1 The participle περικεχυμένους occurs in Polit. 268 C, but is avoided here by anacoluthon.
2 For the idiom πάντα ποιεῖν Cf. Euthyph. 8 C, 504 D-E, 471 C, 575 E, 494 E, Gorg. 479 C, Phaedr. 252 E, Apol. 39 A, and, slightly varied, Eurip.Heracleidae 841.
3 The word ἐκβάλλοντας helps the obvious allegory, for it also means banish.
4 Here figurative. Cf. Gorg. 482 E, Theaet. 165 E. Infra 615 E it is used literally.
5 Cf. Polit. 297 E. The expression is slightly ironical. Such is frequently the tone of γενναῖος in Plato. Cf. Rep. 454 A, 363 A, 544 C, 348 CHipp. Min. 370 D, Soph. 231 B, Hipp. Maj. 290 , Polit. 274 E.
6 Cf. Polit. 302 A, Laws 906 E, Jebb on Soph.Antig. 189-190.
7 Cf. 407 D with Thucyd. iv. 26, vi 69, vii. 25.
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