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But tell me of any other Athenian or foreigner, slave or freeman, who is accounted to have become wiser through converse with Pericles; as I can tell you that Pythodorus1 son of Isolochus, and Callias,2 son of Calliades, became through that of Zeno3; each of them has paid Zeno a hundred minae,4 and has become both wise and distinguished.

Well, upon my word, I cannot.

Very good: then what is your intention regarding yourself? Will you remain as you are, or take some trouble?

1 A friend of Zeno: cf. Plat. Parm. 126.

2 An Athenian general.

3 Of Elea, in S. Italy; a disciple of Parmenides who criticized the Pythagorean teaching.

4 About 600-800 pounds, or the total expenses of two or three years at an English University.

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  • Cross-references in notes from this page (1):
    • Plato, Parmenides, 126a
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