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[487d] and dropping it while still young, but lingering too long1 in the study of it, the majority become cranks,2 not to say rascals, and those accounted the finest spirits among them are still rendered useless3 to society by the pursuit4 which you commend.” And I, on hearing this, said, “Do you think that they are mistaken in saying so?” “I don't know,” said he,

1 Cf. What Plato Said, p. 506 on Gorg. 484 C.

2 Cf. Euthydem. 306 E, Protag. 346 A, and for the idea without the word, Soph. 216 C.

3 Cf. Eurip.Medea 299, and on 489 B.

4 Cf. 497 A. In Euthydem. 307 B Plato uses both ἐπιτήδευμα and πρᾶγμα

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