Outside Abydus lies the territory of Ilium—the parts on the shore extending to Lectum, and the places in the Trojan Plain, and the parts on the side of Mt. Ida that were subject to Aeneias. The poet names these last parts in two ways, at one time saying as follows:“The Dardanii in turn were led by the valiant son of Anchises,
”1calling the inhabitants "Dardanii"; and at another time, "Dardani":“The Trojans and Lycians and Dardani that fight in close combat.
”2And it is reasonable to suppose that this was in ancient times.the site of the Dardania mentioned by the poet when he says,“At first Dardanus was begotten by Zeus the cloud-gatherer, and he founded Dardania;
”3for at the present time there is not so much as a trace of a city preserved in that territory.4
”1calling the inhabitants "Dardanii"; and at another time, "Dardani":“The Trojans and Lycians and Dardani that fight in close combat.
”2And it is reasonable to suppose that this was in ancient times.the site of the Dardania mentioned by the poet when he says,“At first Dardanus was begotten by Zeus the cloud-gatherer, and he founded Dardania;
”3for at the present time there is not so much as a trace of a city preserved in that territory.4
4 On the boundaries of Dardania, see Leaf (l.c., p.137).
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