.
4 Cf. 459 D, Laws 668 D, Aristotle Politics 1269 b 13, Shakespeare Tro. and Cre. I. i. 23 “But here's yet in the word hereafter the kneading, the making of the cake,” etc.
5 Cf. Laws 665 B 7.
6 Cf. Aristotle Politics 1264 a 12.
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